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  • Saturday, February 22, 2025

101 last truth that everyone should know

Có những sự thật mà mọi người đều biết, như cách khủng long đã từng đi lang thang trên trái đất, nhưng sau đó có những sự thật mà hầu hết mọi người không biết, như cách những con lười có thể nín thở lâu hơn cá heo.

Điều gì về sự thật mà mọi người nên biết?

Mặc dù chúng tôi có thể đảm bảo rằng những sự thật này sẽ biến bạn thành một bậc thầy đố, chúng tôi nghĩ rằng họ chắc chắn là một số điều mà bạn không nên bỏ lỡ!

Therefore, digging deep into the last 101 truth that everyone should know!

Genghis Khan got a strategic marriage with his daughters to expand his empire.


Genghis Khan chỉ đạt được danh hiệu của mình khi anh đến tuổi bốn mươi, lúc đó anh có hơn mười người con.

Khan kết hôn với các con gái của mình với các vị vua đồng minh, người mà anh ta sẽ đưa ra chiến tranh.

Con rể mới của ông hiếm khi trở lại sống, và các con gái của ông nắm quyền kiểm soát vương quốc mới của họ cho Khan.

Một sửa đổi được đề xuất cho Hiến pháp Hoa Kỳ năm 1916 sẽ có công dân bỏ phiếu cho tất cả các hành vi chiến tranh.


In 1916, the United States had not entered World War I, but all the signs pointed out that direction.

The proposed amendment was submitted to the National Assembly, along with a petition signed by the resident of Nebraska, but was eventually rejected.

The revision of the proposal will also ruled that anyone who voted to support the war will have to register as a volunteer of the army.

A silver gorilla can die 1,800 lbs.


It is 815 kg for you crazy.

This will not have a real surprise, because gorillas are the largest primate exist.

Combo Hot Dog và Soda của Costco đã vẫn ở cùng mức giá kể từ năm 1985.


Nếu bạn tìm đường đến một khu ẩm thực Costco, bạn có thể nhận được thỏa thuận tuyệt vời này chỉ với 1,50 đô la!

Over time, the cost of the agreement increased, but Costco resisted this by opening a factory to make their own sausages.

This never seemed to affect its popularity, because 151 million omnelants were sold in 2020.

A company in Japan awarded non -smokers for six days off.


It has been taken to the marketing company, the attention of the marketing company that employees on vacation have an additional 15 minutes away from the desk every day.

Instead of punishing smokers, they gave a creative motivation to quit smoking while keeping their non -smoking employees happy in this process!

In Singapore, when you turn 21, you automatically register as a donor.


Human Tibetan Legal Act (Hota) was first introduced in 1987 due to extremely low organ donation rate.

Chỉ đến từ năm 2009, công dân và thường trú nhân được tự động đăng ký làm người hiến tạng.

You may refuse, but you may not want because you will be lower on the waiting list for agencies if you need transplantation.



The world famous physicist has used a wheelchair at the age of 22 due to a serious form of mental illness.

This has prevented this from having a little joy, crushing the toes of many people who drew their ire - including Prince Charles Charles!

When faced with this trend, Hawking overcame it as a toxic rumor of Muslims before threatening to joke to run through anyone's toes to repeat it.

Apollo's missions have left 96 bags of manure, urinating and vomiting on the moon.


All ways to return in 1969, humanity made history by walking on the moon for the first time.

It was not the first time that happened on this important trip - it was also the first time the trash was poured on the moon.


Visitors to one of the islands of Hawaii, can take a dog to the adventure in a day.


That's right;

Mỗi con chó được trang bị một chiếc áo vest dễ thương quảng cáo rằng con chó là để nhận nuôi.

Dogs also receive some essential exercises, combined with their vest, helping local people adopt them!

Samuel L. Jackson was an open at the funeral of Martin Luther King Jr.


Jackson studied at Morehouse College, where Dr. King and famous civil rights activists often visit and have debates.

When King was assassinated, his funeral was actually held at Morehouse College, which is how Jackson can become one of the funeral advertisers.

After this experience, Jackson became more involved in the civil rights movement.

Acne can survive when the duck is eaten.


The acne can still hatch after going into one end and go to the other end.

Not all fishes can survive on such a journey, and even after that, not all eggs eat in pristine condition.

Tuy nhiên, đó là một lời giải thích tốt cho việc các hồ bơi và hồ dường như bị ngắt kết nối có thể đột nhiên trở nên tràn ngập cá!

There is a restaurant in New York using Grandmas instead of chefs.


The menu at Enoteca Maria is a little unique, because half of them are a fixed menu while the other half changes daily.

This is because another grandmother every day is not only a new menu but also a completely new dish!

Chủ sở hữu quyết định điều hành nhà hàng của mình như thế này vì anh ta đã mất tất cả các nhân vật mẹ trong đời và muốn tạo lại cảm giác ăn trong nhà bếp của bà ngoại.

Đống đổ nát Titanic được phát hiện trong một nhiệm vụ tuyệt mật để tìm kiếm các tàu ngầm hạt nhân bị chìm.


