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100 truth about cats that you should read right meow

If you love cats, you are involved in a dish today as here we have 100 truths that you won't want to miss!

They are cute, they are feathers and they are one of the most famous pets in the Western world.

Have you ever wanted to overload with a great truth about cats and kittens?


Before we start with the huge truth about cats, this is a fast video with our 5 favorite cat events from this list:

The jury was out - Americans love cats more than dogs!


No American household is complete without a small feather friend.

While there are many American households with pet dogs, there are more pet cats than a total dog!

A 2019 survey of US households was found there to have about 94.2 million pets, while only 89.7 million dogs.

It is nearly 5 million cats over dogs!

A male cat is called Tom.


And no, we not only talk about the names that we provide to your companions.

What we are talking about is the technical term to mention cats according to their gender.

A male cat is called a Tom, but a cat is more complicated.

Usually, a one-cat will be called a Molly, but if there are pregnant kittens it is a queen!

The saying, "A cat is always on the legs" is not just an old legend.



This reflex allows cats to quickly evaluate how are it down and rotate the body while in the middle of the air.



It turns out that if a cat falls from a lower height, say less than 7 floors, then it's really likely to be injured!

If a cat falls from a greater height, it has more time to fix the position between its flight and prepare more for landing.

There are even reports on the cats falling from the highest of 32 floors and are coming with just a chipped teeth and pierced lungs.

There are many ways to just a group of cats.





There are also many ways to just a group of kittens.



They can also be called "tissue of kittens" due to their curious nature.


Finally, they can also be called "Kindle of Kitens", although this use is less common.

It has been scientifically proven that cat owners are healthier people.


Flapping a cat has been proven to release oxytocin, which reduces the level of stress.

There is also a clear relationship between cat ownership and the risk of stroke or lower heart problems, because the victim of a cat lowering blood pressure.

Most importantly, cats keep you from loneliness - and now know that loneliness plays a big role in many diseases!

Cat Purr for many reasons than you think.


Most people link Purr's cat with it is happy, but that is not always right.

Some cats have a little purr bit different when they are hungry and mother cats also use their Purr to communicate with newly born kittens.

The most unexpected, cats are sometimes injured when they are injured, and it has been proposed, their pureness really helps their bodies heal faster!

You should probably stop feeding your cat milk.


It is a common knowledge that cats are dairy fans, but many of them really intolerance lactose.

While kittens can drink breast milk, giving them cow's milk can be very dangerous for their health.

If you really want to reward your cat with a little milk, make sure you buy lactose for free!

The cat's brain is very similar to the human brain.


In physical, at least, their brains are similar about 90% compared to us.

Their brains are smaller, weighs only 0.9% of the total weight while we weigh 2%.

While most people think that cats are not smart like dogs, they can also be trained - they just think it's a bit below them!

President Abraham Lincoln is a bit of a crazy cat woman.


While he lived in the White House, he held some of the most famous little cats, Dixie and Tabby.

He admired all the cats, and we often brought home the stray people he found.

He is even known to feed Tabby directly from the table at official dinner, much for his wife's dissatisfaction!



On October 18, 1963, a black white "Tuxedo" cat named C 341 was knocked into space, creating a world history.

When returning to safety, it was decided that it deserves a real name, and so it is named Félicette, after the famous cartoon character Felix the Cat.




"The cat" is said to be more open, but there is also a little nervous.


Profile for the largest number of kittens in the same litter is 19.


The record was held by a Burmese cat named Antigone Tarood, who was only four years old at the time.

She gave birth to kittens entanglement on August 7, 1970, in the owner's house in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.

Of the fifteen kittens survive, just one of them is female!

In her life, a cat named Dusty has a total of 420 kittens.


Dusty is your normal look cat, without genealogy or special background.

She lived with her owner in Bonham, Texas, where she gave birth to the world's recorded kittens.

Her final interest was born on June 12, 1952.

The oldest cat known birth was 30 years old.


Her name is Kitty, and she belongs to a man named George Johnstone.

They lived in Staffordshire, United Kingdom, where Kitty broke the record by having a litter of two kittens when she was 30 years old.

She gave birth to a total of 218 kittens throughout her life.

