History Events on March 26

South Vietnamese President Nguy?n V?n Thi?u implements a land reform program to solve the problem of land tenancy.

The United States Army launches Explorer 3.

Emperor Maurice proclaims his son Theodosius as co-emperor of the Byzantine Empire.

An earthquake devastates Caracas, Venezuela.

William Caxton prints his translation of Aesop's Fables.

The elections of Commune council of the Paris Commune are held.

Nuclear weapons testing: The Romeo shot of Operation Castle is detonated at Bikini Atoll. Yield: 11 megatons.

Guru Amar Das becomes the Third Sikh guru.

East Pakistan declares its independence from Pakistan to form Bangladesh and the Bangladesh Liberation War begins.

World War II: The Battle of Iwo Jima ends as the island is officially secured by American forces.

World War I: First Battle of Gaza: British troops are halted after 17,000 Turks block their advance.

The Biological Weapons Convention comes into force.

The Siege of Algeciras, one of the first European military engagements where gunpowder was used, comes to an end.

Spanish Civil War: Nationalists begin their final offensive of the war.

Swissair is founded as the national airline of Switzerland.

Emperor Zhu Wen of Later Liang has Li Zhu, the last Tang Dynasty emperor, poisoned.

Combat of the Thirty: Thirty Breton knights call out and defeat thirty English knights.

Around 200,000 to 300,000 Taiwanese demonstrate in Taipei in opposition to the Anti-Secession Law of China.

First Balkan War: Bulgarian forces capture Adrianople.
A political cartoon in the Boston Gazette coins the term "gerrymander" to describe oddly shaped electoral districts designed to help incumbents win reelection.

A groundbreaking ceremony for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial is held in Washington, D.C.

Ten thousand people gather for one of many Central Park be-ins in New York City.

During the Algerian Civil War, the Oued Bouaicha massacre sees fifty-two people, mostly infants, killed with axes and knives.

Saladin becomes the emir of Egypt.

Social Democratic Party (UK) is founded as a party.

The first Henley Royal Regatta is held.

The Book of Mormon is published in Palmyra, New York.

Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay sign the Treaty of Asunción, establishing Mercosur, the South Common Market.

World War II: The first female prisoners arrive at Auschwitz concentration camp in German-occupied Poland.