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When are the planets discovered in our solar system?

The first 5 planets of our splash solar system are difficult to date, visible with nights that are often all identified for a long time.

Of course, it depends on their distance and whether you count vision to reality, but the discovery day is unknown, what we know is that it is their original record.

The planets have changed over time and each behavior is like an elderly in the sky, watching every star, organisms and dust bottles in the entire solar system.

Here we will go through the discovery day of each planet, whether in writing or reality and some interesting facts about every magic.




The mul.apin tablet holds the earliest recorded observations of the planet and is likely to be done by an Astronomer Assyria.

The tablet itself is said to be a dating back to 1000BCE or earlier, they contain the largest surviving record of stars and Babylon constellations.


After that, the Romans called Mercury Planet after their Messenger God when it moved in the sky faster than any other planet.


It's 18 Times Smaller Than Earth with a Diameter of 3,031 Miles (4,878 km) and Goes Around The Sun Every 88 Days, One Day On Mercury Lasts Just Under 59 Earth Days.

Mariner 10 was the first to visit Mercury Bay in 1974 and 1975, saw less than half of the planet.

It is no longer seen for over 30 years.



Observing the first writing of Kim Kim is a 21-year record that appears in the sky.

It was written on a Babylon document from 1600 BC - one of the oldest surviving astronomical documents.

Galileo Galilei in 1610, was the first to observe Venus through the telescope, noticing the planet through the same stages like the moon, this supported Copernican's views that the planets turn around the sun and not

The surface of Venus reaches 900 ° F (480 ° C), Venus has no moon known and less than 20% compared to the earth.

One year on the planet is equivalent to 225 days of the earth.

The symbol of Kim is also female ,, in this side, all subtracting the 3 surface features of Venus are named after a famous woman from all over the world, the other 3 are Alpha Regio, Beta Regio and



Of course, Earth is not discovered, in addition to the discovery of each individual when it appears to this green and blue spinning glory.

The first photo of the earth from the space was arrested by a V-2 test missile on October 24, 1946.

The Spherical Nature of the Earth was previously the cause of many exciting debates, the idea was mentioned in Greek philosophy in the 6th century BC but until the 3rd century BC,

Greek astronomy has supported the concept and up to the Middle Ages, the idea of self-twisting into everyone's beliefs.

Ferdinand Magellan and Juan Sebastián Elcano Round The World Voyage for 1519 to 1522 are evidence of conclusions about the earth's sphere nature.

As we can know Earth has 4 classes;

However, it's more interesting, if the earth is in size with nickel, the sun will be a front door.



The first recorded observations of Mars are from ancient Egyptian Astronomers in the 2nd Millennium BC.

In about 300 BC, Aristotle considered, noted that Mars was really farther away from the moon after noticing the moon transmitted before Mars, proving that of course must be closer.

Galileo once again could have the first telescopic look at Mars between 1608 and 1610, but Francisco Fontana made the first practical records in 1636.

His outline shows a lot of quality of the telescopic telescopic less than the day instead of any true description of Mars.

Christian Huygens probably made the first Mars Sketch of information in 1659.

In 1965 22 photos of Mars, the first close-up photos of any planet other than the Earth were sent back by Mariner 4 of NASA.




Jupiter has been known as the wandering star or the same name for Millennia.

In the 4th century BC, ancient Chinese people divided the sky into 12 zodiac areas, with Jupiter or "Star five" passing through an area every year.

In 1610, Galileo discovered 4 large moons of the planet called Moons Galilean;


The first visit to Jupiter was in 1973 because Space Inve Pioneer 10 captured the earliest close-up photos of the planet, revealing the first true characteristics of the mysterious orbit.

Jupiter, with effective temperature -234 ° F (-148 ° C), is the largest planet in our solar system, it has 50 moon and 3 rounds.

The planet has an attractive storm that has raged on the surface for hundreds of years.

It also has different gravity on the ground, if on earth, you weigh 100 lbs (45.4kg) you weigh 253 lbs (114.76kg) on Jupiter.



Saturn is the last planet that the discovery day cannot be identified but it seems that it is recorded by the Assyrians for the first time.

They are supposed to have written the oldest records of Saturn, or "Ninib star", describing it as a light ray of night about 700 BC.

Later, the ancient Greeks named a clear star Kronos, following the agricultural god in the 400BC that the Romans later renamed Satsurnus.

When Galileo for the first time watching Saturn in the early 1600s, he did not think the planet had a ring, but it was a three-part object or a three planet.

Christiaan Huygens, over 40 years later, was formed that 3 objects really rang as we know today, the rings are made of stone and ice.


One year Saturn is equivalent to 29 years Earth.



Sir William Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781. Herschel is probably the most famous astronomer of the 18th century, who first determined the spiral structure of the Milky Ha.

Australian scientists from Aerial Observatory Kuiper and Perth Observatory in 1977 recognized the planet with a similar ring of Saturn.

It was quite found when they really just wanted to see why Thien Vuong go ahead of 158687, a distant star.

Voyager 2 Made The First Fly-by in 1986 Finding 10 New Moons, A Stronger Magnetic Field Than Saturn, and 2 New Rings After Coming Within 81,500km (50,600 miles) Of The Top Of The Planet's Clouds, Voyager 2 Is Still The Only Craft

Sao Thiên Vương, người khổng lồ màu xanh, được đưa ra màu xanh kỳ lạ của nó do khí mêtan trong khí quyển của nó và thường được gọi là một người khổng lồ băng như nó được làm bằng một chất lỏng nóng dày đặc của các vật liệu "băng giá" dày đặc trên đỉnh của một lõi đá nhỏ.


One day on Uranus lasted 17 hours of land and a year on the planet was equivalent to 84 years on Earth.



John Couch Adams, an English astronomer, was recorded with Neptune's Discovery in 1846. At the age of 24, Adams was the first to predict the position of an ocean in the past's past block.

Adams are very close to not be recognized as the discovery of Neptune after not publishing his predictions.

Johann Gottfried Galle, a German astronomer and Heinrich Louis d'Strest using the calculations of Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier, a French mathematician, confirmed the existence of Neptune.


Neptune is quite remarkable, which is the first planet to be found through math predictions rather than telescopic positions.


Neptune is a windy place, its wind speed can be 9 times stronger than the earth.

The Pluto


Pluto, it's / not the planet, which is in the center of many planet debates.


Many people have evaded a planet to get out there to explain some strange happenings with the trajectory of Sao Thien Vuong and Sao Hai Vuong.

This is why Tombaugh is looking for him where he is.

The planet is named after the course, of course, the Roman God.

The first flight occurred on July 14, 2015, where the first high-end photos were photographed on the New Horizons mission.

Pluto has officially defeated as a planet in 2006 and is currently the second largest dwarf planet in our solar system and the second most closest to the sun.




Director of NASA's planetary science department, Jim Green said:


Planet X, or "Planet Nine" because it is also nickname, possibly a scale of Neptune and has an orbit far beyond Pluto, possibly from 10,000 to 20,000 years of Earth.


So we have it, our aware of the solar system of course has changed over time, whether it includes 8 or 9 planets just to start.

Regardless of the amount, every planet has an amazing story, and at some points, the planets can see at least, have been kept very high in worldwide cultures and in god

From the scorching temperature of the star Kim to the storm torn the giant jupiter gas, there was really something blowing in to learn about each planet and we didn't even scratch the surface.