British TV program "Bagpuss" is ranked as the fourth most great children's television program.


The TV show stands out with a cat getting out of the old cloth and is collapsing at the seams.

Although it was originally broadcasted in 1974, the program was appreciated for a long time.


Unfortunately, cats are still consumed as food in some parts of the world.



Cat meat is still consumed today in some African and Asian regions, whether legal or not.

During the war, cat meat was also consumed in some European countries like Italy, France and Spain.

There are about 60 various recognized cats worldwide.


It really depends on the person you are asking, though.

The International Cat Association recognizes 71 various cats, while the Fancier Cat Association only recognizes 44.

The reason for no official number is different people with different ideas about what creates a breed official.

There are more than 500 million baby cats in the world.


Although, once again, this is a very difficult number to be sure.

There have been many efforts to count the number of pets around the world, with some people even trying this through an Internet poll.

General estimates say that there may be anywhere between 200-600 million pets out there.

Ancient Egyptians worship a goddess of half the cat and half of women.


The original goddess known and worshiped throughout ancient Egypt as a bast.

Bast is a half-warrior goddess that is cruel of the sun.

Over time she was called Bastet, and instead of half a lion, she was half a cat.

In ancient Egypt, civilians will be seriously punished if they hurt a cat.


The Bastet cat goddess is one of the most famous gods in Pantheon Egypt.

Thus, cats are considered extremely important creatures, bringing luck to anyone to take care of them.

From at least in 450 BC if anyone even hurt a cat, the penalty is death.

On average, cats sleep about 15 hours a day.


Cats are natural night animals, which is why you will find most domestic cats sleeping throughout the day.

They tend to sleep a large part of the day because they will often require a large amount of energy to hunt down food.

Indoor cats still naturally try and preserve their energy to hunt, instead can be used up by playing with toys!

Kittens need more sleep than mature cats.


According to the general principle, kittens are younger, it will need to sleep!

Kittens require a longer-tinged lunch than cats when they are growing spirits and physically at a fast speed.

Newborn kittens, for example, sleep nearly 90% of the time - or up to 22 hours in a day!

Cats have more toes on their feet than their toes!


There is a fairly simple explanation for it, and all have to do with their front feet.

Cats tend to use their front feet more for daily activities such as catching prey, self-grooming and balancing themselves.

The number of cat toes is very universal, with some cats with more toes due to different genetic mixtures.

Some cats can have up to eight toes every leg!



Although you can alarm when you see your cat has more than ordinary toes, this is definitely not worrying!


The taste of cats cannot detect sweet things.


Many cat owners claim that their cat loves things like ice cream, but that's not the way they love - it's fat!

Cats, like most mammals, have different taste receptors.

For example, people have at least five - umami sweet, bitter, salty and sour.

Cats, on the other hand, tasted all by Umami.

While they may have technical flavors of sweet things, they discover them with such minimum quantity, just like they can't taste them!



People have kept the cat at least pets sold in the country since at least 7,500 BC, initially giving hunting skills to their interest.


At some point on the way, someone invented the cat's flap, so that a cat could come and go because it was pleased without creating a terrible draft.

An anonymous author has published a story in 1893 related to Isaac Newton creating vulnerabilities on the cat's door, and since he was praised as the inventor of the cat.

The problem with this story is not only published 166 years after death, but never mentioned a cat, just hole for his cat!

Neutralizing your cat can increase the average life expectancy of 62%!


If you don't plan for my cat is parents for an almost endless lines of kittens, that's probably a good idea to center it!

Now, though, there are even more reasons to:

A study by Pet Banfield Hospital, the world's largest veterinary clinic, announced that they could seriously increase the life of your pets.



Cats have an extraordinary night vision.


As most of the creatures at night, the cats rely on vision to hunt at night.

While they cannot see exactly in the dark completely, they certainly have much greater vision than us!

If there is no light, they are as bad as we, but if not, they just need about a six-piece of the light we need to see.

Without a specific nutrient, cats may be blind.


If you take fast on the back of the cat's feed bag, you will find that Taurine is always a listed component.

You may have been familiar with this amino acid, because this is usually a component in increasing water like Red Bull.

If a cat goes without taurine for a long time, it can cause many health problems, even leading to blindness!

