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12 bright truth about yellow

Yellow is related to warmth, happiness, fun, friendship, caution and electricity.

But what truths do we know about this color?

Yellow is the main color, along with red and blue.

In Japan, yellow is the color of courage.

In Egypt, yellow is the color of hair funeral.

In American slang, a coward can be said to be yellow or yellow-abdomen.

Yellow is an easy-to-see color, this is why it is often used to indicate alert, for example, on a traffic light set, yellow split red light and green lights, which means submission


In some countries, taxis are usually yellow.

Yellow is an appropriate color for a room used to study because it has a stimulating effect in mind.

There is a kind of woodpecker called yellow flashing (colaptes auratus).

Yellowtail is the common name for countless speci different

Goldenrod is a yellow flower tree in the Asteraceae family.

Coldplay gains its worldwide reputation with their 2000 "yellow".

The yellow card is expressed by a referee in football / football to indicate that a player has been officially warned because they fainted or wasted time.

Why notes later is original yellow?


Those who create post-IT notes have answered this question through Twitter, their response is:




So if you know any truth about yellow, please leave them in a comment below, thanks