Robert Ballard, who discovered the Titanic rubble, originally went to the US Navy to ask for sponsorship to develop an advanced car -selling car that would allow him to look for rubble.

The Navy liked its ideas but decided to use it to search for two US lost nuclear submarines.

The mission ended early, and Ballard was able to use more time to explore the lost ship.

Jim Carrey là diễn viên đầu tiên đóng vai chính trong ba hit phòng vé liên tiếp.


Jim Carrey Didn had a lot of success in the acting world until he reached the age of thirty, but that changed in 1994.

In the space of eleven months, Carrey played the main role in Ace Ventura: Pet detective, mask, and Dumb and Dumber, really kicked his acting career into the device.

The mask, in particular, has caused the world to be stormy, earned $ 350 million and showed Carrey's ability, to explore a series of roles and emotions.

The ancient Roman people were justice by evacuating their cities, making the upper class hopelessly protect themselves.


Secessio plebis (ly khai plebeians) tương tự như một cuộc đình công chung nhưng đã chứng minh hiệu quả hơn nhiều vì tầng lớp thượng lưu gần như hoàn toàn dựa vào các tầng lớp lao động.

Khá nhiều thứ trong thành phố sẽ đóng cửa, điều này đã được chứng minh là có hiệu quả đến khó tin khi có nhu cầu của nông dân đáp ứng.

Perhaps this is something we should try again in modern times?



Nó nhanh chóng trở thành một trong những đĩa đơn thành công nhất của Eminem, ở trên đỉnh của các bảng xếp hạng trong 23 tuần chạy (bản thân nó đã giành được bài hát A Guinness World Record!).

Eminem đã thực sự tham dự lễ trao giải Oscar khi anh nghĩ rằng anh sẽ giành chiến thắng, vì vậy thay vào đó, dành buổi tối ở nhà để ngủ và xem phim hoạt hình với con gái.

One of his producers finally received the award on behalf of Eminem.



Researchers in the United States initially studied data from previous economic crises hoping to find the correlation between mortality and economic crisis.

Những gì họ tìm thấy là đáng ngạc nhiên, vì thời gian khó khăn hơn dường như thực sự làm giảm tỷ lệ tử vong thay vì tăng chúng.

This is because during the recession, there is less traffic, cleaner air and people have less money to spend on unhealthy things like drinking alcohol or smoking.

Velociraptors are really feathered dinosaurs.


Nếu bạn biết về Velociraptors từ Công viên Jurassic, thì điều này có thể đến một điều khá bất ngờ.

Trong khi các nhà khoa học đã có thể nhận ra rằng những thợ săn độc ác này từng có lông, câu hỏi về việc chúng vẫn chưa được trả lời như thế nào.

It may be that they only have a bun in their hands, heads or maybe all!

Theo nghiên cứu, bắt đầu đi học lúc 10 giờ sáng là tốt hơn cho sức khỏe của bạn.


This is especially true for teenagers, developing bodies that require more sleep they can get with the usual early starting time.

Không chỉ bắt đầu một vài giờ sau đó làm giảm bệnh lên tới năm mươi nhận thức

It costs $ 265 million to create Grand Theft Auto V.


When the game was released in 2013, it became the most expensive video game ever made.

Đây không phải là nguyên nhân gây lo ngại cho các nhà phát triển của mình sau khi nó thu về 1 triệu đô la gây sốc trong bảy mươi hai giờ đầu tiên bán hàng.

Phải mất năm năm để phát triển trò chơi, với các hãng phim Rockstar trên khắp thế giới làm việc cùng nhau.

The man invented an advertisement to regret and said he was very sorry.


In 1997, Ethan Zuckerman wrote the code for the first bounce window and added it to a website.

Điều này, ông tin rằng, là Internet tương đương với tội lỗi ban đầu.

Although he understands that many websites and services on the Internet will operate without receiving funding from ads, he believes it is a high time to find an alternative to infringement.

Aluminum cans worth more than $ 700 million were thrown by Americans every year.


Aluminum is one of the most recyclable materials on the market, and it is also the most valuable.

Điều này là do nhôm tương đối hiếm nhưng được sử dụng ở nhiều khu vực khác nhau, từ lon soda đến máy bay.

Although the amount of aluminum lost from aluminum cans, more than seventy -five percent of all aluminum produced in the United States has been recycled and is being used.

The rooster has an integrated ear button, so they are not deaf when they are crows.


Bất cứ ai từng trải qua một đêm bên ngoài thành phố đều biết một điều, và đó là sự thật rằng những con gà trống rất ồn ào!

The researchers measured the way big roosters really made crow and found them as big as 140 decibels - on the amount needed to cause permanent ear damage and even deafness.

Khi họ nghiên cứu những gì thực sự xảy ra khi những con gà trống quạ, họ đã phát hiện ra rằng khi mở hàm cho quạ, các kênh tai ngoài của họ đóng lại, về cơ bản mang lại cho họ nút tai tự nhiên.

Tom Cruise divorced with each of his ex -wife when they were 33 years old.


Tom Cruise's first wife, Mimi Rogers, broke up with her in 1989. After that, he married Nicole Kidman, but they had no intentions as they divorced in 2001.