House Cats Can Run At A Speed Of 30 Miles Per Hour.


If you are wondering why the cats dedicated to the majority of Night-NAPP, this is a good explanation why.

The Average Domestic Cat Can Run Up To 30 Miles Per Hour (46km / h) and Does So Quite Often!

To put this on the perspective, as fast as Sprinter Break World-Record Usain Bolt!



These hairs are found in the ear of a cat who are searching much in the cat's catfolding world, but they also have a great way to use cats!

They make sure that dirt does not go inside and also helps them to hear by picking up sound vibrations.

It is one of the reasons why cats are so great hunters!

Cats have a great feeling about hearing and can hear ultrasound noise.


To put it lightly, cats have a much superior feeling compared to us.

Not only are their night vision tournaments before us, but their hearing is also far away from us!

Their ears can detect sound from 55 Hz that we can receive, all ways to 79 thousand Hertz.

Although this means they can detect ultrasonic sounds, but that doesn't mean they communicate in such frequencies.

Instead, their ultrasonic sensitivity helps them when hunting animals like rodents.



It is not only a right person or left-handed.

While our people are for most right-handed parts, this is not the case with cats.

Studies have discovered that their favorite legs are often related to their gender.

Research has tested a series of cats, tracking their feet will first use when gradually increasing or gradually decreasing the stairs, gaining dishes, and entering their litter trays.

Cats actually have more eyelids than humans.


This third eyelid is called "HAW", and mostly, it works like a windshield wiper.

When a cat blinks, HW strokes horizontally, removing any dust or debris.

You will usually never have the opportunity to see the cat of a cat, but if you do so, it can show a hidden health problem.

Almost all animals have a HAW, with humans and most other primates are exceptions!

They may have more eyelids, but they don't have any eyelashes.


Unlike whether we look beautiful, eyelashes have a specific purpose.

When cats have a third eyelid or HAW, this is simply unnecessary.

Many cat owners claim their cats actually have eyelashes, but in fact, these are just longer fur pieces or even whiskers are on their eyes.



In general, when a cat deliberately rubs into anything is how to transfer its scent to it.


So what does it mean when they rub all your feet?

Well, most likely they are declaring that they are yours.

Now fast, go for your new cat in a way to treat!

Cat family includes many different animals, but the largest is tiger.


Families include domesticated cats, tigers and all other feels called Felidae family.

The largest in all cats is Tiger, or Panthera Tigris, lasting up to 12.5 feet (3.9 meters).

Tigers are not only big, they are also extraordinary, heavy anywhere from 143 to 717 pounds (65-325 kg).

If you are enjoying these cat truths so far, you may also like 30 truths about tigers!



Black legs (Felis nigripes), derived from the arid regions of South Africa and have a maximum weight of only 5.4 pounds (2.34 kg).

Other candidates for the smallest cat in the world are cat rust (pronaailurus rubiginosus, originating from India and Sri Lanka.


Taylor Swift's cat is one of the richest cats in the world.


Three cats of Taylor Swift, Olivia Benson are the richest people.

Unlike most other rich pets, Olivia Benson really done most of his money, type.

In 2020, she worth 97 million dollars, which she achieved through advertising some brands like Diet Coke and Keds.

The world's first cat exhibition took place in Hyde Park, London.


It was an event that began a trend that still happened today.

Held at the famous Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, The Cat Show took place in 1871.

The Flier for the event claims that there will be 500 rare and precious cats on display, including Siamese cats, Polydactyl, Manx and Scotland.


It may not be the best idea to let your cat hunt mice.


This may be a little uncommon, but if you value the cat's health, it's time to stop using them to deal with your mouse issue.

First, any mouse or mouse has eaten unique not to die immediately, so if your cat eats a mouse like that, it can also be poisoned!

Mice can also be infected with ve, which your cat can put into the house.

This is particularly bad if these ticks are bringing Lyme!

Cats are not really great when hunting mice, either!


If you ask anyone how to deal with a mouse problem, they will recommend having a cat.

It is an idea that has become a more legend than a reality, though.

The fact that cats will hunt away anything easiest and most available, often means they like bird hunting, mice and smaller lizards than the mouse!

