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Is Bears really love honey?

Winnie The Pooh is famous for his love of honey, but it's just as crazy for sugar treatment, or doing all the bears love honey?

Natural sugars from honey are a nutritional reward for many living and sentient creatures.

Find out if honey is loved because of its nutritional benefits or because of sweet and delicious taste.

Bear only eat honey?


The diet of a bear is very diverse and they have many food options depending on the area where the bear lives in.

In general, apnivores will eat grass, berries, fish, insects and smaller mammals like deer.

The bear requires a high amount of protein to stay health in nature so their diet changes throughout the year to match seasonal services.

Not all bears also have the same diet;

Giant panda bear diet is the most limited in all they only eat bamboo!

How do Bears get honey?


You can wonder how a bear will climb on the tree and can only extract honey from a honeycomb without falling or suffering from Stung Stung bees.

A simple solution, Bear eats the whole honeycomb, including bees and larvae.

Unlike Winnie The Pooh with a good honey bottle, in real life, the bear will eat the whole honeycomb because it is a great source of protein.

Evidence shows that the bear is behind the bees rather than honey because the bees contain a higher amount of protein.

If you touch a honeycomb, you won't be stung?


Although the bears are not afraid to eat the whole honeycomb including bees, there is a price they have to pay.

Luckily, the bear hair is very thick that bees cannot inject most of their bodies, making this delicious treatment worth the risk.

The area around the face and ears is the less dense place where this is the only area where bees can be successfully injected.

Are all the bears who love honey?


The researchers claim that most types of bears will look for honeycomb for honey, but black bears and brown bears are said to love it the most.

They love it so much that they will have to go out often to get it, this includes breaking into the farm.

In 2018, more than 370 honeycomb was destroyed by bears across Finland and Estonia.

They have eaten many farmers' crops that the government has to pay $ 143,000 below compensation for lost and damaged honey and honey.

Not all bears have access to beehives due to climate.

Research shows us that some bears do really like honey, but this is mainly due to additional nutrition comes with it.

If a bear is presented with a honey bottle, it may be less interested in it because there will be no honeycomb, bees and larvae that they receive most of their proteins.

From this, we can see that bears love honey because additional features come with it, it will not be a nutritious meal.

Finally, not all bears have the same diet, so don't all have a love for honey, which are people who have access to Beehives favorite it!