Cruise was married again in 2006 with Katie Holmes but broke up with her only six years later in 2012.

Interesting truth: Each old wife of Tom Cruise, consecutive younger than eleven years older than the last time.

Khi những con chó được thuần hóa, đôi mắt của chúng tiến hóa để trông dễ thương hơn.


Bạn đã bao giờ nhìn thấy một bức ảnh của một con sói đôi mắt và nhìn thấy một cái gì đó một cách bí ẩn trong chúng một cách bí ẩn so với những con chó?


It believes that they have developed because the dogs look more cuter and more friendly are more likely to be cared for.

Nintendo has had a hotline that you can call if you are stuck in one of their games.


Returning to the days before the Internet, video games are much more difficult and find the right way to beat them sometimes seems impossible.

Nintendo nhận thức rõ về điều này, và ở Mỹ, ít nhất đã cung cấp một dịch vụ có tên là Power Powerline, mà các game thủ đang gặp khó khăn có thể kêu gọi các mẹo và thủ thuật.

Books published


All books must first be through quality control, and a thousand copies are purchased and distributed by the Norwegian Art Council if they pass this step.

If it is a children's book, 1,550 copies are bought instead.

This not only keeps small publishing businesses operating, but also has great benefits for young writers in Norway.

Turns out you do not need to drink six to eight glasses of water a day.


Water is definitely one of the most important things on our planet and since the 1940s, it has been believed to drink about 84 ounce (2.5 liters) of things every day to stay healthy.

Researchers have gone deeper into the matter and conclude that you don't need to drink anywhere nearby, because you get a lot of water from the food you eat.

Thay vào đó, bạn chỉ nên uống khi bạn khát và uống thêm vào những ngày đặc biệt nóng.

Christopher Lee released three metal albums.


Mr. Christopher Lee is a fan of metal from the beginning and especially likes black Sabbath.

Điều đó đang được nói, đó là cho đến năm 2010, khi anh ấy đã bước vào những năm tám mươi của mình, anh ấy đã thu âm album đầu tiên của mình: Charlemagne: By the Sword và The Cross.

Các album thứ ba thứ hai của Lee đã được phát hành vào năm 2013 và 2014, nhưng anh cũng tham gia vào một số bản nhại Giáng sinh lấy cảm hứng từ kim loại.

Elephants can swim up until six o'clock.



One of their biggest advantages is their trunks, they use the same breathing tube for underwater.

Voi cũng có sức chịu đựng tuyệt vời, cho phép chúng bơi trong thời gian dài.

Shrek initially had a thick Canadian voice.


The standard character of the classic work was immediately voiced by Mike Myers, who said in a composed version of his own Canadian voice.

When Myers saw the first rough cut, he loved everything about it, except his voice!

Anh ta nghĩ rằng Shrek sẽ tốt hơn với giọng Scotland để chống lại nhân vật phản diện người Anh, Lord Farquaad-một sự thay đổi cuối cùng có giá khoảng 4 triệu đô la!

George Clooney has a pet pig named Max.


In the late 80s, George Clooney bought a Vietnamese belly pig for his girlfriend at that time, Kelly Preston, but he finally kept the pig after they broke up.

Max, the pig, finally lived for another eighteen years, died only in 2006.

Clooney often joked that his relationship with Max was the longest he had ever had.

Chỉ có một cặp vợ chồng đã từng được gửi lên vũ trụ.


Mark Lee and Jan Davis met in their astronauts training programs but decided to keep their relationship secret.

NASA has an unofficial policy against the couple in missions.

Nine months before their mission, they got married and at the time NASA discovered it was too late to start training instead.

Instead, they made their informal policy officially to prevent it from happening again!

Samsung's different business activities account for more than 15% of the entire Korean economy.


While Samsung is known worldwide as a technology giant, it has fingers in many cakes at home.

Becoming the largest phone manufacturer in the world is obviously not enough, because in Korea, there are hospitals, apartments, universities and even funeral shops owned by Samsung.

There was a mountain in Greece that women were banned from visiting.


It is not only a mountain, but the entire peninsula is called Mount Ashos.

You see, Mount Ashos has become a collection of monasteries since at least the 4th century AD.

Trong hơn một nghìn năm, nếu không lâu hơn, sự hiện diện của phụ nữ đã bị cấm không chỉ từ các tu viện mà từ toàn bộ bán đảo.

Mount Ashos is an autonomous region of Greece controlled by the Greek main church.

According to the church, the Virgin Mary Ban bless the peninsula and turn it into her own holy garden, so no other women are allowed to be there.

Khác với động vật hoang dã và một vài con mèo, những con vật cũng có tất cả con đực.

In Japan, when a train left the station at the wrong time, the railway company apologized.


Back in 2018, a train in Japan left the station for 25 seconds early, perhaps it sounds nothing unusual for most people around the world.


Japanese trains are known for their punctuality, so there are really a few passengers who missed their train on that day!

A chimpanzee has been ranked as the 22nd successful money manager in the US.


In 2009, Raven The Tinh was listed in the Guinness World Records book as the most successful chimpanzee on Wall Street.