The heart of the cat beats twice as fast as us.


The heart rate of a healthy cat is quite diverse, depending on how to relax or excitement.

Normal range for a cat is anywhere between 140-220 beats per minute (BPM).

The lower head of the scale when it is relaxed.

If a cat is suffering from heart disease or heart disease, BPM can be more than 220.

The ancient Egyptian cat owners will scrape their own eyebrows when mourning their kittens.


It goes without saying that ancient Egyptians simply admire their pet, especially the cats bringing their homes with their presence.

Whenever a pet cat died, there will be a time for the hair owner that the owner will shave your eyebrows out.

The at least lasts at least last until the eyebrows regrow it.

The biggest known cat's cat is probably Mau Egypt.



We are quite difficult to know what the oldest domesticated cats are, but all proofs indicate Egypt.

While other cats do not go to the scene until about 1000 ads, there are mummies of Maus Egypt dating from at least 1500 BC!

Cats often mix with cats and gender.


There are many common rules when it comes to coupling cats.

Two male cats, for example, there may be territorial and combat issues instead of links.


Instead, the study was discovered that you should introduce a cat opposite sex - just make sure it is air-conditioned!

For cats to eat smaller meals more often can be the key to healthier lifestyle.


The study was pointing out that a cat's lifestyle closer to a cat in nature, we are healthier and happier.

This similar rule clearly applies to their feeding schedule, too.

Cats in nature often eat small meals throughout the day because they will often hunt small animals.

You can simulate this by giving it five parts or much smaller parts at different points of the day.

If you decorate your house with Poinsettia flowers on Christmas, stay away from your cats!



The opaque white plant of the original tree has a mild poison with both cats and dogs.

Although flowers are not deadly, perhaps better to avoid bringing it into your home if you have pets.

Outdoor animal cat has a lifespan of about 2 years.


It is a difficult life for wild cats.

They constantly hunting for the next meal, a clean water source and suitable shelter.

Combining this with the lack of medical care such as vaccination, oral care, as well as any first aid, and it is not surprising to live a much shorter life than their cousins in their country

Indoor cats live much longer, with an average cat living for about 10 to 15 years.


Pure cats often live much longer, healthier, and happier than their cousins.


Provides optimal nutrition, enough exercise, as well as for them suitable medical care when needed can significantly increase the lives of a cat.

Cats eat too much tuna and they can become addicted to it.


It is a famous fact that cats are big fish lovers.


However, it is important to only provide it to the extent, because they can really become addicted to it and refuse to eat anything else.

This is a problem, because tuna does not provide all the necessary nutrients that a cat needs;

There is a good reason why the tongue of a cat is rough.


Being licked by a cat is a very strange feeling, and this is due to small spikes (called papilla) covering their blades.


Small hemps help collect dirt, dirt and loose hair when they groom.

They also acted like a brush, helping hair become blurred or tangled.

All kittens were born with blue eyes.





Gần như tất cả những con mèo trắng với đôi mắt xanh đều bị điếc.


Genes that bring green eye cats seem to be closely linked to a hearing-related genes.

About 85% of all white cats with blue eyes will have some innate deaf forms.

In extreme cases these cats will be completely deaf, but if they are lucky, it can affect them in an ear.

Kilts start losing their teeth like a razor about 3 months old.


If you've ever played with a kitten, you will know how sharp their teeth!

Good news is that they don't have long teeth.

Cats have two sets of teeth, like us.

At the time they were three months old, their milk teeth began to fall off, with their mature teeth surfing below.


Most cats hate water, but a Turkish breed absolutely love it!




They have a long-sleek long coat, and quite often found to be splashed into any country they can find - rivers, streams or even puddles!

A small amount of fat is really good for your cat's health.


In fact, fat is absolutely necessary in cat diet.

Many essential vitamins and nutrients can only be properly absorbed with the help of fat, so the lack of fat can be harmful to the health of a cat.

Some fats are also a good Omega 3 and 6 source, good for joints, kidneys, intestines and skin!


Like human fingerprints is unique, every cat has a completely different nose.


The next time you get close and personally with a cat, look closely at your nose.

You will find that they are covered in hundreds of small collisions.


