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25 truth juggling is really the balls

Juggling is a great way to enhance your focus, burn some calories, and if you are really good, it's a great way to impress your friends.

Juggling is also the most famous skill of the circus, which is why people hope to see at least a juggling action when they go to the circus.

But do you know that the juggling action in the first American circus has been done by a British?

Read all about it and more in this great juggling truth!

The earliest known description of juggling appears on the walls of an ancient Egyptian tomb for an anonymous prince, with about 2,000 BC - it's over 4,000 years ago!

Writing more than 2,300 years ago, China Lie Zi book described a seven swords of warriors at the same time.

Ancient Chinese warriors will try to threaten their enemies before the battle by juggling!

According to his carving Tombstone, Roman Juggler Tagatus Ursus was the first to play glass ball game.

In 1066 in the Battle of Hastings, Taillefer, Warrior-Bard of William The Conqueror, made a simple strong blow with his sword, throwing it and catching it then killed a British soldier, asking to kill

Nordic mythology dating at the end of the 1100s and 1200 includes stories about juggling and juggling people.

In the 1500s, people with Jips in Ireland are required by law to pay some forms of compensation for any audience members who are hurt by Juggling accidents.

The historian Christopher Weiditz explores Mexico and in 1528, he draws photos of Jugglers Aztec.

On the island Tonga young girls are usually seen juggling, gourd and even nuts in the late 1700s, with some observations of 7 dishes at the same time!

Juggler first started using the cigar box as Jim Harrigan, who was the first 'Juggler' tramp 'and was one of the first Jip members to start adding comedy lines to his habits.

Dewitt Cook is the first juggling to use the club, instead of sticks, torches or knives.

In 1885, Murdock Bros' was recorded as the first two-party club duo, juggling four clubs between them while standing on the pedestal.

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Juggler's new juggler style was called 'Juggler "Gentlemen', was pioneering by those who juggled the most famous gentlemen all time KARA. KARA started

Those are the modern gentlemen Juggler Mat Ricardo, who trained Henry Cavill to tear a tablecloth from a table and let the items still stand like he made in the movie man from u.n.c.l.e.

Have you ever wondered when the first juggling club was created?

Enrico Rastelli (1896 - 1931) is often considered the greatest juggle of all time.

Juggler Young John Breen is also one of the most technical juggling people in his era, managed to juggle 7 clubs, take a bath 5 clubs and a 5 club cascade with weighing

The typical juggling law in the US's first Circus was made by British John Bill Rickets, who was juggled on horseback while none other than George Washington watched!

At the end of the 19th century, rubber balls turned their traditions on their heads with the birth of Bounce.

Charles Hoey is the first man to juggle the four clubs at the same time.

Scarves are the most understandable object with juggling, the ring is the easiest prop to juggle in large quantities when they are brighter and easily hold some, and the club is easier than the balls to juggle

Juggling has proven to increase manual eye coordination by up to 10%.

Juggling also burned 280 calories per hour, which is the same amount of calories burned like badminton play!

Juggling is an activity that attracts both sides of your brain at the same time!

Juggling has also proved to increase the amount of gray matter in the brain, with a study found it for at least 7 days!