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100 interesting facts you won't believe the truth

The truth about food is not what you really think about when eating your favorite meals, but we do!

Food can be a nutritious meal or a sinful pleasure!

Some of those foods, whether they are healthy or not, have interesting facts about them that you will never guess or think about.

For example, do you know that farm costumes are dyed?

Find out why Crackers have holes in it, and the true origin of American cheese - suggestions: not from the US.

If you only have a backup minute, you can watch the video below with our 5 interesting facts from this list!

Whatever your taste is, these interesting facts will be surprised and enlighten to you, so without adding ADO here is 100 random truths of food!

Pound Cake has its name from its recipe.


The early recipes of pound cakes are called a pound of butter, an egg pound, and a pound of sugar.

It is a giant cake!

Most Wasabi supermarkets are really horse cabbage.


Real Wasabi is a challenge to do and expensive.

Replacement, most wasabi to sell is colored horse wealth with aromatherapy.

The most expensive pizza in the world costs $ 12,000.


It is because it takes 72 hours to do it, and it can only be done in your home by 3 Italian chefs.

Pizza is headed with 3 types of caviar, bufala mozzarella, lobster from Norway and Cilento and Pink Australian sea salt.

Farm farm is dyed.


An ingredient in the farm is titanium dioxide used to make it look whiter.

It is the same component used in sunscreen and paint to color.

A fast food burger can have meat from 100 different cows.


It is so

Flavored snacks fruit shine because of car wax.


Yes, the same wax used on cars, carnauba wax, is the same wax used to provide gummy candies a light shadow.

Not sure how I feel about it!

Nutmeg is a hallucination.


If you eat nutmegs with large doses, it works like an illusion due to a natural compound called Myristicin.

It works to change mind if used in large doses.

Crunchy cakes have holes in them for a reason.


During the baking process, if the crackers have a vulnerability in it, it prevents air bubbles to destroy the product.

Tomato sauce was used to be used as a drug.


Back to the early 1800s, people think that tomatoes have a pharmaceutical qualit.

A doctor claimed they could treat diarrhea and indigestion, so he created a formula for a tomato sauce tomato then became a pill.



Its name is deceiving because white chocolate does not have any components of conventional chocolate.

It is really just a sugar mixture, milk, vanilla, lecithin and cocoa butter.



Wild salmon is natural pink because all their shrimp eat.

Meanwhile, salmon lift farm has a different diet and ultimately white.

However, they are given specific plant pigments for the same color as wild salmon.

Red food dyes for skittles are made from boiled beetles.


A normal red food dye, carminic acid, made from the crushed body of a beetle called Coccus DACTLOPIUS.

This AC

Biscuits are poorer for your teeth than the road.


Acid is the biggest cause of tooth decay, not sugar!

Crunchy cakes tend to stick to your teeth ending as a reproductive foundation for bacteria.



There is a chemical in chili chili called Capsaicin forcing your mouth to feel like being burned - that's why spicy food.

Pain is all in your head!

American cheese is not Americans.


Processed cheeses are considered a US product, but it is actually invented in Switzerland.

It was created by Waltz Gerber and Fritz Stettler in 1911 to extend the shelf time before it was shipped abroad.

Russia takes a long time to classify beer as alcohol.


Until 2013, beer and other alcohol below 10% ABV are classified as freshwater!

Until then, and even today, people often drink beer on the street and the park often as you will see soda.

Cheese is the most stolen food in the world.


In fact, it has been stolen a lot it has its own percentage!

There is even a black market market for cheese!

One of four hazpies ended with Nutella.


Nutella is very popular, 25% of all hazelnuts end in a vial!

Because they are in such a high demand, some universities are trying to develop them in laboratories to deny global shortcomings.

A corn beef sandwich is smuggled into space.


A astronaut sneaking a sandwich on his spacecraft in a 6-hour mission.

When he took the sandwich in Zero-Gravity, it began to collapse and he had to leave it before the scrap had compromised the spacecraft.

Some music can make you drink faster.


Researchers had a test to see people's habits of changing people based on playing music.

Large music seems to make people drink more, and faster.

Chocolate has been used as a currency in the ancient civilizations of Mexico and South America.



They have to rely on Mayan and trade cocoa beans with them as a money system.

Chocolate is not the most strange thing used as currency in the past ... potato mashers?

McDonald sells 2.5 billion hamburgers every year.