Maybe one day we will be able to scan the cat nose to identify them, instead of using IC!

Many people are allergic to cats, but cats can really be allergic to people.


Both humans and cats can be seasonal allergies from pollen, dust and other particles such as grass seeds, but this is not surprising.

The surprise here are cats who can be allergic to us like how we are for them!

In such rare cases, cats can be allergic to dead skin and other particles that we have poured throughout the day.

About 60 percent of cats in the US are obese.


It is a unfortunate number that is quite similar to American adults.

While fat cats can be quite lovely when looking at and providing all of us with a lot of essential pleasure, their weight can seriously affect their health.


We are not the only people who can have dementia - turns out that cats can also.


Cats and people with other common points - we greather, our mental health and physical health will go downhill.

Like us, cats can develop a similar condition as dementia called cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CD).

CDs can affect the ability to respond, common perceptions of cats, as well as a great cause of worry.

Unfortunately, there is no treatment for CDs.

The best thing you can make a cat with a CD is ensuring that it is fed with a balanced diet and has a lot of physical and mental stimulation.

Cats have been raised for at least 10,000 years.


The oldest record of a domesticated cat comes from Cyprus.

No cats are derived from the island, so the villagers have to take the cat to the island and tame it there.







If you see your cat works in such a way, try and reduce the difference in your life and it can solve the problem!

Cats have developed a special Purr type to get their way with humans.


If a cat exclaimes you because of the food in the middle of the night, you'll probably be uncomfortable and try to avoid it.

But this is the actual cutest cat that you can read:

As a response to this, the cats have developed a hybrid sound, with the combination of a hiss and meow, and they really model it out of sound for babies!

This hybrid sound is more likely to put you up and get out of bed to feed them in the night, so it definitely works!

There is a good reason cats always sleep in warm places.



It turns out that cats have a legitimate reason to look for warmths to sleep.

Any exterior warmth that helps cats regulate their body temperature without having to consume energy.

This means they can save their energy for more important things, as I'm crying in the middle of the night and strong passively knocked everything out of your desk.

If your cat doesn't drink water, it may be due to the position of the water bowl.


A cat drinking water from anywhere except their water bowl is a common complaint between cat owners.

The explanation is really a fairly simple person, with roots and returning to the wild ancestor of domesticated cats.

Instinct cats avoid water sources are likely to be contaminated, meaning they will not drink water when too close to their food.




If you think the answer to your cat's drinking problem will be simple, think back!

Some cats like to drink water flowing, while other children simply don't accept the bowl you have chosen for them.

Even the cats choose to refuse to drink from a bowl if the water level is too low, or too high!

Cats are responsible for the extinction of at least 63 animals, and counting!


The next time you wonder if your Kitty should be a cat or outdoors, consider this.

As of 2016 at least 63 mammals, birds and reptiles have disappeared from the earth's face to be good by cats worldwide.

The fact that the cats are generally a invasive species, and so are not part of a normal food chain.

Their hunting ability is simply too good, and this is causing many wildlife at risk!

There is a parasite you can catch from cats connected to uncontrollable angry problems.



It is associated with a number of mental health problems, and can strongly affect pregnant women and people with weak immune systems.

It is also found that those infected with parasites are less likely to control their anger, with a rage that is more likely to be doubled compared to normal.

The good news is that the infection is increasingly not as often as the general level of sanitation is becoming higher and higher!

Although you can never notice it, the cat also sweats!


We are not the only people cooling themselves by sweating.


The biggest sweat glands are on their feet, and this is why you can see moist prints in a hot summer day.

Disneyland Park "uses" nearly 200 cats.


As soon as Disneyland park opened in the 1950s, they began to have problems with rodents.


The park employees soon recognized the value of cats and since taking care of them and their children.

Cats use their RIA beard to evaluate whether they are suitable for an open hole or not.


The rias of a cat are long, flexible hairs are mounted around the mouth, eyes and even on its legs.

Different from their abundant look, their beard is as wide as their body.

This supports a lot of cats, because they can determine if they can match a distance or the entire just by sticking the head through it and testing their beard is suitable.

You can also tell the mood of a cat by RIA beard.


If a cat is in good mood, feeling generally content, or even curious, it will relax its face muscles and whiskers will be pushed forward a bit.

