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50 chicken facts that will ruff your feathers!

What was born first, the chicken or the egg?

Maybe they just want to live their lives without questioning their motives!

Whether you like them as a pet on the farm or on your dinner plate for a meal, here are 50 facts about one of the most classic farm animals!

There are more chickens on earth than humans - 25 billion.

Chickens can remember more than 100 different faces of people or animals.

A mother hen roasts her eggs about 50 times a day and can lay more than 300 eggs per year.

The record number of eggs laid in a day is 7. The record number of eggs laid in a year is 371.

An egg grows at 88 degrees F and is laid at 105 degrees.

Chickens were domesticated in southern China about 8,000 years ago in 6000 BC.

The color of the egg depends on the earlobe.

As chickens get older, they lay larger eggs, but less when they are young.

Chicken can taste salty but not sweet.

In Gainesville, Florida, you must eat fried chicken with your bare hands.

A hen must eat about 4 pounds of food to make a dozen eggs.

The earliest known edition of "Why did the chicken cross the street?"


On average, 97 chickens are killed in the world every 0.05 seconds.

By vaccinating chickens, the UK has virtually eliminated the salmonella bacteria.

There is a rare breed of chicken from Indonesia that is completely black in color including feathers, beak and internal organs due to hyperpigmentation.

There is an invention called a "chicken gun" that is used to test the resistance of windows and aircraft engines by exploding dead chickens on planes.

There is a wild fungus called Laetiporus that tastes almost like chicken.

In South Korea, there are more fried chicken restaurants than McDonald's restaurants worldwide.

Chicken wings were once considered unpopular and sometimes discarded, until 1964 when a restaurant owner roasted and served them in 1964 and called them buffalo wings.

The record for the most egg yolks in an egg is 9 yolks.

The largest chicken egg ever recorded weighs 12 ounces and contains two yolks.

Americans consume 8 billion chickens a year, more than chicken than beef;

When a chicken is head off, it can run the length of the football field before dying.

The longest recorded flight by a chicken lasted 13 seconds with a total distance of 301 feet.

Chickens have originated in prehistoric times and are the closest living relative of Dinosaur Rex.

The chicken body contains 15% more water than a human.

The phobia is called Alektorophobia.

If the egg whites are cloudy, the eggs are fresh.

Chickens can see and dream of all colors.

When chickens feel stressed, they begin to shed feathers.

It only takes about 26 hours for a hen to lay an egg, and 21 days for the eggs to hatch and hatch.

The longest recorded live chicken is Matilda, who lived to 16 years old, more than twice the average life expectancy of a chicken.

Chickens have their own unique language with more than 30 different sounds used to communicate.

Chicks can develop long term subjects as soon as 2 days of age, while it takes humans about 7 months.


Chickens are omnivores and the hens will eat their own raw eggs if they are not satisfied with their diet.

To clean themselves, the chickens take a dust bath.

If the chickens listen to classical music, they can lay bigger and heavier eggs.

Chickens can run up to 9 miles per hour!

Chicken heart beats 220 to 360 times per minute.

Chicken beaks can bleed.

The mother hen talks to the chicks while they are still in the egg and the chicks can call again when in the shell.

To attract the hen, the rooster performs a dance called "tearing" that involves moving its head up and down, waddling and making certain sounds.

In 2004, chickens were the first birds to have their genomes sequenced - that is, their DNA sequencing.

Chicken has three eyelids.

The mother hen teaches the chicks what to eat and what to avoid.

The nutritional value of eggs is the same, regardless of the color of the eggs.

Most eggs are usually laid in the morning from 7am to 11am.

Hens usually choose a mate based on the size and brightness of the rooster comb on top of the head.

Initially, chickens were domesticated for use as gamefowl.

If you trick a hen into thinking that a day is 28 hours using certain light, it will lay bigger and stronger eggs.

Well, what a list!

But back to our original question, what is the first chicken or egg?