30 Maze truth about Yosemite National Park
Of the 5 most visited national parks, Yosemite has a large amount of natural beauty to provide.
With endless positions to walk, climbing, and camping, Yosemite is
There are many many things for this park rather than eye-catching, so this is 30 truths you should know about Yosemite!
Located in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, Yosemite National Park lasts 761,2666 soil.
Yosemite officially became the third national park in 1890.
Before it became a national park, Yosemite was protected by the government since 1864, according to the signature of Lincoln President.
There are more than 400 animals live in Yosemite, 90 of which are different mammals
One of them includes a rare and rare Sierra Nevada red fox, previously did not see for nearly 100 years until it was discovered in Yosemite.
Although the park is open all year round, nearly 75% of all Yosemite tourists visit the park between May and October. Many of Them Never Leave Yosemite Valley, which covers only 6-square miles.
Yosemite is considered a birthplace of climbing for sports.
The most notorious and confused climbing in Yosemite is El Capitan boasts a 3,300 feet of stone face.
In certain times and temperatures of the year, some creeks in Yosemite turn into sliders.
The most famous hotel in Yosemite, Ahwahnee Hotel, is used as a Naval Hospital during World War II.
There are special camping areas called high Sierra camps, providing meals, clean water, bathrooms and tents.
Yosemite is a giant sequoias house, which are the largest living creatures on earth.
The name "Yosemite" translated into "killer" in Miwok, it was an indigenous American language.
The name was originally referred to an army tribe given out of the area by the Mariposa Battalion.
Yosemite National Park is the highest waterfall in North America - Yosemite Falls.
Of the 7,000 species of California plants, 20% of them can be found in Yosemite National Park.
The first concessation stood in Yosemite to open a store and baker, debuted in 1884.
There are over 800 miles of trails to explore for hikers.
Yosemite Valley has been living for nearly 3,000 years.
There are very few locations in the United States where you can discover rainbow at night - Yosemite is one of them!
More than 3.5 million people around the world visit Yosemite every year.
The Longest Hike In Yosemite is to the Infamous Half Dome, Which is 14 miles long with a 4,800 Foot Elevation.
In 1984, Yosemite was chosen as UNESCO world heritage.
Depending on the ability to access, Yosemite is open 24/7.
In the middle of the 19th century, California Gold Rush tourism advanced strongly by European Americans to the area.
The height in the park ranges from 2,000 to more than 13,000 feet.
Yosemite bid for the 1932 winter Olympics - making them the only national park ever doing so.
Yosemite's mountains are still rising at a speed of over 1,000 years.