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History Events on January 03

Boko Haram
Boko Haram militants raze the entire town of Baga in north-east Nigeria, starting the Baga massacre and killing as many as 2,000 people.


Stephen F. Austin
Stephen F. Austin receives a grant of land in Texas from the government of Mexico.


American Civil War
American Civil War: Delaware votes not to secede from the United States.


Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Israeli forces seize the Palestinian freighter Karine A in the Red Sea, finding 50 tons of weapons.


West Indies Federation
The West Indies Federation is formed.


George H. W. Bush
In Moscow, Russia, George H. W. Bush and Boris Yeltsin sign the second Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START).


General (United States)
American General George Washington defeats British General Lord Cornwallis at the Battle of Princeton.


Austria, the United Kingdom, and France form a secret defensive alliance against Prussia and Russia.


Sino-French War
Sino-French War: Beginning of the Battle of Núi Bop


Alaska is admitted as the 49th U.S. state.


Battle of Bapaume (1871)
In the Battle of Bapaume, an engagement in the Franco-Prussian War, General Louis Faidherbe's forces bring about a Prussian retreat.


Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, the central bank of the Philippines, is established.


Eiffel Tower
A fire damages the top part of the Eiffel Tower.


United States Congress
Proceedings of the U.S. Congress are televised for the first time.


1911 Kebin earthquake
A magnitude 7.7 earthquake destroys the city of Almaty in Russian Turkestan.


Baixa de Cassanje
A protest by agricultural workers in Baixa de Cassanje, Portuguese Angola, turns into a revolt, opening the Angolan War of Independence, the first of the Portuguese Colonial Wars.


Chester W. Nimitz
World War II: Admiral Chester W. Nimitz is placed in command of all U.S. Naval forces in preparation for planned assaults against Iwo Jima and Okinawa in Japan.


Baikal Airlines Flight 130
Baikal Airlines Flight 130 crashes near Irkutsk, Russia, resulting in 125 deaths.


United States invasion of Panama
United States invasion of Panama: Manuel Noriega, former leader of Panama, surrenders to American forces.


Brooklyn Bridge
Construction work begins on the Brooklyn Bridge in New York, United States.


Joseph Jenkins Roberts
Joseph Jenkins Roberts is sworn in as the first president of Liberia.


The SL-1 nuclear reactor is destroyed by a steam explosion in the only reactor incident in the United States to cause immediate fatalities.


Emperor Decius orders everyone in the Roman Empire (except Jews) to make sacrifices to the Roman gods.


March of Dimes
The March of Dimes is established as a foundation to combat infant polio by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.


Flash Airlines Flight 604
Flash Airlines Flight 604 crashes into the Red Sea, resulting in 148 deaths, making it one of the deadliest aviation accidents in Egyptian history.


Coonan Cross Oath
By the Coonan Cross Oath, the Eastern Church in India cuts itself off from colonial Portuguese tutelage.


Meiji Restoration
Meiji Restoration in Japan: The Tokugawa shogunate is abolished; agents of Satsuma and Ch?sh? seize power.


Siege of Sidney Street
A gun battle in the East End of London left two dead and sparked a political row over the involvement of then-Home Secretary Winston Churchill.


Apple Inc.
Apple Computer is incorporated.


World War II
World War II: Top Ace Major Greg "Pappy" Boyington is shot down in his Vought F4U Corsair by Captain Masajiro Kawato flying a Mitsubishi A6M Zero.


Frances P. Bolton
Frances P. Bolton and her son, Oliver from Ohio, become the first mother and son to serve simultaneously in the U.S. Congress.


Martial law
Martial law is declared in Honduras to stop a revolt by banana workers fired by the United Fruit Company.


More than seven million people from the former apartheid Homelands receive South African citizenship.


Benito Mussolini
Benito Mussolini announces he is taking dictatorial powers over Italy.


Pope Leo X
Pope Leo X excommunicates Martin Luther in the papal bull Decet Romanum Pontificem.


Falkland Islands
The United Kingdom claims sovereignty over the Falkland Islands.


Cold War
Cold War: The United States severs diplomatic relations with Cuba over the latter's nationalization of American assets.


Mars Polar Lander
The Mars Polar Lander is launched by NASA.


Benning Wentworth
Benning Wentworth issues the first of the New Hampshire Grants, leading to the establishment of Vermont.


Hamilton Watch Company
The Hamilton Watch Company introduces the first electric watch.


International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, comes into force.


Chang'e 4
Chang'e 4 makes the first soft landing on the far side of the Moon, deploying the Yutu-2 lunar rover.


Computer analysts report two major security vulnerabilities, named "Meltdown" and "Spectre," affecting the microprocessors of almost all computers in the world.
Following the fallout caused by the execution of Nimr al-Nimr, Iran ends its diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia.
The first block of the blockchain of the decentralized payment system Bitcoin, called the Genesis block, was established by the creator of the system, Satoshi Nakamoto.
Final daily edition of the Peanuts comic strip.
Pope John XXIII excommunicates Fidel Castro.


Popular Canadian American jockey George Woolf dies in a freak accident during a race; the annual George Woolf Memorial Jockey Award is created to honor him.
Minnie D. Craig becomes the first woman elected as Speaker of the North Dakota House of Representatives, the first woman to hold a Speaker position anywhere in the United States.
At the Paris Peace Conference, Emir Faisal I of Iraq signs an agreement with Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann on the development of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
An Atlantic coast storm sets the lowest confirmed barometric pressure reading for a non-tropical system in the continental United States.
The first issue of Berlingske, Denmark's oldest continually operating newspaper, is published.