You can also determine whether a cat is angry or defended by RIA beard, because they will pull their beard back.

Kittens from the same litter can have different father.


If a female cat is like a male cat, all kittens will be their only births.

However, if the cat is like any other male cat in the next 20-50 hours, everything can be a bit complicated!


This term is called Superfecundation and is not unique to cats.

Cats can rotate 18-degree ears.



Instead, it will turn the ear towards you to listen to you.

In fact, cats can rotate both their ears 180 degrees in different directions at the same time.

This means they can listen carefully anything, anywhere with their 360 degree listening ability!

However, another way to tell the mood of a cat is by watching its ears.


Cats are relatively complex creatures, and we often understand very little things going through their heads!

Another way we can understand more about what they feel is by paying attention to their ear positions.


Although if a cat is angry, it will usually flatten its ears against its head to protect them in case of fighting.

If a cat is a bit worried, or sad by something, it will often shake a bit.

Keep chocolate for yourself, it's cruel for cats!


Most people know that while dogs are enemies for chocolate, it's quite toxic to them.

However, less known as it was bad like a cat - Fortunately, they didn't seem quite like it.

Cocoa products like chocolate contain a component called theobromine.

People can completely digest this, but our feather friends are simply impossible.



Cats are quite amazing when dancing;


The height that the cat approached when they dance were never surprised.

It turns out the reason for this is quite simple, and goes down on strong leg muscles and long limbs!

A medium-sized cat with good health can jump up to 8 feet (2.4 m).

The more practice dancing a cat, as possible, it usually becomes there.

This is why cats outdoors are usually excellent with it, while the cat in your average home ends become a star on the internet due to another spectacular failure!

There is a charming reason for your cat carrying dead mice with you.


In fact, that means they consider you as part of their package!

It is the most common for those cats that bring small "gifts" to you when they feel instinctive needs to share their hunting skills with you.

So next time your cat wakes you up in the middle of the night by dropping a dead mouse on your pillow just remember that it means that your cat thinks you smoke hunting!

No difficult feeling, right?




While we are slash and can survive and do well in diet without meat, cats are predators.

The fact that any cat is given anything other than meat-based diets will develop serious health problems that can be fatal.

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If you want a cat but don't want it to eat meat, maybe you should consider getting a Guinea pig instead!

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You may have experienced it personally, or maybe you've heard a story from a friend of a friend.

The classic story of a lost cat makes it home despite all odds that are warm and confusing.

Although we are still not sure exactly how they manage to do that, we have some theory.

Some claim that cats can detect the natural magnetic field of the earth and can navigate by using it.




While there are always exceptions, most cats wandering are not far from four or five houses compared to their homes.

Males tend to explore further than women, with their territories that extend to a 1500-feet radius (457 m) from home.

Children discovered much less, with an average female cat who only discovered a radius of about 750 feet (228 m) from home.

When receiving adoption, black cats are the least popular.


"" "" ""

For hundreds of years, black cats were linked to witches & sucking.

Whatever reason, this is bad news for black cats, with their Tabby partners capable of being passed twice.

The cat's tail will tremble if it is near someone, she loves.


While we can't talk to cats to understand what they are thinking, there are some clues they provide to us.

The cat tail is the most expression of their bodies.

If the tail of a cat is pointed straight and trembling, or trembling, that means they are happy, excited and happy to meet you!

There are many different meanings, we can also collect from the tail of a cat!



A flickering their tails every now and then can also be a sign of discomfort.

If only the tail of the tail is a little seizure, it may mean they focus on something.

The most alarming message The cat's tail can be considered when they are angry, fear or prepare to fight.


Cats like to spend time alone.


Unlike dogs, they don't need much attention and can be very happy without any companionship.



You should not feed many cats from the same food bowl.


It is the best practice to start for cats to eat from different bowls.


When cats are old, they develop different diet needs, so train them to use individual bowls from scratch it much easier.

While not as much as dogs, cats can be aggressive during feeding.

Parsley, Sage and other herbs are one of the favorite foods of a cat.


Although there are many toxic trees with cats.

It's attractive to fill your house with many different plants to provide a little color and freshness.


