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22 facts about the number 22

As with all numbers, 22 is a staggering number, there are a host of records, key figures and fascinating facts about this number!

Here we will look at 22 facts about the number 22.

The phrase "catch-22" comes from the 1961 novel of the same name by Joseph Heller.

The 22nd James Bond film is Daniel Craig's second Bond appearance;

The 22nd Summer Olympics was held in 1980 in Moscow, in the former Soviet Union, now Russia.

22 feet is the length of a specified Shuffleboard table, a popular pastime among many and the cause of more fights than you might expect.

22 is in the title of a track for many artists, including Taylor Swift, Lily Allen, Bon Iver, Deaf Havana and Jay-Z - whether full or partial title.

There are 22 letters in the Hebrew Alphabet and in the creation process God created 22 things.

Buddy Holly, Robert Wadlow and Terry Fox all died at the age of 22.

The 22nd Amendment passed in 1947 limits the time to a presidential term, if enacted before 1933 would cause F.D.

The 22nd state of the United States is actually Alabama;

Titanium's atomic number is 22.

It takes the average person 11 seconds to count to 22.

In 2008, the world record was set for the "most skaters" with 22 people appearing in a Weezer video.

In 1922, the BBC was established and broadcast its first radio;

Brazil hosted the 22nd World Cup in 2014, in this event Tim Howard set a record for the United States after making 15 saves in the quarter-finals, more than ever in a World Cup match.

The Blockbuster 22 Jump Street was actually filmed in a real campus;

John F Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. JFK was the 35th president and was shot at the age of 46.

After Rio 2016, the US won the world record for "a country with the most medals in a single sport" after winning 22 medals in the men's long jump event.

A million dollars in a $ 100 note will weigh almost 22lbs (9,979kg).

22 minutes is actually the average running time of a TV show 30 minutes.

Gliese 22 is 22 light-years from our planet, it is a red dwarf star and has a surface temperature of 5,030 ° F (2,777 ° C), twice as hot as it is needed to melt steel.

On February 22, 1922, reading date 2/22/22 and was the date James Joyce's Ulysses was published in Paris.

An Australian study from 2011 has found that the average person can lose 22 minutes of their lifespan for every hour they watch TV - due to sedentary behavior and associated health problems.

Well, now we bet you know some facts about 22 that you never knew before!

The number can easily be dismissed as not particularly important, but when you look closely as we have today, you'll realize just how interesting it really is.

Right after that, what is the next number?