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15 unique truth about Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson is one of the most famous singers in the world every time.

He faced some problems with his skin in his years performing and then in his retirement fund appeared on the media for his strange actions.

But what makes Michael Jackson very interesting and why is his music so charismatic?


Jackson's father forced him to play music.


While growing up Michael Jackson's father, Joe Jackson will force Michael with his siblings to practice music.

He will usually hit or hit them if they play wrong notes or make mistakes.

Joe's mind was to hold Michael and his siblings out of the street and stay away from the gangs.

As a result, being raised in this way means they never have many friends.

Growing up in this environment forced Michael to become the best of what he did about music and caused a lot of spiritual pressure to him.

He lived in a theme park.


Some people might think this is a dream home, but others may think it's a little weird.

Michael Jackson turned his farm into half of the half-house amusement park.

Amusement park has a pet garden, roller coaster, railway, bumper car, ferris wheel and a conveyor belt.

The farm is called Neverland, after the fiction where Peter Pan lives.

The hotel is 3,000 acres (12.14 km2).

It is thought that he could have paid anywhere from 17 million USD to 30 million USD.

Farms are currently worth 100 million USD.

Jackson gave his Llamas to the recording studio.


On his farm, Jackson had a zoo stroking with many animals in which two Llamas were very special.

They are called Lola and Louis, and they have to visit the recording studio with Jackson!

A special day caused a big commotion when Jackson put them in collaborating with the Queen's Fredman Freddie Mercury.

In 1983 in a record of cooperating with Mercury in Los Angeles, Jackson decided to bring Llama Louis pet.

This has become a regular appearance that Mercury doesn't like.

Among other reasons, it is said that this is a contributing factor to not complete the song logs.

He appeared on television in the Soviet Union.


In 1988, Jackson appeared on the first Western advertising advertising in the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union was closed from the rest of the world, but Michael Jackson managed to overcome the iron curtain.

After working with Pepsi Co.

Pepsi was sold on USSR since the 1960s and was one of the few Western brands allowed in the Soviet Union.


They don't name singing for Russian, but it has Cyrillic text on the screen.

At that time, Jackson's music was banned in the Soviet Union, so he was not known as a celebrity.

In the fall of the Soviet Union, he visited the whole year 1993 and 1996 to perform.

Michael Jackson was given 5,000 pounds of elephants.


Can you imagine getting a elephant?

In 1991, Jackson gave a Asian elephant by actress Elizabeth Taylor.

Taylor supports Jackson elephant after he allows her to hold her wedding on his farm.

Jackson calls Gypsy elephants and it weighs about 5,000 lbs (2,268 kg).

Jackson has a medical center named after him.


About the film to shoot a commercial for Pepsi on January 27, 1984, Jackson's hair caught fire.

The accident was caused by fireworks and Jackson was left with his two-point burns to his scalp.

As a result, to cover scarring, Jackson undergo rhinoplasty surgery.

Pepsi solves the problem out of the court by paying Jackson.

Michael donated $ 1.5 million to the Health Center in California treated his burns.


Michael Jackson's skin color changes because of skin disease.


If you compare a photo of Jackson soon in your career in the end, you'll notice a strong change in his appearance.

One of the most controversial and noticeable changes is his skin melody.

Jackson's doctor said he was transparent, a skin disease where your skin changes, but there are many other thoughts and theory.

Many people believe that his change in the skin melody is intentional and he is ashamed of his natural skin tone.

After his death, an autopsy confirms that Jackson suffered transparent disease.

He also suffered a lot of mental health disorders such as body dysmorphia disorders, which is said to be a major contribution to his change in appearance.

In 1992, Michael Jackson crowned a king.


In 1992, Jackson visited the West Bank of Africa on his tour and he was warmly welcomed by local people.

He was so loved that in a small village on the Ivory Coast they decided to turn him again.

Jackson was on the throne of King Sani and brought Michael Jackson Amalaman Anoh by Chief Tribe.

A full ceremony was held, including dancing and traditional drums in Krindjabo village.

