History Events on June 27

The 'Ustica massacre': Itavia Flight 870 crashes in the sea while en route from Bologna to Palermo, Italy, killing all 81 on board.

In the Battle of Dettingen, George II becomes the last reigning British monarch to participate in a battle.

France grants independence to Djibouti.

Tony Blair resigns as British Prime Minister, a position he had held since 1997.

The Republic of Ragusa is founded.

The first solo circumnavigation of the globe is completed by Joshua Slocum from Briar Island, Nova Scotia.

The Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant, the Soviet Union's first nuclear power station, opens in Obninsk, near Moscow.

After only three years in business, rock promoter Bill Graham closes Fillmore East in New York, the "Church of Rock and Roll".

The President of Uruguay Juan María Bordaberry dissolves Parliament and establishes a dictatorship.

German troops capture the city of Bia?ystok during Operation Barbarossa.

Space Shuttle Columbia launched from the Kennedy Space Center on the final research and development flight mission, STS-4.

During the Russo-Japanese War, sailors start a mutiny aboard the Russian battleship Potemkin.

U.S. president Richard Nixon visits the Soviet Union.

NASA launches the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, a space probe to observe the Sun.

Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, and his brother Hyrum Smith, are killed by a mob at the Carthage, Illinois jail.

Cornish rebels Michael An Gof and Thomas Flamank are executed at Tyburn, London, England.

The inaugural run of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad's Royal Blue from Washington, D.C., to New York City, the first U.S. passenger train to use electric locomotives.

Slovenia, after declaring independence two days before is invaded by Yugoslav troops, tanks, and aircraft starting the Ten-Day War.

A series of powerful cyberattacks using the Petya malware begins that swamped websites of Ukrainian organizations and counterparts with Ukrainian connections around the globe.

Confederate forces defeat Union forces during the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain during the Atlanta Campaign of the American Civil War.

Hurricane Audrey makes landfall near the Texas-Louisiana border, killing over 400 people, mainly in and around Cameron, Louisiana.

The Gare de Lyon rail accident in Paris, France, kills 56 people.

The United States decides to send troops to fight in the Korean War.

The thirteen Stratford Martyrs are burned at the stake near London for their Protestant beliefs.

British forces take Buenos Aires during the first of the British invasions of the River Plate.

Prime Minister of Japan Tanaka Giichi convenes an eleven-day conference to discuss Japan's strategy in China. The Tanaka Memorial, a forged plan for world domination, is later claimed to be a secret report leaked from this conference.