Raven đã chọn cổ phiếu của mình bằng cách ném phi tiêu vào một bảng với 133 công ty internet khác nhau được liệt kê trên đó và đạt được mức tăng 233% vào năm 1999.

She is so good that she shows better than 6,000 Wall Street Brokers!

Bill and Melinda Gates have given more than $ 45 billion since 1994.


Bill Gates alone has been ranked among the richest people in the world for decades, accumulating most of his huge assets from Microsoft, which he co -founder.

Bill and Melinda Gates have established Muslim commitments in 2010 to encourage other rich people such as they donated a lot of their assets throughout their lives or later.

Although giving a lot, Bill Gates is still worth more than $ 110 billion.

Có một phiên bản Liên Xô của Chúa tể của những chiếc nhẫn, và nó hết sức tồi tệ.


Titled Khraniteli (The Keepers) followed the plot of The Fellowship of the Ring, the first in the legendary trio of Jrr Tolkien.

It was released directly to the TV in 1991, and like the whole Soviet, it finally became a complete and complete disaster.

Although the characters and the plot can be recognized for those who dare to see Khraniteli, the special effects (if you can call them like that!) Under the lack of it ruin the production point right from it from



Không, thực sự, chúng có một trong những bộ não nhỏ nhất trong số tất cả các động vật có vú, và điều đó tương ứng với trọng lượng cơ thể của chúng!

Their restricted diet for eucalyptus leaves has no content may be the cause, because this diet cannot maintain a larger brain.

Để cung cấp cho bạn một ý tưởng về việc chúng không biết gì, khi một koala được trình bày với một nhánh với lá và một đống lá trên đĩa, chúng sẽ ăn lá trên cành vì họ không thể nhận ra những người trên đĩa là thức ăn.



Siêu sao nhạc pop Hàn Quốc đã không thực sự biết nhiều về YouTube khi bạn bè của anh ấy đề xuất tải lên video âm nhạc của anh ấy.


Even so, he could not be more wrong, when Gangnam Style became the first music video to achieve 1 billion views on YouTube!

Có một quán rượu ở Ireland mà đã chạy hơn 1.100 năm!


Sean Bar Bar ở Athlone ở Ireland đã mở cửa kinh doanh từ khoảng năm 900 sau Công nguyên, với hồ sơ của mọi chủ sở hữu của quán rượu kể từ khi thành lập.

Despite being surprising at first, it meant that it was facing the challenge of time.

Sean Bar is located in the middle of a town where many people beat in the center of Ireland.



Steve Jobs, genius like him, have some interesting beliefs.

Ví dụ, anh ta ăn chay và tán tỉnh là một người thuần chay và một người ăn trái ở nhiều điểm khác nhau trong phần lớn cuộc đời anh ta.

He believed that his vegetarian diet had blocked any form of body smell-what his colleagues quickly disagree!

The 2007 Halo 3 video game is so famous that the executives of the film blame those who create a decline in the movie theater of the week that it is released.


When it was released, the game was so popular that it broke the previous sales records, earning $ 170 million amazing on the first day.

On the weekend the game was released, the number of box office has decreased by 27%, which Microsoft was not surprised.

Microsoft has advertised the game similar to a movie, targeting the same demographic (18-34) most often filming.

Chimpuses thật kỳ lạ đến nỗi khi các nhà khoa học lần đầu tiên phát hiện ra chúng, họ nghĩ rằng đó là một trò lừa bịp.


Platypuses clearly was famous by the native Australians for thousands of years, but when British scholars first met them, they were extremely confused.

The confusion appears with the fact that while it is clear that the mammals, these bizarre creatures lay eggs, have a duck, sea tail, legs like a otter, and males even even

McDonald, in the United Kingdom, ran half of their delivery fleet for used cooking oil.


Gần như tất cả các nhà hàng McDonald McDonald ở Anh tái chế dầu nấu đã sử dụng của họ, được chế biến thành dầu diesel sinh học.

Delivery trucks have been adjusted to make them use both biological diesel and regular diesel diesel.

Studies have found that nine of ten experienced people


Nó gợi ý rằng khi chúng ta thường xuyên giữ điện thoại trong túi, chúng trở nên gần giống như một phần mở rộng của chính chúng ta.

When we experience any type of muscle spasm, change in clothes or any other vibration, we immediately think it is our phone.

This is thought to be because we have more than these days and always be alert, so we do not miss important documents or notifications.

The reindeer in the Arctic can see the world in ultraviolet light.


Although we cannot see ultraviolet light (UV), the reindeer seems to have developed this ability after moving to the Arctic.

They have the ability to develop this ability to support them in a world otherwise it will be very bright and white.

Under ultraviolet light, both food and meat animals are much more prominent than the harsh snow.



Luật này giải quyết một cái gì đó mà Arizona quá quen thuộc - lũ quét và những người lái xe ngu ngốc.

When a part of an Arizona road is flooded, the barriers are given to prevent the driver from trying to go further.

Nếu bạn vượt qua những rào cản này và cần được giải cứu, bạn sẽ bị phạt theo luật mô tô ngu ngốc để hoàn trả chi phí giải cứu của bạn.

Chris Pratt stole her outfit from the Guardians of the Galaxy.


