History Events on April 02

United States President Jimmy Carter signs the Crude Oil Windfall Profits Tax Act.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics conducts the country's first national census.

Prince Norodom Sihanouk resigns as leader of Cambodia and is placed under house arrest.

Actor Charlie Chaplin returns to the United States for the first time since being labeled a communist during the Red Scare in the early 1950s.

Islamist terrorists involved in the 11 March 2004 Madrid attacks attempt to bomb the Spanish high-speed train AVE near Madrid; the attack is thwarted.

The Autonomous Government of Khorasan, a military government encompassing the modern state of Iran, is established.

A spree shooting occurs at the Fort Hood army base in Texas, with four dead, including the gunman, and 16 others injured.

Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León first sights land in what is now the United States state of Florida.

The United States Congress passes the Foraker Act, giving Puerto Rico limited self-rule.

The Coinage Act is passed establishing the United States Mint.

In New York, Mafia boss John Gotti is convicted of murder and racketeering and is later sentenced to life in prison.

American Civil War: Defeat at the Third Battle of Petersburg forces the Army of Northern Virginia and the Confederate government to abandon Richmond, Virginia.

"Electric Theatre", the first full-time movie theater in the United States, opens in Los Angeles.

Rama IV is crowned King of Thailand.

Alabama governor George Wallace, a former segregationist, best known for the "Stand in the Schoolhouse Door", announces that he will not seek a fifth four-year term and will retire from public life upon the end of his term in January 1987.

American Civil War: The largest in a series of Southern bread riots occurs in Richmond, Virginia.

World War I: United States President Woodrow Wilson asks the U.S. Congress for a declaration of war on Germany.

Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev arrives in Havana, Cuba, to meet with Fidel Castro in an attempt to mend strained relations.

Israeli forces surround the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem into which armed Palestinians had retreated.

Commodore William James captures the Maratha fortress of Suvarnadurg on west coast of India.

French Revolutionary Wars: The British capture the Danish fleet.

Over 60 tornadoes break out in the United States; Tennessee is hardest hit with 29 people killed.

Ludwig van Beethoven leads the premiere of his First Symphony in Vienna.

Gunmen attack Garissa University College in Kenya, killing at least 148 people and wounding 79 others.

Four men steal items worth up to £200 million from an underground safe deposit facility in London's Hatton Garden area in what has been called the "largest burglary in English legal history."

Vietnam War: Thousands of civilian refugees flee from Qu?ng Ngãi Province in front of advancing North Vietnamese troops.

After the mysterious death of Empress Zewditu, Haile Selassie is proclaimed emperor of Ethiopia.

Falklands War: Argentina invades the Falkland Islands.

Dmitry Sipyagin, Minister of Interior of the Russian Empire, is assassinated in the Marie Palace, Saint Petersburg.