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200 interesting facts that you will like to know

So do you like interesting truth?!


Well, get your answers here, and more with 200 random facts, the joy that you will like to know!

So pull the chair up, comfortable - and enjoy this great list of the most random and interesting factories.

Before you, watch this short video with our 5 interesting facts from this list!


Smash head into a wall in an hour burning 150 calories.


If you need to burn a calorie and extremely disappointed, why not have your cake and eat it, to say.

If you are not too interested in losing brain cells in the process, you might want to give it once missed.

A much safer option (although there may be no Cathartic options) that will be taking your dog for a walk for 45 minutes, will also burn 150 calories.

You can also check other strange ways to burn calories.

In Switzerland, it is illegal to own only a Guinea pig.


Why do you ask?

This is because Guinea pigs are extremely social animals.

If you only keep a Guinea pig, it will become lonely and depressed, actually considered the cruelty of animals these days.


Pteronophobia is Fe


If you've ever felt extremely uncomfortable around the strike

This obsession is not only afraid of being tickled by feathers, in extreme cases, it may be related to the fear of feathers in general.

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Snakes can predict earthquakes.


Researchers in China have discovered that many animals can actually predict earthquakes for different levels of success.

It's Come to Light That Snakes are the Most Reliable, Sensing Earthquakes from As Far AS 75 Miles Away (121 km).

The more impressive thing is that they can feel an earthquake that has many years before it actually happens!

When a snake feels an earthquake, it will run (or slither, in this case) away from its nest, even in the darkest days of winter.

Why not check other exciting solid truths.

Crows often keep grudges against specific people.


It turns out that the crow is really good at recognizing everyone's face, and has been found to remember people for a long time!

Of course, this can be a negative and a positive fact, depending on your good level for them.

While the crows can lie to us, we will see it extremely difficult to distinguish another crow.

Interesting reality: This is called Paradox.

The oldest "your mother" joke is discovered on a 3,500-year-old Babylonia tablet.


The tablet was discovered in an archaeological group in Iraq in 1976 but unfortunately lost since then.

Fortunately, tablets were photographed, studied



Do we understand it?

Two infectious diseases have been successfully removed: smallpox and Rinderpest.


Thanks to the progress in medical science, we

Small milk causes a breakthrough of pus filling across your body and in most cases of life-threatening risk, so eradication is a grand achieve.

The second disease is deleted, Rinderpest, is actually a disease found in cattle and is quite similar to measles.

The last known person



The origin of this odd sound holiday returns to hundreds of years, starting in the early 1900s.

People in the 1900s did not have a refrigerator of course and instead hung a cloth in their workers.

It is believed that doing so brings luck, peace and prosperity to your family.

The tradition has been adjusted over time to match the modern kitchen, with families around the world putting a pillow on their fridge every year on May 29.

Read more about placing a pillow on your fridge day right here!

Cherophobia is the irrational fear of joy or


Do you absolutely hate all the interesting things?

People with this obsession are known to avoid any kind of situation that can be classified by others as fun or fun.

"" "" ""

For any other readers with Cherophobia, please stop reading these interesting facts now!


7% of US ADU


I know seven percent unlike a lot, but it actually operates at 16.4 million mature Americans.

This is a really worrying fact when you think about it.

This shows that near one of the ten Americans have a deep deficiencies about basic science, as well as a clear ignorance of where their food comes from!

Next, they will assume that Bacon grows on the tree!



Kanguru uses their tail to balance while jumping, so if you lift the tail, they will not have a balance and fall.

There are known cases where Kanguru lost his tail and could still move around, but it took a long time

This is because their tail is not just a balance - they also act as a third leg, pushing them forward like their feet!

Don't miss other interesting facts about Kanguru.

Bananas are bent because they grow towards the sun.


Talk about a real bend mind!


It turns out that bananas go through a process called "negative geographical tropical", making them grow up front sun instead of towards

This in turn gives bananas with its familiar curved shape

Banana love?



Studies made by Bristol University found that only 0.006% of the Korean population had ABCC11 gene, which was the cause of the armpit.

In fact, the study found that most Asians do not have this gene;


Interesting reality: Only 2% of Europeans don't have this gene!

London Bridge was originally in Arizona.


London Bridge, originally built in 1831, began to collapse in the 1960s.

As a result, London City decided to sell it and build another city.

It was separated

It is put together every piece in Lake H

The reconstruction takes three years and is completed in 1971.

You can read more interesting facts about Arizona here!

In your life, you will produce enough saliva to fill 50 bathtubs!