Pratt pinched costumes in the hope that the film would succeed.

He stole it for any unrighteous purposes but an interesting noble person.

The cute silly movie star simply hopes to cheer on the sick children in the hospital by wearing iconic costumes.

When the London taxi drivers tried to protest Uber, they motivated more customers to their competitors.


In 2014, 10,000 London black taxi drivers took to the road and blocked most of the city to protest Uber.

Các tài xế tuyên bố không phản đối việc cạnh tranh.

They objected because Uber drivers did not have to undergo 4-7 years of training a black taxi driver to go through.

Finally, Uber stated that the protest that was so annoying for London people, on strike day, Uber application was downloaded more than 850% compared to normal.

The Internet has its own sponsor.


Thánh Isidore của Seville ban đầu dường như không phải là vị thánh bảo trợ tốt nhất của Internet, vì ông đã sống suốt thế kỷ thứ 7.

Trong khi anh ấy chắc chắn sống tốt trước khi internet được phát minh, anh ấy đã chia sẻ nhiều giá trị với nó.


Vòng tròn đã được chứng minh là làm giảm đáng kể các sự cố giao thông nguy hiểm.


This is because they significantly reduce the speed that the drivers go.

Họ cũng đã được tìm thấy để cải thiện điều kiện giao thông so với các giao lộ với đèn giao thông đáng kể.

Họ cũng linh hoạt hơn nhiều, vì một loạt các thiết kế bùng binh có thể được điều chỉnh để phù hợp với nhiều điều kiện giao thông hơn.

FBI has a 1,427 pages file on Albert Einstein.


When Albert Einstein moved from Germany to the US in 1933, he was an international famous physicist.

A year earlier, the FBI started holding his tabs to him because he frankly resisted different social issues, such as nationalism and racism.

Later, Einstein stood up especially against the US nuclear ambition, which made the head of the FBI become deeply suspicious of him and even considered him a communist.

J. R. R. Tolkien invented the languages of the Earth before he thought he would write stories in the fictional universe.


Tolkien is definitely a natural polygon, learning more than 35 languages throughout his life.

Khi còn là một thiếu niên, anh đã phát minh ra ngôn ngữ đầu tiên của mình, điều này sẽ truyền cảm hứng cho 20 ngôn ngữ mà anh cuối cùng đã tạo ra cho Trung Trái đất.

When he began to invent languages, he realized that he needed people to speak them, and only from this point, he thought he would write the lord of his rings and other works.

There is a wolf almost exclusive from seafood.


Found on the coast of Vancouver, these wolves are really unique in their hunting activities.


Salmon accounts for a quarter of their diet, with a variety of shellfish, seals, bird eggs and even whales.

One of Fleetwood's founding guitarists disappeared right before a program and was found a few days later as a newly initiated devoted member.


Jeremy Spencer was with Fleetwood Mac from the beginning, but on a tour to the US in 70, he became quite disillusioned with his career and life in general.

He met the members of the children of God, a religious sect in California, and decided to join them instead of continuing on the way to the star.

Jeremy Spencer is still associated with the sect, now called Family International.

Bảy trong số mười thanh niên Hoa Kỳ sẽ không đủ điều kiện nhận nghĩa vụ quân sự.


While many of them fail for health reasons such as obesity, many others are eliminated because of poor education.

Những người khác thất bại vì thuốc theo toa họ thực hiện hoặc lựa chọn lối sống như hình xăm hoặc một số khuyên nhất định.

Nó ước tính rằng chỉ có một phần trăm thanh niên Mỹ đủ điều kiện tham gia quân đội và thực sự quan tâm đến việc làm như vậy.

Mặt trăng có giám mục Công giáo riêng.


Read the correct reader;

This is because a Catholic Act claims that any new territory has been discovered under the authority of the bishop since the expedition left.

Because Apollo 11 was given from Bishop's jurisdiction William Donald border in Orlando, Florida, he became the moon's bishop.

The actor who plays Scotty from Star Trek has been granted an honorary diploma at Milwaukee Technical School.


The original Sera took place for three years, from 1966 to 1969, but it inspired generations and led to countless spin-offs.

Scotty, người mà James Montgomery Doohan đã chơi, là kỹ sư chính trên tàu vũ trụ Doanh nghiệp USS Fictional.

Khi Trường Kỹ thuật Milwaukee phát hiện ra rằng hơn một nửa số học sinh của mình đã được truyền cảm hứng để tham gia kỹ thuật vì Scotty, họ đã trao cho Doohan một bằng tiến sĩ kỹ thuật danh dự.

It indicates that most people are not delayed because of laziness.


Instead, many factors have been found to cause this paralysis, such as the aversion to the mission, the perfection, the fear of failure and the overall worries.

Other important factors affect the level we delay to the goals we set for ourselves and their specific or abstract levels.

The key to fighting the hesitation is to identify the specific factors that cause it and fight them individually.

The Pentagon has twice the number of necessary bathrooms.


The headquarters of the US Department of Defense was built during racism, and thus, an additional facility was created for African -American employees.

In 1941, before the construction of the Pentagon was completed, President Theodore Roosevelt banned racism in federal organizations.

