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History Events on February 05

An Lushan
An Lushan, leader of a revolt against the Tang Dynasty, declares himself emperor and establishes the state of Yan.


United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia
Moldavia and Wallachia formally unite to create the Romanian United Principalities.


General Hospital of Mexico
In Mexico, the General Hospital of Mexico is inaugurated, started with four basic specialties.


Chedli Klibi
Ugo Vetere, then the mayor of Rome, and Chedli Klibi, then the mayor of Carthage meet in Tunis to sign a treaty of friendship officially ending the Third Punic War which lasted 2,131 years.


South Carolina
South Carolina becomes the second state to ratify the Articles of Confederation.


European Court of Justice
The European Court of Justice's ruling in Van Gend en Loos v Nederlandse Administratie der Belastingen establishes the principle of direct effect, one of the most important, if not the most important, decisions in the development of European Union law.


SS Tuscania (1914)
SS Tuscania is torpedoed off the coast of Ireland; it is the first ship carrying American troops to Europe to be torpedoed and sunk.


Apollo 14
Astronauts land on the moon in the Apollo 14 mission.


HMS Blenheim (1761)
HMS Blenheim (1761) and HMS Java disappear off the coast of Rodrigues.


Peninsular War
Peninsular War: Siege of Cádiz begins.


Stephen W. Thompson
Stephen W. Thompson shoots down a German airplane; this is the first aerial victory by the U.S. military.


Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Prince of Moldavia, is also elected as prince of Wallachia, joining the two principalities as a personal union called the United Principalities, an autonomous region within the Ottoman Empire, which ushered the birth of the modern Romanian state.


Banking in Switzerland
The so-called Big Three banks in Switzerland announce the creation of a $71 million fund to aid Holocaust survivors and their families.


Constitution of Mexico
The current constitution of Mexico is adopted, establishing a federal republic with powers separated into independent executive, legislative, and judicial branches.


Leopold II of Belgium
King Leopold II of Belgium establishes the Congo as a personal possession.


Royal Netherlands Navy
Mutiny on Royal Netherlands Navy warship HNLMS De Zeven Provinciën off the coast of Sumatra, Dutch East Indies.


Manuel Noriega
Manuel Noriega is indicted on drug smuggling and money laundering charges.


World War II
World War II: Allied forces begin the Battle of Keren to capture Keren, Eritrea.


Gamal Abdel Nasser
Gamal Abdel Nasser is nominated to be the first president of the United Arab Republic.


In Calabria, a sequence of strong earthquakes begins.


University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Madison's first class meets at Madison Female Academy.


Douglas MacArthur
World War II: General Douglas MacArthur returns to Manila.


Markale massacres
Markale massacres, more than 60 people are killed and some 200 wounded as a mortar shell explodes in a downtown marketplace in Sarajevo.


Hellenic Air Force
Greek military aviators, Michael Moutoussis and Aristeidis Moraitinis perform the first naval air mission in history, with a Farman MF.7 hydroplane.


Leo Baekeland
Belgian chemist Leo Baekeland announces the creation of Bakelite, the world's first synthetic plastic.


Henry IV of France
Henry of Navarre abjures Catholicism at Tours and rejoins the Protestant forces in the French Wars of Religion.


Hermitage Museum
The New Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia, one of the largest and oldest museums in the world, opens to the public.


Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, and D. W. Griffith launch United Artists.


Riots break in Lima, Peru after the police forces go on strike the day before. The uprising (locally known as the Limazo) is bloodily suppressed by the military dictatorship.


2008 Super Tuesday tornado outbreak
A major tornado outbreak across the Southern United States kills 57.


Francisco Franco
Generalísimo Francisco Franco becomes the 68th "Caudillo de España", or Leader of Spain.


Rebels from the Revolutionary Artibonite Resistance Front capture the city of Gonaïves, starting the 2004 Haiti rebellion.
Russian forces massacre at least 60 civilians in the Novye Aldi suburb of Grozny, Chechnya.
Byron De La Beckwith is convicted of the 1963 murder of civil rights leader Medgar Evers.
French President Charles de Gaulle calls for Algeria to be granted independence.
A hydrogen bomb known as the Tybee Bomb is lost by the US Air Force off the coast of Savannah, Georgia, never to be recovered.
The Royal Greenwich Observatory begins broadcasting the hourly time signals known as the Greenwich Time Signal.
The Congress of the United States passes the Immigration Act of 1917 over President Woodrow Wilson's veto.
The largest alluvial gold nugget in history, called the "Welcome Stranger", is found in Moliagul, Victoria, Australia.
Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte ascends to the thrones of Sweden and Norway.
Spanish defeat British forces and capture Menorca.
Charles Stuart, the son of King Charles I, is declared King Charles II of England and Scotland by the Scottish Parliament.
A group of early Japanese Christians are killed by the new government of Japan for being seen as a threat to Japanese society.
Idris I reaches Volubilis and founds the Idrisid dynasty, ceding Morocco from the Abbasid caliphate and founding the first Moroccan state.
Earthquake in Pompeii, Italy.