History Events on March 12

Andrew Watson makes his Scotland debut as the world's first black international football player and captain.

The Girl Guides (later renamed the Girl Scouts of the USA) are founded in the United States.

Several hundred Spanish and indigenous troops under the command of Pedro de Valdivia defeat an army of 60,000 Mapuche at the Battle of Penco during the Arauco War in present-day Chile.

Robert Holmes attacks a Dutch trade convoy, the Smyrna fleet, beginning the Rampjaar.

American Civil War: The Red River Campaign begins as a US Navy fleet of 13 Ironclads and 7 Gunboats and other support ships enter the Red River.

Ignatius of Loyola and Francis Xavier, founders of the Society of Jesus, are canonized by the Roman Catholic Church.

A reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant melts and explodes and releases radioactivity into the atmosphere a day after Japan's earthquake.

Mauritius achieves independence from the United Kingdom.

Great Depression: Franklin D. Roosevelt addresses the nation for the first time as President of the United States. This is also the first of his "fireside chats".

Winter War: Finland signs the Moscow Peace Treaty with the Soviet Union, ceding almost all of Finnish Karelia. Finnish troops and the remaining population are immediately evacuated.

A gas explosion in the New York City neighborhood of East Harlem kills eight and injures 70 others.

North Korea nuclear weapons program: North Korea says that it plans to withdraw from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and refuses to allow inspectors access to its nuclear sites.

WHO officially release global warning on pandemic SARS disease.

Mauritius becomes a republic while remaining a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.

Mahatma Gandhi begins the Salt March, a 200-mile march to the sea to protest the British monopoly on salt in India.

In the House of Commons, the revised EU Withdrawal Bill was rejected by a margin of 149 votes.

Former Warsaw Pact members the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland join NATO.

Cold War: The Truman Doctrine is proclaimed to help stem the spread of Communism.

The Kapp Putsch begins when the Marinebrigade Ehrhardt is ordered to march on Berlin.

The Church of England ordains its first female priests.

The Llandow air disaster occurs near Sigingstone, Wales, in which 80 people die when their aircraft crashed, making it the world's deadliest air disaster at the time.

Konstantin Päts and General Johan Laidoner stage a coup in Estonia, and ban all political parties.

The President of South Korea, Roh Moo-hyun, is impeached by its National Assembly: The first such impeachment in the nation's history.

The Williamite War in Ireland begins.

Zoran ?in?i?, Prime Minister of Serbia, is assassinated in Belgrade.

Moscow becomes the capital of Russia again after Saint Petersburg held this status for 215 years.

World War II: Pacific War: The Battle of Java ends with an ABDACOM surrender to the Japanese Empire in Bandung, West Java, Dutch East Indies.

Anschluss: German troops occupy and absorb Austria.

Peninsular War: A day after a successful rearguard action, French Marshal Michel Ney once again successfully delays the pursuing Anglo-Portuguese force at the Battle of Redinha.

Suharto takes power from Sukarno when the MPRS inaugurate him as Acting President of Indonesia.

Coca-Cola is bottled and sold for the first time in Vicksburg, Mississippi, by local soda fountain operator Joseph A. Biedenharn.

In California, the St. Francis Dam fails; the resulting floods kill 431 people.

Vitiges, king of the Ostrogoths ends his siege of Rome and retreats to Ravenna, leaving the city in the hands of the victorious Byzantine general, Belisarius.