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September |

September is the ninth month of the year and the only month where the number of letters in the name in English is the same as the number of the month.

Interestingly, Shakespeare never mentioned September in any of his plays, but the word ‘September’ has appeared in six different titles, more than in any other month.

September certainly has some notable events surrounding it, as well as some great holidays in it.

So without further delay, we will start right away ...

September 1 - Letter Writing Date.


Ah the letter is written… not clumsy or random as a text, an elegant medium for a more civilized era.

This date was invented by Richard Simpkin as a way to celebrate the joy a person receives when receiving a letter written in the article.

There was a time when the written letter was the largest form of global communication - former phone giant Nokia started their lives in 1865 as a paper printer!

So today honor the old times and give someone the joy of having a handwritten letter come to their home.

September 2 - VJ Day.


VJ day marks the day of the official surrender of Japan.

Two weeks after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 15 August marked the end of the wars in the Pacific.

Today is a day not only to commemorate the end of a terrible war, but a day to commemorate all the brave soldiers and civilians - on both sides - who lost their lives in

September 3 - Skyscraper Day.


This day marks those with foresight, daring to dream many years ago.

Although in the modern world we are used to seeing swarms of skyscrapers rising from the ground in many cities, there have been times when the idea of such a building was absurd to many.

So today take time to admire the magic of this technique and visionaries dared to dream their enormous dreams that have ruined the sky.

September 4 - The Day of the Reporter.


Today marks the day when Barney Flaherty was hired as the first newspaper carrier (or as the seller of the newspaper as is known) in 1833 by Benjamin Day, the head of the New York Sun at the time.

September 5 - Be late for a date.


Punctuality is so important in the modern world that keeping time can often dominate a person's life.

That is why today is a day about taking a step back from the world and being late to do something, reminding us that often the world will go on without us there.

September 6 - Reading Day.


Today is a day about reviving a weakening medium - so many of us choose the simplicity of TV and film over a book.

So today go against the law of modernity and turn off the TV, pick up a book and let the pages take you to a magical place that TV never gets.

September 7 - Book purchase date.


Yesterday you read a book, so today go buy another.

Created in 2012 to mark the cultural and economic importance of book buying, today is a great reason for interested readers to reward themselves.

Or if you're not a fan of reading a lot, just buy a book to read on September 6 next year!

September 8 - Iguana Awareness Day.


When they first hatch, they are tiny, cute green lizards.

So when many pet owners buy an iguana, they'll be hard pressed to imagine that one day that tiny lizard could be a giant 6-foot long that weighs 11 pounds!

Today is a day to raise awareness of all about iguana owners about the specifics of iguana keeping and care.

September 9 - The Miracle Day of Weirdos.


What a great reason to be your wonderful and weird self!

Instead of following the normal behavioral roles that society puts us in, get out of those roles and do something crazy.

Where you wear a suit and tie to the circus, or wear a clown outfit to a business meeting!

September 10 - Idea Swap Day.


In a creative environment, collaboration is the key to helping that creativity grow and come to life.

On this day, share your ideas and thoughts with everyone if they are having trouble with some of their own ideas or share your ideas of interesting inventions with your friends.

Someday, I'll invent a see-through toaster… wait, isn't that invented yet?

September 11 - No News is Good News Day.


Usually, the news is dominated by scenes of despair and tragedy.

We live in a world where wars are raging and civilians massively die, where millions live in poverty and starvation.

A world where corrupt politicians silence their opponents by any means necessary, and children die from drone attacks that blow up schools.

Yes, the world is a dark and sad place.

So take today to isolate yourself from all the bad news and just live in a news bubble with no news bubble where the depravity of the world can't touch you.

September 12 - Video Game Day.


Video games get a lot of bad press in today's world.

School shootings are more blamed for video games than guns, and drunk driving is more of a blame for video games than alcohol.

But for me and many other gamers around the world, video games are more than just a scapegoat.

Video games can bring people from all walks of life together, binding them through a shared love and a common form of escape.

So take today to celebrate the joy of video games and all the positive aspects they bring to the modern world, while working harder to achieve your high score!

September 13 - Roald Dahl Day.


Today marks Roald Dahl's birthday.

Roald Dahl is one of the most famous children's literary figures in the world.

So enjoy your inner child today and choose something - anything - by Roald Dahl because they are all gold!

September 14 - Eat a day Hoagie.


The Hoagie is the Sub Sandwich, and although the origins of this particular sandwich are vague, most sources confirm that they date back to the early 1900s.

Today is an easy day to celebrate, so celebrate it the way you like it.

September 15 - Hat Day.


Modest hats come in a variety of shapes, sizes and styles.

