50 friendly truth about Canada
Canada is definitely one of the most lovely countries in the world!
This friendly country is not only big, but there are many attractive truths and history.
You may have known it about its wildlife array from Moose to Polar Bears, but there are many things for this country that you can don't know.
Here we have 50 leading truth about Canada.
In Snag, Yukon, the coldest temperature in Canada was recorded at -81.4 F (-63 C) almost equivalent to the surface of Mars!
There are over 3,000 lakes in Canada, making its surface area covered by more lakes than any other country in the world.
To bring everything into the perspective, Canada is larger than all European associations.
The NorthernMost Permanently Inhabited Place In The World Is Alert, Nunavut Which is Just 507 Miles (817 Kilometers) from the North Pole.
Canada Has The Longest Coastline In The World, Running at 125,556 Miles (202,080 Kilometers) Long, Bordered by the Atlantic, Arctic, and Pacific.
Canadian people eat more pasta than any other country!
Quebec City is the only city in northern Mexico still strengthening the walls!
Canada Mail did not run on Saturday since 1969.
Follow shortly after Saudi Arabia, Canada has the second largest oil reserves in the world.
Canada has ranked extremely high in global scale on education, civil liberties, economic freedom and living standards.
Although ice hockey is the most played sport in Canada, Lacrosse is really a Canadian official sport.
The Longest Highway In The World Is The Trans-Canada Highway - It Spans Over 4.722 Miles (7,604 Kilometers) Long!
Not surprisingly, 77% of maple syrup in the world was manufactured in Quebec, Canada.
Although Canada is the second largest country in the world, there is one of the lowest population density.
About 90% of Canada's Population Lives within 100 Miles of the U.s.-Canadian Border.
IMAX cinemas, electric wheelchairs and trivial chasing board games are all inventions from Canada.
Interestingly, Canada has gained independence quite recently and fully becomes its country in 1982.
60% of the world's polar bear population is in Canada.
Canada's iconic red and white maple flag is designed to replace Jack Union and for the first time began to be used in 1965.
There are many per capita donut shops in Canada than any other country in the world.
Off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, there are floating icebergs from Greenland.
In Churchill, Canada, residents will leave their car, and sometimes their home, are unlocked as an exit for those who need to escape a polar bear.
In Nunavut, Canada, the number plate for cars, motorbikes and sleighs has the shape of a polar bear.
There is a Cub Bear exported from Canada to London Zoo in 1915 named Winnipeg.
Police Royal Canada has attached to 30,000 members, derived from the mounted police found in 1873 began only with nine officers.
Only a desert in all Canada is located in British Columbia.
Canadians are famous for being using "eh" alternating, a lot to it listed in Canadian Oxford dictionary as a legal word.
If you write a letter to Santa and send it to the Arctic, H0H OHO, Canada, you will get a letter from Santa!
The largest airline border in the world is the US-Canadian border.
In Canada, it is illegal to have a comic depicting the offense.
Members of the Baptist Westboro Church are banned into Canada.
Pizza Hawaii is not invented by Hawaii, but by a man from Ontario, Canada.
In Hudson Bay, there is a gravity area less than the rest of the world.
About 80% of all wine consumption in Canada is beer.
Canadians are known to be very polite and sorry a lot.
About 10% of Canadians are vegetables
Many famous Canadians include Justin Bieber, Jim Carrey, Ryan Gosling, Drake and Shania Twain.
After Paris, Montreal is the second largest French-speaking city in the world.
The longest road in the world is Yonge Street, located in Ontario.
After the attack on Harbor Pearl during World War 2, Canada declared war on Japan before U.s
The world's smallest prison is located in Rodney, Ontario.
The most sunny place in Canada is Estevan, Saskatchewan with 2,537 hours
In Yukon, Canada, there is a bar where you can put a cocktail sourtoe - containing a realistic toe in a whiskey photo!
The Northwest Territories named the land of midnight sun, because the sun hardly dive in the summer day.
Every 1,000 people in Canada, only 459 vehicles.
The oldest brewery in North America is Molson Coors Canada.
Machine water in Canada is really better for you than bottled water there.
In 1750, Canada was originally called "New France".
Poutine is one of Canada's most famous foods.