That is equivalent to McDonald's 75 MucDonalds sold every second, every day or 6.5 million hamburgers every day!

You can find peanuts in explosives.


Peanuts have an oil used as a component while manufacturing glycerol, which is a major component of nitroglycerin.

The expiration date on bottled water has nothing to do with water.


Water cannot expire - but bottles it can.


You may also like 10 health benefits of drinking water.

Some people are afraid of peanut butter.


Removing peanut butter stuck with your palate is annoying firmly, but to have an irrational fear about it happens as the next level.

But there is an obsession of everything and this comma

ArachiButyrophobia is a fear of peanut butter stuck on your mouth roof!



Although Hawaii consumes the most spam per capita compared to any other state, it was invented in Minnesota.

There is even a spam museum in Minnesota!

Honey is bee gagging.




Three Neoters do not live by its name.


Three bars Candy Musketeers are originally vanilla, strawberry and chocolate flavors in one!

However, in World War II, they only changed into chocolate due to diets.

Froot loop is all the same flavors.



There are no answers for how many licks to the center of a Pop Tootsie.


It's a much debated theme - exactly how much licking to the center of a Pop Tootsie?

It may take anywhere from 144 to 411 licking.

In ancient Egyptians, radish, onions and garlic has been given to employees as wages.


Special beets are because they have helped infectious diseases!

In Japan, the chefs have to train for more than two years to qualify for fishing bowls.


Pufferfish is a delicacies in Japan, but if it is mispetty, it can kill people.

Fries Fries originated from Belgium, not France!


They are only called french fries because they are French cut.



Although inside is the best part and we are always excited to get a firm bite of that kind of good fluffy, it really shortened vegetables!

Strawberries are not berries.


Technically, berries only have seeds inside, a clear rule broken by strawberries!

Pineapple is not related to pine.


Name comes from adventurers soon.

When they saw pineapple for the first time, they thought they looked like the hat that was the fruit with its name!

No one knows the origin of chocolate biscuits.


There are a few ideas about where this popular formula comes from.

It was shown that Ruth Wakefield, who created chocolate biscuits, ran out of nuts for used ice cream cakes and chocolate instead.

Others suggest the accidental chucoles fall into the mixer, but the story has never been confirmed.

Margherita Pizza is named after a queen.


When King Umberto I and Queen Margherita visited Napoli, they wanted a change from their favorite food and asked Pizza, which was food for the poor afterwards.

The queen loves Mozzarella Pizza so much that it ends named after her.

Thomas Jefferson made Pasta popular in the United States.


Thomas Jefferson is responsible for bringing the first Macaroni to the United States after spending time in France.

He also introduced Mac and cheese for Americans!

Cauliflower has many colors.


Although we usually only see white cauliflower, it really has the varieties of purple, orange and green.

Orange and purple sheep with higher antioxidants!

Lima beans die.


Rough lima beans have a long amount of xy xy xy in it.

But, if you cook them thoroughly, you will be fine!

Chickpeas has more names than you think.


Green beans and garbanzo beans are similar things - one

In addition, they are red, black, brown and light yellow.




In South Africa, it is more popular for what they call popcorns, to be roasted and ants.

Not all alcohol is vegan.


With the main ingredient is grapes, you will think this will be a non-intellectual person.

However, some common ingredients in alcohol are milk proteins, white eggs, gelatin and fish bladder proteins.

Sweet drinks can cause memory loss.



However, the studies have shown that people who drink one or more artificial sweet drinks every day are likely to have dementia three times more.

Nutrition labels in order.



So if you need a good power bar for the gym and you see the line at the top of the list, it's time to find another protein source!

Bad eggs will float.


If you need to check the freshness of the egg, place them in a glass of cold water.

Any eggs that buoys should be thrown out.

Coffee is the main source of antioxidants for Americans.


No Americans secretly drink a lot of coffee, but it's a number one place where they have their antioxidants.

Antioxidants help anti-aging and heart disease, but coffee doesn't really have many of them - we only drink a lot!

You may also like 10 surprising health benefits of drinking coffee.

Ripe cranberries will bounce.


If you want to check your nine cranberries, drop them to the ground!

Cranberries are bouncing balls of nature - even farmers also use this technique to see if their cranberries are ready for delivery!

Popsicles was invented by accidents.


The details are debated, but the general story is in 1905, a 11-year-old child leaves a soda mixture and water outside in a overnight cup.

It froze, and he ate it in the morning.