Some more common dangerous plants include any kind of lilies, aloe vera, daffodils, geraniums and tulips.

You should make sure you perform a thorough study before bringing any new trees to the house.

If you put a collar on your cat, make sure it's not too tight.


There are many good reasons to put a collar on a pet cat, and they are not only cosmetics.

Mặc dù bạn có thể đã vắt cho con mèo của mình, một thẻ trên cổ áo là nơi đầu tiên bất cứ ai cũng sẽ tìm kiếm nhận dạng hoặc chi tiết liên lạc trong trường hợp nó bị mất.


The best collars are locked locks that will open if it is swept into anything to prevent injury to your cat.

It is also important to no collar too loose or tight, with ideal enough loose enough so you can match 1-2 fingers below it.

The oldest cat was recorded at 38 years old.



Born on August 3, 1967, she spent many years with the owner Jake Perry in Austin, Texas until she died on August 6, 2005, at the age of 38 years and 3 days old.

Perry often claims that Creme Puff's unusual diet is the key to her old age, with diets including dry cat food, eggs, broccoli, coffee with bacon, and




It is also known as Eluroophobia, Gatophobia and Felinophobia.

We also not only talk about a slight dislike of cats.


Even animated versions or images of cats can panic you.

A cat is the honor mayor of a Alaska town for 20 years.


His name is Stubbs, and he ruled Talkeetna town since 1997 until he died in 2017.

He became an unofficial mayor of the town when dissatisfied residents sent letters in their vote for him due to lack of any other human options.

Stubbs adopted parents Ran Nagley's synthetic store in town, then became his unofficial mayor office, drawing 30-40 tourists every day.

The record for the world's longest cat is 48.5 inches.


Such a long cat deserves a long name and this cat's name doesn't disappoint!

His full name is Mymains Stewart Gilligan, although his friends call him Stewie.

In 2010, his owner in Nevada, the United States, decided to enter Stewie to record the longest cat in the Guinness world record after many of their friends commented on their huge length.

He measured 48.5 inches long (123 cm) and achieved the record of the longest cat in the same year.




When you think about it, it's an amazing thing to do.

Researchers in Japan have conducted experiments by playing the records of cat owners and strangers with the presence of cats and noted their reactions.

The cats have shown their owners' voice recognition while not paying attention to strangers.

However, in both cases, they don't mind the audio investigation.



Publish, to provide vehicles to publish in some newspapers, magazines, v.v.

In terms of Garfield is the most widely offered cartoon, which means it keeps a record for different numbers published every time a new strip comic is published!

The first Garfield comic was released only 41 newspapers in 1978.

At the time it achieved a world record status in 2002, comics was published in 2,570 newspapers worldwide!

The best "Mouser" in the world is a cat named Towser.


TortoiseShell Feline was born from April 21, 1963, and was owned by Glenturret Distillery Factory Co., Ltd., a whiskey distillery factory near the town of Crieff, Scotland.

From 1963 to her death in 1987, she stooped the distillation factory at night, staying safe with any invasive rodent.


If you visit the Glenturret distillation factory, make sure you check the Towser statue in the center of the visitors.

A train station in Japan uses cats as a workstation.


First in a stood cat line, Tama, a black, white cat and Calico, who has occupied in Kishi Station in Wakayama Prefecture.

She was awarded the position in 2007 immediately after cutting the budget leading to a decrease in staff along the train route.

Instead of a salary, she was provided a year to provide cat food and a custom researcher's hat.

And she was awarded a yellow card, showing her official name and position!

Tama continues to become an honorary president of the railway for life in 2013.

Cute cats of cats have existed for more than 100 years.


Short film titled "boxing cat", and nothing surprising is a video of two boxing cats!

He is quite fascinated by the idea of the movie and continues to create a series of short-distance films.

Movies include a sneezer and a trapezoid artist undressing, among other things.

If you just read 100 ends of the last cat and to this point, I'm greeting you!

You must be a big lover like cat like me, and that's not an easy task!

Despite the real, it's hard to not love cats - they have been with us now for thousands of years to keep us American company.

And it's easy to assume that they will continue our home leadership in many people, many years!

If you like to read these cat truths, please share them with your friends!
