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Put a pillow on your fridge day |

Put a pillow on your fridge day held on May 29 each year in Europe and the United States

Day is all about prosperity, luck, and have a little fun along the way.

Put a pillow on the origin of your fridge.


This bizarre holiday lasts until the early 1900s, where families will put a piece of cloth or linen in their workers.

The fabric is often torn from something kept in their bedrooms, such as a blanket or nightgown, before being put into their tenants.

Families think that luck and prosperity will come from this.

They believe that placing a cloth from their bedrooms where their food is kept about abundant food and abundant fertility for their families.



Larders are usually a cold room or large cabinet used to store food.

They are a common thing back during the day, but mostly between middle classes.

The word "Loger" comes from the Latin "LOADUM", meaning pork, grease or bacon.

Today, a meat closet can attack us as questionable, but it is created again when people use pig fat (along with animal fat rendered) to pans and cook


In modern times, this is often called a pantry.

This holiday has changed with the era.


Modern action of placing a pillow on your refrigerator is a return with the bedroom orientation sheet placed in people working from old days.

When the movement time and advanced technology, tenants have become less popular, with more people to choose a refrigerator.

Widely introduced to General Electric's "top screen" refrigerator in 1927 began signaling the death of people working.

When the household refrigerator is removed dogs that won anciently, traditional main traditions were also removed.

However, the tradition has done the opposite, instead of distortion with the people who work, the day grows into a much more spectacular thing, which is what brought us to put a pillow on your fridge day!

In recent years, it has also been many other areas of the world and now a global celebration.

How to celebrate #putApillowonyourFridgeday?


Thanks to social media, this special holiday has been achieved

So to start, on May 29, just put a pillow on your fridge.

But why stop there?

Therefore, it is important to share your photos on social media.

If you want a lucky dose and wealth, there is even a super special pillow you can buy!

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For those who do not have a refrigerator space, comfortably cling to the inside.

We are looking forward to celebrating this special day with as many friends as possible.