The Pentagon not only ends with many bathrooms when needed, but also double the number of cafes!

The treaty of the United States is not the longest breaking with Morocco.


It started with the King of Morocco, who officially opened national ports to the US in 1777. This made Morocco become one of the first countries to recognize the United States as a country.

In 1786, the Morocco-American Friendship Treaty was drafted and signed by King Morocco and Thomas Jefferson.

Up to 80% of Hong Kong toilets are discharged with seawater.


In the 1950s, Hong Kong found the perfect solution for the overall lack of fresh water and installing a separate water distribution and wastewater distribution system.

This system has been installed in many coastal communities such as the Marshall Islands.

It not only saves valuable drinking water, but is even found to be better for the marine ecosystem!

Abercrombie & Fitch has provided Jersey Shore's cast significantly to stop wearing their clothes.


American retailers are afraid that the link between suspicious reality series and their clothes will hurt their image in general.

Ironically, the stock value of the clothing brand fell 9% on the first day of the transaction after the offer was sent to the cast of Jersey Shore, but this is thought to be just a coincidence.

Nhà phát minh của USB ban đầu được thiết kế nó để cắm theo một trong hai cách lên.


One of the most annoying things to do with technology must be the reality is, trying your best as you want;

Thiết kế ban đầu sẽ tốt hơn nhiều nhưng cuối cùng đã được đóng hộp vì nó sẽ có giá gấp đôi giá để làm cho nó có thể thay đổi.

The inventor of USB has agreed that they made a mistake when they did not go ahead with the original idea.




Ngay sau đó, cô đã nhận được một lá thư đã được viết bởi Marge Simpson, người đã cầu xin Bush để xem xét lại ý kiến của cô và tìm ra cách thoát khỏi cuộc tranh cãi.

Barbara Bush really wrote to Marte, sorry for her loose tongue, and even continued to call Homer Simpson handsome!

Stan Lee created the character for Iron Man as a challenge.


Stan Lee played around with the idea of an entrepreneur superhero for a while and finally bite the bullet in 1963 when he came to the concept for Iron Man.


Three towns in Scotland, Australia and the United States are united by their boredom.


The towns themselves are probably really boring, really, but their names are definitely like that.

Dull, Scotland;


A town of Antarctica will be residents to eliminate their annexes.


Villas Las Estrellas nằm trên đảo King George, một trong những hòn đảo Nam Cực South Shetland.

Bản thân hòn đảo có dân số luân phiên khoảng 100 người, chủ yếu được tạo thành từ các nhà nghiên cứu và các nhân viên quân sự khác nhau.


The person proves the existence of radio waves think they are completely meaningless.


From 1886 to 1889, Heinrich Hertz conducted a series of complex trials proving the existence of a previous theoretical wave wave - electromagnetic wave.


The Hertz name is currently used to indicate the different levels of the electromagnetic frequency despite calling them meaningless.

In their sales, the inventors of the silly chain spit their interviewer with the entire can.


The inventors tried to participate in the giant baby toy game Wham-O, but the interview went to the south when they made silly empty empty all over the interview.

Wham-O representative was extremely sad and quickly asked the inventors to leave the building.

The next day, they received a telegram from Wham-O to send more than 24 cans to test the market.



Famous from a very young age, Michael Jackson can never perform many normal (and quite boring) activities every day.

Khi anh ấy đề cập rằng đó là giấc mơ của anh ấy khi đi mua sắm và đặt mọi thứ vào một cái giỏ, một trong những người bạn của anh ấy đã đóng cửa cửa hàng của anh ấy trong một ngày và lấp đầy nó với bạn bè và gia đình Jackson, đóng giả làm nhân viên.

Siêu sao đã mặc một chiếc găng tay latex duy nhất và đi về doanh nghiệp của mình lên xuống siêu thị lối đi, sau đó ví nó như một chuyến đi đến Disneyland.

The novel of Charles Dickens, very famous in his era that the poor people who cannot read will pay for someone to read his stories loudly.


Charles Dickens is definitely one of the greatest novelists in the world, at least in the Victorian era.

While his works filled the shelves of aristocratic libraries around the world, one of his greatest feats was the ability to approach and inspire all social classes.

Poor and illiterate fans will pay half a penny ($ 0.25/$ 0.35 today) to have each monthly update to read them.

Nghiên cứu đã phát hiện ra rằng những người thề có xu hướng trung thực hơn.


While society rejects vulgar users at the general level, many people still swear worse than the sailors if they have the opportunity.

A researcher from the University of Stanford was curious about the relationship between swearing and expressing a real emotion.

Finally, he concluded that there was a direct relationship between those who swear with their heart content and those who were more honest.

The quietest place on Earth is in Minnesota.


Quite a lot wherever you go in the world, there, there is always a kind of background noise, whether it is a cricket's cry or a slow, laziness of a gentle breeze.

That is the case everywhere except for Orfield laboratories in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where something called the chamber is against.

While the background noise in a quiet bedroom measures about 30 decibels, Orfield's laboratory, the laboratory has recorded on average -13 Decibel -The quiet so quiet that the internal activities of your body can listen to

Một bức tường cây đang được trồng trên khắp châu Phi để giúp ngăn chặn sa mạc hóa.