Normal people produce only on an ounce (30 ml) saliva per hour.

This doesn't seem much, but it adds over time!

To give you a better idea, it's 24.3 ounces (720ml) or a full wine bottle of saliva worth every day, an average of 69 gallons (263 liters) per year.

The average global life is about 72 years, which means you produce an average of 4,968 gallons (18,936 liters) of saliva in your life.

That's enough to fill 50 bathtubs!



As we know, whenever Pinocchio is in his nose larger.


If you think about it, Pinocchio's nose will have to grow to make his statement is not a lie, but then it cannot grow if not claiming will not be a lie.

Interesting reality: This conundrum is called Pinocchio paradox.



... If they don't live in the two opposite ends of the earth!

The polar bear lives in the Arctic, while the most popular penguin in the world, Adélie Penguin, living in Antarctica.

An adult polar bear usually eats about 20% of its total weight.

Mature polar bear averaged 500 pounds (227 kg), which means it eats about 100 pounds (45 kg) every time you sit down to eat.

Average Adélie penguins weigh about 10 pounds (4.5kg), so a polar bear will have to eat ten to full!

Interesting reality: This means a polar bear can comfortably eat a child!



Most people know Volkswagen for their iconic product line, Kombi, or even cute little bugs.

A less known product released from Volkswagen's factories is sausage!

Now why will the world Volkswagen make sausages?

Well, one of their factories was built in a fairly far place, so they decided to make food for factory workers.

Their sausage is obviously quite common, because they finally sold on the market.

Interesting reality: Volkswagen's sausage is so popular that they bring more revenue than their cars !!



The world's first film trailer was shown at a theater in Harlem, New York, in 1914.

Trailer, which promoted an upcoming film with Charlie Chaplain, was shown after the films shown at the theater.

The problem with the trailers showing after the movie is the audience will not be around to see them, making the trailers quite ineffective.

The eagle can hunt down a young deer and fly away with it.


Eagle is called a therapist called an Apex predator, which means they live at the top of their ecological food chain.

To live at the beginning of the food chain, obviously they must be quite large and strong, so strong that they can bring any prey they hunt down a more convenient position where they can enjoy an safe way


Need me to say more?

The smallest bone in your body is me


This small bone averages only 0.09 × 0.11 inches (3 × 2.5 mm).

It is called a stamped figure because it looks quite similar to a stir, in Latin is Stapes.

Found in the middle ear of both people and many other animals, the hard face plays an important role in transmitting vibrations from sound into the inner ears.

Players tennis can be fined up to $ 20,000 to swear while playing in Wimbledon.


That's not all, though.

The second time it happened in a match, they could take a point, on third they could lose a game, and they could lose the entire match if they swear four times!

Only 5% oceans have been discovered.


Oceans include about 70% of the surface of the earth, and it's much more difficult to explore than soil.

Up to 20% of ocean floor is now mapping, thanks to the progress in Sonar technologies.

Talking about technology, one reason we discovered very few oceans is that we only have

Most people sniff about 14 to 23 times a day!


While farting can sometimes be jam

That is being said, see what you eat can help prevent frequent beatings, as well as PR

The most related foods to farting include beans, broccoli, milk, corn, fiber-rich foods like fruits or peas, and cabbage.

Of course, there is more, but this is one of the worst offenders!

There is a species of spiders called th


The Hobo Spider (Eratigena Agrestis) can really be found in many parts of the world, from Europe to Central Asia, as well as some regions of North America!

This crafty small critter does not live in a standard spider web;

A Lion's Roar Can Be Heard From 5 Miles Away.


In order to be more specific, a lion can roar like 114 decibels, 25 times larger than a gasoline-powered lawn mower.

Lions can roar much larger because their sound wire has different shapes, allowing them to create more noise with less effort.

If you like this Fun Fact, Check Out Our Clothing Over At The Fact Shop - A Lion's Roar Can Be Heard from 5 Miles Away T-Shirt.



The island actually lived continuously since at least 200 ads but was not discovered by Europeans until the 16th century.

Legend had it on December 13, 1502, the French sailors were shipwrecked and stuck on the island.

When December 13 was Saint Lucy's day, they named the island to honor her.

If you are planning for a vacation, why not check out the very interesting facts about Saint Lucia!

A baby spider is called spiderling.


If you think spiders are less scary, wait until

Officially called Spiderlings, they are usually born in a group of thousands of people at

One of the most frightening things you can see is a wolf spider and its spiderman, for this mother Arachnid Carr

Check eight scary truths about spiders.

