History Events on June 10

Copenhagen is surrounded by the army of Frederick I of Denmark, as the city will not recognise him as the successor of Christian II of Denmark.

The first Boat Race between the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge takes place on the Thames in London.

First Barbary War: Yusuf Karamanli signs a treaty ending the hostilities between Tripolitania and the United States.

China conducts a nuclear test for DF-31 warhead at Area C (Beishan), Lop Nur, its prominence being due to the Cox Report.

The first direct electronic communication experiment between the nervous systems of two humans is carried out by Kevin Warwick in the United Kingdom.

Before fleeing his northern stronghold, Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot orders the killing of his defense chief Son Sen and 11 of Sen's family members.

John Diefenbaker leads the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada to a stunning upset in the 1957 Canadian federal election, ending 22 years of Liberal Party government.

Chaco War ends: A truce is called between Bolivia and Paraguay who had been fighting since 1932.

Mihailo Obrenovi? III, Prince of Serbia is assassinated.

Peace talks begin in Northern Ireland without the participation of Sinn Féin.

Spanish-American War: In the Battle of Guantánamo Bay, U.S. Marines begin the American invasion of Spanish-held Cuba.

The Battle of Pelekanon results in a Byzantine defeat by the Ottoman Empire.

An Agusta A109E Power crashed onto the AXA Equitable Center on Seventh Avenue in Manhattan, New York City, which sparked a fire on the top of the building. The pilot of the helicopter was killed.

Thirty Years' War: Battle of Záblatí, a turning point in the Bohemian Revolt.

In baseball, 15-year-old Joe Nuxhall of the Cincinnati Reds becomes the youngest player ever in a major-league game.

The Austro-Hungarian battleship SMS Szent István sinks off the Croatian coast after being torpedoed by an Italian MAS motorboat; the event is recorded by camera from a nearby vessel.

The African National Congress in South Africa publishes a call to fight from their imprisoned leader Nelson Mandela.

World War II: Six hundred forty-two men, women and children massacred at Oradour-sur-Glane, France.

The Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire was declared by Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca.

The Six-Day War ends: Israel and Syria agree to a cease-fire.

The Equal Pay Act of 1963, aimed at abolishing wage disparity based on sex, was signed into law by John F. Kennedy as part of his New Frontier Program.

World War II: The Kingdom of Italy declares war on France and the United Kingdom.

Emperor Tenji of Japan introduces a water clock (clepsydra) called Rokoku. The instrument, which measures time and indicates hours, is placed in the capital of ?tsu.

Saab produces its first automobile.

French Revolution: Following the arrests of Girondin leaders, the Jacobins gain control of the Committee of Public Safety installing the revolutionary dictatorship.

Australian Imperial Forces land in Brunei Bay to liberate Brunei.

Pope John Paul II canonizes Lebanon's first female saint, Saint Rafqa.

James Earl Ray escapes from Brushy Mountain State Prison in Petros, Tennessee. He is recaptured three days later.

Mount Tarawera in New Zealand erupts, killing 153 people and burying the famous Pink and White Terraces. Eruptions continue for three months creating a large, 17 km long fissure across the mountain peak.

American Civil War: Battle of Big Bethel: Confederate troops under John B. Magruder defeat a much larger Union force led by General Ebenezer W. Pierce in Virginia.

United States Senate breaks a 75-day filibuster against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, leading to the bill's passage.

Council of Trent: Pope Paul III sends out letters to his bishops, delaying the Council due to war and the difficulty bishops had traveling to Venice.

Signing of the Treaty of Compiègne between France and the Netherlands.

World War II: Military resistance to the German occupation of Norway ends.

The Spirit rover is launched, beginning NASA's Mars Exploration Rover mission.

Salem witch trials: Bridget Bishop is hanged at Gallows Hill near Salem, Massachusetts, for "certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries".

Myall Creek massacre: Twenty-eight Aboriginal Australians are murdered.

The United States Naval Academy graduates its first class of students.

World War II: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt denounces Italy's actions in his "Stab in the Back" speech at the graduation ceremonies of the University of Virginia.

Third Crusade: Frederick I Barbarossa drowns in the river Saleph while leading an army to Jerusalem.
World War II: In Distomo, Boeotia, Greece, 218 men, women and children are massacred by German troops.

League of Prizren is established, to oppose the decisions of the Congress of Berlin and the Treaty of San Stefano, as a consequence of which the Albanian lands in the Balkans were being partitioned and given to the neighbor states of Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, and Greece.

British Airways Flight 5390 lands safely at Southampton Airport after a blowout in the cockpit causes the captain to be partially sucked from the cockpit. There are no fatalities.

Kosovo War: NATO suspends its airstrikes after Slobodan Miloševi? agrees to withdraw Serbian forces from Kosovo.