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How does classical music affect the brain?

You may have heard people say that if you listen to classical music, it makes you smarter.

But is this true or is it just a myth?

Why do we listen to music?


Let's start with a bit of background information before we dive into the specifics of classical music.

For hundreds of years, humans have felt the need to create music, move in rhythm or rhythm.

It is said that music can originate in one language, and can come from an early form of human communication.

In 2013, researchers discovered that the reasons why people listen to music can be classified into three categories;

Music can affect our moods, it can enrich our emotions from happy, sad, energetic, passionate and inspired.

But why is this?

Music affects the brain.


There are many theories about why music affects us in such a way.

One theory is that stressful and fast-paced music alters our heart rate, which can create a sense of discomfort if it's sudden or it might make us feel overflowing.

In 2015, a BBC study said, "Ascending, staccato sounds tend to leave us uncomfortable, while long descending sounds seem to have a calming effect"

This study shows that we tend to react in a positive direction to listening to music smoother since our heart rate doesn't increase, meaning we tend to be more relaxed.

A study published in the journal Nature in 2014 found that music has the ability to stimulate parts of our brain that are not used.

This also has something to do with emotional channels and is probably one of the main reasons why we all react differently to what we hear.

Sometimes we associate certain memories or emotions with music and this can sometimes stimulate our productivity.

Why is classical music different.


In 1993, physicist and professor Dr. Gordon Shaw conducted a controlled experiment with classical music.

At the University of California Shaw played Mozart for a group of students and noticed the IQ level increased.

Although the experiment is not considered by many scientists as important evidence, it does show that classical music has a positive effect on the brain.

Researchers believe that listening to classical music not only helps to relax and calms down, helps us function better, but can also change our thinking.

Listening to Mozart helps to warm parts of the brain allowing us to develop abstract thinking.

A separate study by Dr. Kevin Labar has shown that music has the ability to improve concentration and therefore performance.

This is because when we listen to calming classical music, dopamine is released when we become calm and relaxed.

This stops the release of stress-related hormones, meaning the mood improves and what we're doing becomes more interesting.

Listening to classical music relaxes and calms your mind so it can work at full capacity and unlocks creative channels that aren't working.

Music and dopamine.


Dopamine is released when we become calm and relaxed.

The study had eight volunteers that allowed them to scan their brains when they heard the music they liked.

The results showed that dopamine levels in the brain increased by about 9% when the person listened to music they liked.

Only musical instruments were used for the test to ensure that there was no verbal connection to the response to the musical composition.

While you may not think you like classical music, you may find that its calming aura has a positive effect on your brain.

Listen to classical music as a child.


Experts have studied and concluded that listening to classical music helps with brain development.

There is an opinion that listening to classical music helps infants develop better memory skills.

When soothing soothing music is played regularly, it will allow the baby to develop a memorizing rhythm.

This means they will find it easier in the future to learn things like language.

It has also been shown that soothing and soothing music helps babies relax and that a happily calm baby will grow and develop better, which means they will be healthier.

What is the Mozart effect?


The French researcher, Dr. Alfred A. Tomatis first used this term to describe what he thinks is the mind-changing effect on the human brain when listening to Mozart.

It is also suggested that it will improve your IQ.

Although there is little scientific evidence to support this, it is often debated by scientists and the term is very popular among a number of researchers.

So if we start listening to classical music, we have the ability to shape our performance and make the most of our hard work.

Better yet, if we introduce classical music to babies or children, we are helping to form and develop their brains so they can work more efficiently and people are healthier.

Next time you're fiddling with something, why not use some Mozart to help open up creative channels in your brain to help improve your work.