The great green wall of Sahara and Sahel is Africa, the leading effort to help minimize the effects of desertification.

This initiative is also aimed at changing the lives of millions of people living along the edge of the Sahara desert.

Not surprisingly, planting trees on the edge of the desert is difficult.

Although more than 5.5 billion seedlings have been planted in Ethiopia, only four percent of the project was completed by the end of 2020.

71% of people in Iceland are status of Costco members.


Only less than 357,000 people, Iceland is far from being a country that is too crowded.

That means there are about 253,000 Iceland people who have access to retailers wholesale only for members.

Mặc dù điều này ít hơn nhiều so với số lượng thành viên ở Mỹ, nhưng chỉ có một cửa hàng Costco trong cả nước!

The lazy don don falls out of the tree as they sleep because their claws grow.


Luckily for many lazy children to sleep, their claws evolved quite against the way we did.

Although our hands are naturally opened, and it is effective to grasp them, this is not the case of lazy children.

Instead, their position, their claws are a tight clamping, and it takes a lot of force for them to relieve their claws.

All the frauds you receive from the Nigerian prince have intentional bad grammar.


At this point, it is almost sure that people in the world have received one of these emails, including the true Nigeria royal family.

It indicates that there is a good reason why these frauds are filled with spelling mistakes, grammar and sentence marks.

Điều này về cơ bản lọc ra những người ít tin hơn và chỉ đơn giản là bỏ qua các email, trong khi những người có nhiều khả năng bị lừa gạt sẽ bỏ qua lỗi chính tả và trả lời!

M & MS was sold to the US military during World War II.


When they were first produced in 1941, they arrived in tones and colors were purple, green, yellow, orange, orange and brown.

At the time when the United States during World War II, M&T MS has grown large enough to record an exclusive contract to produce chocolate easy to transport conveniently for the army.

Sau chiến tranh, M & Ms rất nổi tiếng, vì chúng là phần tốt nhất trong ngày đối với nhiều binh sĩ trong các chiến hào.

8th grade students from a town in Alaska spent two nights on an unpopular island as part of their scientific exam.


The tradition began forty -six years before a school teacher in Kinderkan, Alaska, became his target to educate the town youth about how to really survive in the harsh climate of Alaska.

He also just wants children to be more fun at school, because there is a lot of fun when going to school on school days.

Although not required, most Eights towns are eager to make the trip every year.

The 1927 Liberian General Election was the most fraudulent election in world history.


People quickly announced that an election was cheated when their ideal candidates were chosen, but the Liberian people had something to complain about in 1927.

While only 15,000 registered voters, Charles King of the Whig Party actually has been managing in 243,000 votes!

Mặc dù kết quả rõ ràng bị làm sai lệch, đảng Whig thực sự vẫn giành chiến thắng trong cuộc bầu cử.

Government vehicles in Cuba are legally required to choose people who are too giang.


When the Soviet Union collapsed, Cuba experienced a serious economic difficulty called Muslim special period, and most of the country's vehicles were stuck.

Unable to go public transport because there are enough oil or parts to maintain buses, citizens have used overgrowth.

Time became so difficult that the Government forced all their vehicles to have a free space to receive any people who were too much, often found at the specified points.

Macaulay Culkin từ nhà một mình để cho người hâm mộ của anh ấy bỏ phiếu về những gì anh ấy nên thay đổi tên đệm của mình thành.


The famous child star has disappeared a bit in the maximum situation these days, but he still tries to keep involved.


Trong số một loạt các vòng chung kết lố bịch, cuối cùng anh ta đã thay đổi giữa tên của mình thành tên đầy đủ của mình và hiện được chính thức được gọi là Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin!

The more money the people spend on their wedding, the more they are divorced.


Perhaps it was time to abandon the plans of a fairy wedding.

It is not only how much you spend on your wedding, but also the participation and wedding rings, with the larger spending people who find themselves more likely to find love earlier than the fiancée.

Thay vì văng ra trong đám cưới của bạn, tốt hơn hết là bạn nên đi ra ngoài trong suốt cuộc đời!

Spider moves their legs using biological hydraulic.


Their blood provides energy for the hydraulic systems on the leg;

Trên thực tế, họ có thể tăng áp lực ở chân lên đến tám lần huyết áp nghỉ ngơi, cho phép họ nhảy ít nhất 50 lần chiều cao của chính họ!

The only muscles that spiders have on their feet are on their hip joints.

Kim Il Sung yêu Hennessy Cognac rất nhiều, ông đã mua hơn 800.000 đô la mỗi năm!


The vast majority of people in North Korea live a poor life, and this is a case under generations of ruling dynasties now.

Các quan chức cấp cao và các nhà lãnh đạo Bắc Triều Tiên sống cuộc sống rất khác nhau, làm hỏng bản thân một cách xa hoa và cho phép họ tiếp cận với hàng hóa nhập khẩu bị cấm.

For example, Kim Il Sung is so crazy about Hennessy that he is the number one customer of Cognac company for a few years in the 1990s.

Zebras is really black with white stripes.


There are three different species of zebras, which can be found in the southern and eastern areas of Africa.