Jackson wears a traditional dress to crowned and papers that have been signed to turn their Kingsip officials.

He was still the king of Ivory Coast until he died.

It is said that his ancestor is from this part of the world and a person says that he is the inheritance of Sanwi's rights.

After his death, the head asked Jackson's body to an official burial for the king, but it was rejected and he was buried in South California.

Even so, a two-day ceremony was held in memory and more than 1,000 local people were concentrated.

He invented the challenging helpless shoes!


You can be familiar with your famous Moonwalk and the ability to lean about a single angle impossible for humans.

This is all because of his attractive helpless shoes.

US patents No. 5,255,452 is awarded to Jackson for use for its famous performance.

Although Jackson did not invent Moon Moonwalk, he was an expert on it.

The shoes were specially designed the slots where they could clip on the stage to keep him into place while he made his stunt against gravity.

Unfortunately, the patent has expired in 2005 when Jackson missed a payment, so the design was opened.

Jackson became an action character.


That's right, along with those who like Barbie and G.i Joe, have a children's doll Michael Jackson.

In 1997, street life created a Michael Jackson doll to sell to the European market.

Design is Jackson when he records music videos for black or white in 1991.

It was released for the European market at the same time as Jackson's historic world tour.

There is also a singing version of the doll sang a clip from his famous black or white hit.

This doll showed Jackson dressed as he was going to tour in 1991.

Street life also produces another doll singing a clip from "defeating it".

He once tried to buy Marvel comics.


In the late 1990s, Jackson tried to buy famous comic companies, Marvel.

Marvel Comics has submitted to the bankruptcy and Michael Jackson is in the market.

The main reason to buy Marvel is to let him stand out as a superhero.

Jackson saw himself a great spider for Marvel.

This is not his only effort in trying to become a superhero.

As soon as you heard there will be a new X-men movie, he gave me ahead to play Professor X.

Again he was not selected for this role.

The mother of one of Jackson's sons is unknown.


Michael Jackson has three children but one of them has an anonymous mother.

Jackson had two marriages.

He has two children with Debbie Rowe's wife, a nursing assistant.

They named their son Michael Joseph Jackson and their daughter Paris-Michael Kinda Jackson.

But Jackson had another son named Prince Michael Jackson II, but his mother's identity was still a mystery for the public.

Prince Michael Jackson II's mother is a replacement, but it's all known publicly.

Jackson used to have a pet crystal called bubble.


Jackson grabbed his pet crystalline name bubble in a tour with England to Japan.

Closing the image into the eyes of the media and before he knew that people are comparing him with people as a Disney character making friends with a chimpanzees.

Bubbles become Jackson's double and take a tour with him.

Jackson used apes stand for bubbles named Max and A.J.

It is said that bubbles have not been mentioned in Jackson's will, however, it's hard to understand when Jackson often mentioned bubbles like his son.

After Jackson's death, the bubble began his new retired life in the center for amazing gibbons in Florida.

Michael Jackson is the most successful celebrity in the world.


Jackson's five deaths are his most successful.

About 35 million copies of his albums were sold within the first 12 months after his death.

Since his death, he earned about $ 2.1 billion, half of $ 4.2 billion, he made while he was alive.

In 2016, Michael earned 825 million USD, breaking a record for celebrities to make the highest money in a year.

In 2018, he became the highest died celebrity in the year earning $ 400 million.

Jackson's animal was gone.


After Jackson's death, it's unknown where many animals of him.

His department has been closed and no one knows where all the strange animals have gone.

Many people have been given to the zoo or recovery for private owners, but some have completely disappeared.

A strange theme is that most pets or animals Jackson likes the most people who have disappeared.

In particular, there is no record of the accommodation of his elephant Gypsy name.

Llamas loved his very much disappeared.

This mystery is a sadness, because many of these animals may have ended with their hands.

Michael Jackson will forever be a musical legend, despite his strange life.

His music is very attractive, with the ability to sing with the lyrics stay with you.

Jackson is a curious character that has not been answered about his death in 2009.