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Can the Internet really be turned off?

Many famous people in these days try to "break the Internet", Kim Kardashian became the most popular among them.


Before we discuss how it can actually be turned off, go through what the Internet is really.

What is the Internet really?


The internet is made up of basic routers and cables for basic authentication.

Your family router goes to ISP (Internet service provider I.e. Comcast, AT & T, Talktalk, V.V.) and they forward your data or package, into the next ISP, v.V.

Sometimes it crosses the country until its goal reaches and ISP forwards it to the relevant person to reverse the process.

99% of the worldwide connected communication is done through the cable system called "submarine communication cable" running under the sea.

These Can Be Hundreds Of Thousands Of Miles Long And Can Be As Deep As Everest Is Tall.

There is no unique toggle switch


Yes, down it, the problem with turning off the Internet is that the Internet is really not running or controlled by a central location;

Như chúng ta đã thảo luận ở trên, Internet được cung cấp bởi ISP.

To close the Internet, these companies will need to unite worldwide and simultaneously shutdown to get the Internet worldwide.

Countries with internet lost power


Now, in a national meaning, this can be much more reasonable and happened.

On January 28, 2011, 88% of the Internet nationwide was shutdown.

This is because the government owns the main service provider;

On May 7, 2013, Syria was able to power out nationwide for 20 hours, obviously because the Internet cable was cut off but many people believed that it was made by the government to

In March 2013 blocked all access to VPN (virtual private network), basically this is a way to ignore GOV

In 2004, President Maldivian Abdul Gayoom removed the country's internet access after rally increased with his regime.

Some countries have their own Internet closer to an intranet including Korea with Kwangmyong.

I want to stress that

Some countries just filter web access significantly

How ITP turns off the Internet


There are many ways, an ISP will turn off the Internet, two examples will be done by turning off devices or disconnecting them or disconnecting them or digitally with methods such as editing routing tables, a list of AI

Here in the Western world, we have few this opportunity to happen, with many countries with Legislat


This may mean to order specific computers, networks or websites that will be disconnected from the Internet, which is currently on the Senate Legislature.

In the UK, there are two laws that bring government power to order the suspension of the Internet.

The 2003 Civil Reign Respondent Act and Communication Act can tell ISP to turn off activities or by closing Internet exchangers.

Under the Communication Act, this must be done by the Cultural Minister, currently RT Hon John Whitdale MP.

Many other Western countries have similar laws that focus on filtering, France, for example, France with Loppsi Act 2011 which Blacklists Blacklists Some websites.

Summary is


So overall, the Internet cannot be turned off immediately with some magic switches.

Nhưng về lý thuyết, nếu sự hợp tác của các ISP trên toàn thế giới đã ở đó và pháp luật đã bỏ qua, thì thế giới có thể chìm vào thời đại mất điện internet, nơi có khả năng Internet của các thiết bị mới null và Void và thế giới của Twitter và

A dark, dark day for us everything I'm sure you will agree!

With the freedom of speech and our other rights are strongly maintained, you can google, stream, share and do whatever you want without concerns about the web being off.