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  • Monday, March 17, 2025

History of cowboy shoes

Cowboy shoes are necessary shoes for cowboys back during the day, although today they become a fashion item.

But when did they appear when they first?

Boot boots.


So start right from the beginning ... earliest mentioning "leather shoes" can be traced back to the 11th century and the European invasion of Genghis Khan with his Mongolians.

They said he wears special red boots with wooden heels.

In the next few centuries, a similar style of footwear was seen throughout Europe, but to the 17th and 18th centuries, the English walking shoes brought the skin, high and stealing heels

Start das.


Hessian Boots is a boot style because Germany's production becomes popular in the 18th century. Initially used as standard footwear for the military, especially officers.

Even if you see these things are military shoes or early cowboy shoes just a point of view.

Boots for battle.


In 1815, Arthur Wellesley, Wellington's first duke, defeated Napoleon in Waterloo.

"Why do you tell me that" - you ask ... Well, that's because after Napoleons's defeat, the public's attention has been purchased for Arthur's shoes, not the universal Hessian shoes

This means that shoes will be difficult enough to wear for battles, while comfortable for other occasions.

In the American Civil War, a Sturdier version of Wellingtons was wearing soldiers.

Cowboy period.


This gives us the golden period of the Cowboy era, from 1866 to 1886.

Many Boot Wellington variants are manufactured for Cowboys, the original design is perfect for horse riding lifestyle.

The high shoe of the boot prevents booting with water and mud, while the round toe makes it easy to insert foot into stirring and smooth base that allows to start the slide for free when disassembling.

Cowboy fashion.


It was during this time, cowboy shoes also became a little more fashionable with different samples, decorating and made from different materials.


Hollywood makes a more stylish traditional cowboy shoe, with colorful designs, metal decoration and even used skin different from classic cowhide including;

In the 1940s, the style of extremely produced toes, - to cowboys - will be useless, the only unique difference - other than the way to look, they may not be comfortable as a working startup

This is where the square cowboy toe for men goes in, because they are much more comfortable on the long days on your feet.

Leather shoes in the modern world.



Even former president, George W. Bush went cowboy shoes.

Today, cowboys can be purchased at a reasonable price from £ 50- £ 300, ($ 50 USD - $ 350 USD) However, it is not strange when boots are higher than 100 times higher than this amount.