Initially he called it "Epsicle" (his last name was Epperson).

When he then had children, they started calling it "Socle" and the new name was born.

Bird Siriva is a delicacous dish in China.


China's expensive delicacies are bird nest soup made from rare birds created from SA

They have been used in China for more than four centuries.

Food is allowed to contain some insects.


According to the FDA standard, there is a grant for the trace level of possible errors in your food.

For example, chocolate may have no more than 60 pieces of insects per 100 grams.

Peanut butter can not have more than 30 insects on 100 grams.

Coffee beans can help eliminate bad breath.


If you chew roasted coffee beans, it can help prevent bacteria that cause bad breath.

Drinking coffee also helps, it is only ineffective.

Dew mountain contains orange juice.


Although it tastes like lemon-lemon soda-lemon, orange juice is the third in the list of components, right behind carbonated water and high fructose corn syrup.



It is considered Mexican food, Chimichangas actually derived from Tucson, Arizona.

This name is set in '50s by a chef trying not cursing in front of children.




There are pulp in shredded cheese.


A component called "cellulose" is the digestive wood pulp.

It is a filler used to keep cheese together and be approved by FDA.

Human DNA is 60% like bananas.


Our genes include 3 billion surprising construction blocks are absurd.

From this, 60% of our genes are identical to bananas;

Pizza Hut used to be the country's largest kale buyer.


Pizza Hut's salad is a common way before kale becomes a trend again in the early 2010.


Figs can contain hornets.


The picture is really the flowers reversed with a unique pollination process that requires corn bees instead of bees.

The female horners put their eggs in the male fig that we don't eat, but sometimes the beggs will accidentally enter a female child, which is a fatal mistake.

Wasp dies inside and ends the decomposition inside the picture.

Potatoes are 80% of water.


Certainly we all know celery has plenty of water, but those who know potatoes only 15% after them!

Technically, you can force a potato, but I don't think anyone wants it.

India produces, consumes and exports the most chiliels in the world.



These days, they not only eat and grow more than anyone else, but this is where you will find some of the most spool peppers like Bhut Jolokia.

49% of Americans over 20 years old eat a sandwich every day.



Obviously, it has changed today, after a 2014 study shows that 49% of Americans over 20 eat a sandwich every day.

Serbia organizes the most expensive cheeses.


Pue cheese is made of dizzy milk at a location in Serbia.

A pound pule discount has been sold for $ 576 per pound, but the normal cost is more than $ 1,000 per pound!

Turkey consumes the most tea every person.


Although Turkish coffee is popular, tea is larger than the staples.


Netherlands drinks many most coffee every person.


Another surprising statistic here - each person drinks about 2.5 cups of coffee a day.

Finland and Swedish trail behind them at 1.8 and 1.3 cups.

Popcorn in non-popular movies.


Popcorn is a snack to watch movies for Americans, and it's easy to assume that everyone else does this.

However, in Colombia, dry ants are popular choices.

Meanwhile in Korea, the snack of choice is dried, and in China, they eat dried salt plums.

Brown sugar is no different from white sugar.


Brown sugar is not les

The only difference is the fact that some honey is removed during refinement, added.

German chocolate cake has nothing to do with Germany.


German chocolate cake was invented by a Texas, who used "German Chocolate" simply baked chocolate named by author, Sam German.

That's all in the name!

Tonic water glows in the dark.


It's strange to think that my inside is glowing whenever I have a gin and a tonic, but that's true!

Quinine is the component of the supplement, which is what causes light.

Flamin's hot Cheetos was invented by a gatekeeper.


In 1976, Richard Montanez created a yard for the idea of Flamin's hot Cheetos to the CEO of Frito-Lay.

Richard worked as a gatekeeper at Frito

Coriander and Cilantro are not the same.


Although people tend to think it is the same with another name, which is not the case.

Cilantro is the leaves and trunk of the tree, while Coriander is the name of the dry beads.

There is a small difference between JE


Jam is made with fruit, that's why it's very chunky.

An easy way to say the difference between jelly and jam is jelly that will spread evenly, while jam will tend a little bit.

Nut of the famous Alabama state.


The Nut of Alabama is Pecan.

It is a big problem, has a Pecan festival of the annual state with Carnival Rides, Country Music and a Western program.

India has the lowest meat consumption in the world.


On average, Indians only consume 7 pounds of meat per person every year.

Nutritious food is more expensive than junk food.


