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7 holes of the human body

Don't misunderstand me, the human body is amazing.

I have studied it for many years and it never stopped going to surprise me with complex systems, perfect adaptive agencies and genius-function design.

Or ... may not be too genius.


Our useful spikes.


Throw back a few million years ago;

Then fast forward when after that, people created a large transition to a bi-pedal life.

Scientists have evaded that this is great for a number of reasons, including releasing our hands to allow us to use tools, get the eyes into a higher position and

But not too much for the super essential part of our skeleton.

When becoming vertical, the spine must bend in the S-shape to allow movement while simultaneously balancing heavy cranium, causing pressure that previously doesn't have ... and future generations to complain about

Knackered Knes & Hips.


In addition to pressure on our spikes, becoming Bipedal also means instead of spreading through four limbs, our whole body weight is currently being shared by our feet.

That is, our knees, hips and ankles.



This is probably the first thing to develop the mind when discussing a lesser human body ideally in design.

I can't talk to my personal experience, but I have heard a child's birth that can be quite uncomfortable.

And in fact we have small narrow pelved frames that do not help our circumstances to have less painful experience, nor practically we are interfering with larger brains and therefore large skulls

But this, it's a natural baby choice!

Wisdom teeth.


Returns in our diets including yarn factories, there are three dental dental sets.

However, our modern modern diet includes many soft processed foods that mean two sets will make us fine.

It turns out that the final function sets do not receive a memorandum and still like to appear in teens.

Because our brain becomes larger, our jaw becomes smaller to create space.

For a lot of people in us, the only place for these tooths still emphasizes the jaw, which is an impact on the gums, often requires painful extraction, lots of ibuprofen and a few weeks don't eat anything

A multi-task throat.


Choking is one of the most common causes of death, so you think we will stop putting everything in the mouth just asking to be arrested in our barn right?

Oh yeah, because if we don't, we will starve.

An inappropriate design feature is our throat related to both digestive and respiratory process, and also contains our dialogs to take good measures.

There are alternatives in the animal kingdom, for example, sea cucumbers, eating through its anus, but I can't imagine most people will see that a more favorable choice!

Pitiful eyelids.


The role of our eyelashes is to attract dust and liquids and any other small particles that can irritate or spoil our eyeballs.

Great, except you have noticed how easy eyelashes fall out and cause uncomfortable things that they are there to protect?

Although it won't be bad if we don't have such an eyelids - many animals have two sets, some even three!

This is a thicker skin shell to prevent light, and another thin film to clear the particles and keep your eyes clean.

Third, called "nictitating membrane", used to moisturize the eye while maintaining vision.

Rubbish Thermoregulators.


Maintaining constant body temperature is very important to life.

Throughout the mammal world, there are a lot of great adaptations that allow this to happen, the big ears of the desert fox to facilitate rapid cooling and emptiness of the polar bear to trap


A lot of reality, they actually make us the least effective temperature regulator in the animal kingdom.

So we have it, seven vulnerabilities of the human body, from head to toe, through our end systems, you can really see how the body is not perfect.

If you can think of any other examples (and have more!) Leave them in the comments below!