Hats go back to pre-written history, with the earliest records of hats dating as far back as the Bronze Age!

And behind each hat is a hat maker, so grab the opportunity to make your own today.

Even if you are not too fussy with a few knitting needles, grab a piece of paper and make yourself an origami hat!

September 16 - Play Doh Day.


When first developed in the 1930s, Play Doh was not a toy.

It was not until the 1950s that the Play Doh was first marketed as a toy.

Since then it has sold more than two billion tubes.

If all of that Play Doh were rolled into one large ball, it would weigh 2,000 Statue of Liberty!

So get yourself some Play Doh and free your inner kid today!

September 17 - Apple Dumplings Day.


These delicacies date back to feudal times, where they were a very popular meal of farmers in European countries such as Austria, Germany and England.

Dumplings take their name from the German word damp, meaning steam, as they are steamed or traditionally boiled.

However, today dumplings can be cooked in many different ways, so it's not hard to celebrate today whichever way suits you!

September 18 - Respect Day.


Today is a day to bring a little more respect to the world and the lives of the people around you.

For some, this may mean being more concerned with the feelings of others, or in general, a bit more polite than usual.

No matter what that means to you, make sure you treat everyone with the respect they deserve today!

September 19 - Talk Like A Pirate Day.


Avast me me talk as a pirate day!

So pull that anchor up and set sail for today I and you leave these looters in our wake and robbery of all the glory and treasure of the seven seas!

September 20 - Punch Day.


The term 'punch' itself actually comes from the Hindustani word 'panch' meaning 'year', and thus today celebrates the traditional Punch based on the five ingredients many are familiar with.

So seeing that there is no so-called bad reason to drink, get yourself a little Punch today and drink a drink or five!

September 21 - International Peace Day.


Since 1982, this date has been preceded by ringing the Peace Bell at United Nations Headquarters in New York.

While world peace is an admirable ambition, many of us can bring the idea of a peaceful day into our own lives.

Today, don't let yourself get dragged into family arguments, make up with your friends and enjoy a peaceful day.

September 22 - White Chocolate Day.


White chocolate first appeared on the chocolate market in the 1930s and was its creation, you guessed it, the Swisse master chocolates.

In my opinion, white chocolate is the best chocolate.

So it can be said that I should have no problem celebrating today, and neither should anyone among other white chocolate lovers in the world!

September 23 - Foot awareness day nonstop


Restless leg syndrome is a disorder that causes a person to move their legs while they are at rest.

First written and discovered in 1945 by Swedish neurology professor Karl-Axel Ekborn, more and more has been learned since then.

That's why this day is celebrated on Professor Ekborn's birthday, so please take today to read about Restless Leg Syndrome.

September 24 - Punctuation day.


Founded in 2004 by Canadian author and economist Jeff Rubin, today is about the importance of punctuation.

No, not the smileys made of punctuation, but the actual punctuation itself.

Punctuation is very important, especially in the digital world of text, email and social media where punctuation is often overlooked.

So today make sure you end every sentence with a full stop and make sure you only use an exclamation point!

September 25 - World Dream Day.


Contrary to what we all want to believe, today is sadly not in bed all day.

Today is a day to follow your dreams, no matter how big or small, and help make the world a better place by achieving them.

September 26 - Johnny Appleseed Day.


Today celebrates the birthday of American celebrity and beloved Johnny Appleseed.

He is famous for growing apple trees throughout Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.

Not only is he a mass planter, he is also a conservationist, a shrewd businessman and a kind guy.

September 27 - Travel Day.


Even though tourists can be upset at times, how healthier tourism today promotes national and local economies around the world.

In many different places, tourism is one of the biggest contributors to local trade and boosting the local economy.

So take a moment to try and see all the ways travel benefits where you live.

September 28 - Beer day.


So this is a day perhaps directed to those of us who are a little older, but by God it was a wonderful day.

As one of the oldest alcoholic beverages in the world, beer is an important element of drinking culture.

Today is also a Good Neighbor Day, so why not celebrate two and share some beers with your neighbor.

September 29 - World Heart Day.


Heart disease and stroke kill 17.1 million people each year - more than cancer, HIV and AIDS and malaria.

The human heart is one of the most complex biological machines out there, but it's not invincible.

So spend today learning how to take care of your heart, because if you take care of your heart, it will take care of you.

September 30 - International Translation Day.


Launched in 1953, International Translation Day aims to make the world a slightly smaller place by breaking the world's language barrier with one translator at a time.

Many events are held to mark this day, as well as seminars and talks about the power of translation.

So look for them in your local area and continue with one.

You may even take away something that will help you at some point in the future.