This is a great reason to use to eat snacks and save money, but our bodies don't like it a lot!

Each ounce, nutritious food costs up to 10 times compared to junk food.

In an emergency, coconut water can be used for plasma.


Like plasma, coconut water has low sodium concentrations and low potassium.

It should only be used in absolute emergencies, because side effects may have fever, headache, itching or pain.

Lucky cookies are not Chinese people.


Although we think about these things like a Chinese culinary definition, lucky biscuits are from a completely different continent!

They were invented in the early 1900s in San Francisco.

You can survive just by drinking breast milk.


Breast milk is the only only food that provides all the nutrients that we

Adults can also survive this, as long as they receive enough it.

Eskimos uses refrigerators to prevent frozen food.



To prevent frozen food, Eskimo needs a refrigerator to keep it too cold.

Eating fast foods often have a similar impact on liver like hepatitis.


A month of eating fast food can cause significant changes to your liver due to saturated fat and fat.

Changes in liver enzymes are similar to the effects of hepatitis.

A ridiculous amount of Nutella is sold annually.


So much so, it can cover China's big wall 8 times, you can circle the world 1.8 times, and this amount is serious like the Empire State building.

Goat meat is the most popular meat.


Although we can get used to burgers, goat meat accounts for 70% of red meat eating globally!

This is a great news

Throwing food is illegal in Seattle.


Since 2015, if you do not distribute food and paper waste that can be decomposed, businesses will be fined $ 50 per trash bin and only $ 1 for families a family.

One of the most influential men in history is an agricultural scientist.


Norman Borlaug has developed new crop strains that bring more foods 4 times.

He was supposed to have saved lives over a billion people!

California is the world's fifth largest food supplier.


Although the struggle with drought, California is also one of the leading irrigation water users in the United States - perhaps to provide all the food it grows!

Astronauts have eaten food grown in space for the first time in 2015.


Specifically, on August 10, 2015, NASA astronauts saw a developing Romaine lettuce in a specially designed chamber.

The fact that food can now be grown in space means we can explore longer space without ending food supply.

Some products in the United States are too ugly for sale.


Specifically, a huge number of 40% of the product is planted is never sold just because it's too ugly.

Because consumers will not buy imperfect fruits or vegetables, grocery stores, respectively, rejecting their stocks.

Sounds can affect the taste of your food.


High frequency sound to enhance sweetness in food, while low frequencies highlight bitter taste.

Prisoners in Texas are not able to choose their last meal.



Later, state lawmakers asked the tradition to terminate the prisoners to ask their final meals.

Australians eat a lot of meat.


Come to the huge level of 200 pounds per person every year, Australians for the first time, but still followed by Americans.

Americans eat millions of pounds of peanut butter.


Every year, Americans consume enough peanut butter to cover the floor of Grand Canyon - exactly £ 500 million!

There are more Indian restaurants in London in Mumbai or Delhi.


There are about 15,000 restaurants in U.K., with most of them in big cities, especially London.

And while they serve Indian food, most owners are Bangladeshians.

Columbia trading platform changed the food process.


Until Christopher Columbus began to spread worldwide in plants and seeds, no cams in f

Not only this, but there are no potatoes in Ireland, no coffee in Colombia, without pineapple

Hot chocolate is more delicious from a orange cup.


Depending on how you serve something, it can change scientifically about your awareness of your taste.

Scientists have 57 volunteers try hot chocolate out of white cups, ice cream, red and oranges.

It was similar hot chocolate, but the volunteers prefer the orange cup.

Original Pizza Margherita is color coded.


Pizza Margherita was created to represent Italian flag - basil for green, tomatoes for red and mozzarella for white.



If you eat an early dinner or ignore a complete dinner, it increases the amount of fat of a burn while they are sleeping.

Cannot cook an egg on the sidewalk.


The highest temperature was recorded as 131 Fahrenheit.


Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day.


This only reason has become a popular idea, because a company called General Food is used here as a marketing campaign in 1944.

They offer phrases to sell their grape grapes.


Domino's co-founder traded her stock to a Volkswagen.


One year after opening, James Monaghan, a co-founder, traded half of his shares for a used VW beetle.

38 years later, co-founder, Tom Monaghan, sold his shares for $ 1 billion.

Well, you have finished 100 random truth about food, one of the fact that this food surprised you most?

Or maybe some of you already know about?

It just shows that whether we try to eat well;

All we can do is try our best and read the truth about the foods we love - or hate - the most!