Their overall fur coat is dark, broken with white stripes, without hair.

We are still not sure why they have stripes, but scientists think it may be a form of protection against predators.

Each year, 22,000 tons of dust are blown from the Sahara desert to the Amazon tropical forest.


Very long ago, the Sahara desert was once a lake, and the dust and sand were truly rich in phosphorus.

This is quite lucky, because this rich dust is brought through the sky to the Amazon tropical forest, it is surprising that fertilizer is needed.

Rainforest loses as much as phosphorus when it increases because all passed by streams, creeks and Amazon rivers.

The longest train journey in the world is in Russia.


This will come as there is no real surprise, considering the absolute greatness is Russia.

The railway is 5,778 miles long (9,300 km) from Moscow to Moscow to Vladivostok in the Far East.

Nếu bạn kết hợp chiều dài của người chuyển giới với tất cả các tuyến đường sắt khác trong cả nước, nó sẽ có thể đi vòng quanh thế giới hai lần!

The world's first Guinness record in the world for 6,006 pushes.


Charles Linster brought in the first Guinness World Record in this category when he completed all 6,006 times thrusting relentlessly in 1965.

There are many different types of records for today's pushes, from the most completed for an hour (2,806) to the most consecutive finger pushes (124).

Antarctica is owned by any country.


Thay vào đó, lục địa này được điều chỉnh bởi nhiều quốc gia trên thế giới thông qua Hiệp ước Nam Cực.

Những người ký kết đầu tiên của Hiệp ước là bảy quốc gia có một số hình thức yêu cầu lãnh thổ đối với Nam Cực: Vương quốc Anh, Na Uy, New Zealand, Pháp, Chile, Argentina và Úc.

Vào thế kỷ 18, bác sĩ của nhà vua Đan Mạch đã nắm quyền kiểm soát Đan Mạch.


Johann Friedrich is the Royal Doctor of King Christian Vii of Denmark, who cannot really be a king of mental illness.

Friedrich soon realized the position he was in and declared himself as the country of Regent.

During this time, he changed 1,069 laws, including abolition of torture, press censorship, slave transactions in Denmark's colonies and reforms of national universities, among many other things.

The author of the novel James Bond wrote his first book to eliminate his mind from fear of marriage.


Ian Fleming was a 44 -year bachelor when he wrote Royale casino in 1952, for the first time in a long series of handsome handsome spies.

Many years later, Fleming wrote in his memoirs that he was so scared of the final concept of marriage that he wrote his first Bond novel.

Some authors suspected this dismissal, claiming he simply wrote it as a quick cash work, but it created a good story!

The most popular car model in the world is Toyota Hilux.


This rugged pickup truck is known around the world because of its incredible flexibility.

As mentioned, it is not surprising that half of the best -selling countries to Hiluxes in Africa, where the true mettle of the cars are tested daily.

Trên thực tế, bốn trong số sáu mẫu xe hàng đầu trên toàn thế giới là Toyotas - ba chiếc còn lại là Toyota Corolla, RAV4 và Land Cruiser.



These timeless trendy hats have been known for the Western world since at least the 1800s and have been seen at the top of many celebrities from President Theodore Roosevelt to Brad Pitt.

They are made from a type of hand called the Toquilla palm tree, a native Ecuador tree that is meticulously woven with iconic shape.

Artisans struggled to sell hats in Ecuador, so they exported them to Panama - where they had an ironic name instead of from the country of origin!

Frogs really eat with eyes!


If you get close and individually with a frog and watch it eat, you may wonder why it closed your eyes every time it swallowed.

It is not only they really enjoy each bite, but also biological.

The frog will close their eyes and then pull them down the throat, which helps push the food down to their stomach!

The recorder is really a popular instrument.


Many people around the world will like to recall the moment in the first years of school when they no longer have to hiss a horrific performance of three blind mice or something along those lines on a recording machine.

This seems useless instrument, while alienation today, is all the rage returns during the Baroque period in the early 1700s.


Những thứ sọc như thang cuốn và rèm Venice có thể gây ra chứng đau nửa đầu.


It indicates that our brain simply cannot handle uniform stripes, especially vertical stripes.

They increase something in our brain called gamma oscillation, which is one of the leading causes of migraine and even seizures.

Chúng tôi không chắc chắn tại sao, nhưng nó chỉ có các sọc nhân tạo khiến chúng tôi thất vọng, trong khi các sọc không đều của một con ngựa vằn rất dễ dàng trên mắt.

The US military has its own forest cows.


Unfortunately, it is not part of a number of secret plans to create a cohesive regiment.

Thay vào đó, căn cứ của Quân đội Hoa Kỳ ở Camp Pendleton ở California đã được tặng cho Bison vào những năm 70.

The San Diego Zoo assigned Bison to the basis to keep it safely, and they did such a great job that the guitar had grown from 14 to 90 or more!

The herd is constantly monitored, not only to ensure they are in good health but also because they are quite dangerous wildlife!

What makes

Nếu bạn quản lý để đưa ra câu trả lời cho câu hỏi sắp cũ này, xin vui lòng cho chúng tôi biết trong các ý kiến dưới đây!

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