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Freaky's truth about Friday 13

In the West (and especially in Western culture), Friday 13 is a notorious day, where people will open bad and evil words.

A profound profound tradition in our society;

Why Friday 13?


Yes, it's a great question without a solid answer.


Nobody really knew why Friday 13 was afraid as much as a unlucky day.

Some people assigned to Jesus nailed on Friday with 13 guests with the last dinner on the night before, while some people think it comes from the Biography of Italian composer Giachino Rossini, dead

Another potential reason is the story in 1907 written by Thomas Lewson, titled on Friday, thirteen, which is about a Wall Street broker, who has gained destruction in the stock market

Some people are scared on this day.





In Italy, it was considered a lucky day, while Friday 17 was considered a unlucky day.

In Italian culture, 13 is often considered a lucky number, while 17 is considered unlucky.

This is due to 17 when written in Roman numerals like XVII, may be disturbed around to form "VIXI", which means "I lied" with the implication of death in the present,

Similarly, in Spanish-speaking countries as well as Greece, Friday 13 is only considered a different day, but a third day, on 13 is considered a very ominous and unfortunate day



Studies have shown that millions of people, especially in the West, vigilance on Friday 13 and businesses tend to bear losses on this day more than any other sixden numbered.

Airlines are shown to be the most lost businesses on this day.

However, surprised to know that there is almost any evidence that Friday 13 is actually a unlucky day.

Friday, 13 days have little effect or fluctuations in things like visiting hospitals, accidents or natural disasters.

That said, Finland has dedicated a Friday 13 per year as their national accident day, where they raise safety awareness - can be on the road, at home or at work.

Most of the sixth times will fall on 13th in a year will be three.

However, it is always guaranteed that at least a Friday 13 will pop up in a year.

What makes the fall on the 13th on Friday?


In a Friday, 13 happened in a specific month, then that month must start on Sunday.


This model occurred 3 times a 28-year afterwards, happening last in 2015 and happened again in 2026. This form will happen 11 times in the 21st century.


On Friday, April 13, 2029, Asteroid 99942 Apophis will fly safely with all of us to witness without telescopes from Africa, Europe and Asia.

That is unless something changes the orbit of asteroids and we have to send Bruce Willis and a group of scientists unlocking up to space to make sure it remembers us!

Alfred Hitchcock, considered the original father of the cinema of suspense, was born on Friday, August 13, 1899.

Another celebrity to share the sixth birthday on the 13th of the former Cuban President and Fidel Castro was the Communist revolution.