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55 attractive truth about Mars

Mars is one of the planets sometimes we can see from Earth with our naked eyes.

Here are the top interesting facts about Mars planets.

Among all planets in our solar system, Mars is the person who believes that most likely have the lives of some types.

Martian Day is 24 hours and 37 minutes.

Mars has extreme hats like Earth, containing frozen carbon dioxide and a small amount of water too.

It is believed that Mars ever had water flowing around it like Earth once.

Mars has a season


The sun appears about half of the size on Mars like Earth.

The rocks from Mars landed on the earth from the impacts of meteors that burned the fragments in space.

The Mars planet is named after the Roman War god because its color is similar to the blood.

In Greek, Mars is known as Ares.

Only 1/3 of all missions for Mars was successful.

Mars is often called

Scientists first know about the planet's ability to produce water in 1971 when they discovered large volcanoes on its surface.

The ancient Romans and Egyptians studied the sky and realized that Mars was a planet like Earth.

The reason why Mars is red is that it has iron oxide on its surface, which we often know as rust.

The planet's shell is anywhere from 50km to 125km.

The lack of vegetation shows that dust storms are popular on Mars.

Mars Is Roughly 141 Million Miles Away From The Sun.

There are very few protection from ultraviolet radiation on Mars because there are on earth.


Mars is a tenth size of the earth with a density of 3,933 grams / centimeter blocks.

Ít hàng loạt cho thấy lực hấp dẫn của Mars

If the Liberal Gods' statue built on Mars is exactly the same on Earth, it will weigh 84,825 kg compared to the earth.

Mars has about a third of the earth's gravity, which means you can jump three times higher.

There are 687 Earth Days in a year of Mars.

The seasons on Mars are similar to the seasons of the earth, except that they are twice as long.

It is more likely to stay there to have life on stars than Mars.

In the 1970s, Viking orbits took photos of giant faces and pyramids were engraved on the surface of the planet.

Mars has some of the most wild weather in the solar system.

In 2001, a giant dust storm covered the entire planet for many days of Earth.

There are many storms on Mars when the planet is closer to the sun.

Mars has two moons, their names are Deimo and Phobos.

Moon Phobos orbit is extremely close to Mars's atmosphere.

Phobos and Deimo, are named after the son is

On November 13, 1971, Mariner 9 achieved Mars and officially became the first artificial satellite to Orbit Mars.

Mariner 9 was able to map the 100% Mars surface and capture the first close-up photos of Moons Phobos and Deimos.

In total, Mariner 9 took 7,329 images of Mars and stayed with orbit for 349 days.

Viking 1 and 2 was the first Mars mission to have a successful landing ship on the Mars surface in 1976.

When the Vikings 1 and 2 debut, no one knows how the Mars surface looks like.

Mars Global surveyed was the first successful Mars task for 2 decades.

Global Survey Mars took thousands of images of Mars.

If you try to stand out on the Mars surface without one

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the 7th largest planet.

The largest volcano in the solar system is on Mars.

OLYMPUS MONS is 27 km high and 600 km wide.

Olympus Mons is a shield volcano, which means it is bigger and larger because the lava flows during eruption.

The month of March is derived from Mars.

Mars's moon was discovered by an American astronomer named asa

The Diameter of Mars is Roughly 4220 Miles (6791 km).

The first spacecraft visited Mariner 4 in 1965.

One five Mars is equal to 1 year Earth, 320 days and 18.2 hours.

A mission for Mars was released at the end of 2011. This is the larger and more advanced version of Mars Explorer Rovers.

There are currently 12 artificial objects on Mars.

It is said that a Skull Alien was found on Mars.

Mars is about 1.5 times more than the sun than the Earth.