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  • Sunday, February 23, 2025

A few obsessed humor you can not know

Are you afraid of something?

I was wondering about some strange things to be scared and then realized that they could have a name for them.

I can say that I have acrophobia, that's to have a height fear.

Here are the scientific names for some common fears that people have, you may have known some of them, but you can't.

Achlouophobia - afraid of darkness.

Arachnophobia - afraid of spiders.



Coulrophobia - afraid of clowns.

Dentophobia - afraid of dentists.


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Barophobia is a fear of gravity - down this planet!

Neophobia is a fear of new things or ideas - I recommend building a Viking old time machine and returning for several years.

Euphorbia is a fear of listening to good news - living alone, there is no contact with anyone else, don't play lottery and make sure your life is very distressed.

Hippopotomonstrosedaliophobia is a long fear - don't ask anyone who is scientific for long lies.

Logizomomusophobia is a fear of computers - if you have this, please leave a comment that explains what you are reading this blog!

I know three people with globophobia, it's a fear of balloons.

The birthday party must be sucked as a child without balloons.

So if you know anyone has a obsession, please leave a comment saying scientific name or just what they are afraid.