The US Navy uses the Xbox controller for their lists.


In 2018, the first US naval submarine was equipped with the Xbox 360 controller that was included in the commission.

You read right - because the control bar for periscopes is expensive and difficult to master, the US Navy has started installing the Xbox 360 controller because they are much cheaper.

However, it is not only about costs - many Periscope operators have used previous video game controllers and can transfer their skills to work at hand.

The following can be read forward and step back: Does Geese see God?


Any words, sentences or phrases can be read the same front and backwardly called a palindrom.

"" "" "

Palindromes had about thousands of years ago with the first Palindromes invented in Egypt in Greece's occupation about 300 BC.

Interesting fact: The man was recorded with writing the first Palindromes was made to write a Palindrom of his king's insult!



When an octopus puts it

When the baby's octopus appears from their eggs, they appear to be fully formed, but small!

Very small, that they weighs only 0.001 ounces (0.03 grams).

You will think this will make them difficult to detect, however because eggs are placed by tens of thousands of people they are prone to discovered!

A sheep, a duck, and a rooster are the first passengers to make a trip in a balloon.


You read it right - in 1783, the first balloon was launched with a sheep, duck and a rooster.

Hot air bubbles as we know that today have been invented by Montgolfier brothers in France, who started testing ideas after seeing some of their laundrys raised by the heat of a fire

The opening flight has brought animal passengers because it does not know how to fly at height will affect us.

Flights are a complete success and animal species that have landed, safe and mostly unharmed compared to a few stones that sheep sought to land on the rooster.

In Uganda, about 48%


Uganda has a total population of 42.7 million people, which means about 20 million people under 15 years of age live there.

If you have extended the age of only 30 years old, bring the percentage up to 77%.

One of the reasons this figure is very high that the population is quickly expanding, because only 5 million people in Uganda in 1950.

The average man was bored with a shopping trip after 26 minutes.


Above all, it was found that eight people in ten men hate shopping with their partners.

Meanwhile, women don't feel tired when shopping until about 2 hours passed!

Interestingly, people also find that men are promising some kind of treatment at the end of the gaming trip are most likely to pretend shopping with their partners.




Today, this will be of course never heard.

It was introduced to the country in the 15th century, and to the 16th century, they were proficient in the art of coffee.


No one knows why this exactly really offers the law, but the fact is still it is!

Recycling only one tin box can save enough energy to watch TV for 3 hours.


Yup, T.

Normal people have the opportunity to recycle 25,000 cans in their lives - it's 75,000 TV hours!

Interesting reality: Every three months of America throw enough aluminum that if recycling can be used to build the entire US commercial aircraft team!

After the launch of 16 and pregnancy, the teen pregnancy rate decreased.


MTV may not have the healthiest programs, but after the launch of this program, teen pregnancy decreased by 5.7% within 18 months since the broadcast.


Instead of focusing on very practical issues such as cleaning stool, they focused more attention to the film between their parents.

About 10-20% of the US electricity is due to care.


Harmless and cute as it seems, these fuzzy small creatures are not innocent as you think!

Squirrels tend to chew things, of course absolutely natural.

Combine this with something unnatural, such as a power line, and you suddenly

Fortunately, the significant power failure is much easier to overcome, because only a lot of damage a small squirrel can do.

These power losses also tend to be much smaller than a storm because there is much less to fix - in general just a cable.

Check out other interesting facts about Soc!

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are banned in China.


Known as "Chinese large firewalls", limited and censorship of China's Internet in this country really expanded.

It is not the only one - more than 8,000 domain names are blocked.

Other large banned social networking sites include Pinterest and Tumblr.

This does not mean people in China cannot society over the internet.

Instead, some Chinese social media companies are owned by China and approved including Tiktok, Weibo and WeChat have become popular.

95% of people messed up things they could never say in humans.


There is something about saying things on the text instead of people who allow us to say more and say a little more honestly - if there is too much time!


Psychologists have discovered that their patients can open them more by texting.

They still talk directly to the patient but find it really helped with their progress.

Honey bees can recognize human faces.


For a long time now we think that only large mammals can distinguish face, but that theory has been hit by bees!

Like bees can distinguish between

Through strict scientific testing, people discover that honey bees can recognize a familiar face day after being trained to do so.

Interesting facts: bees see face in 5,000 individual images - type of pixel likes.

Battle of Hastings did not actually take place in Hastings.


The famous Hastings battle was fighting between British forces of King Harold Godwinson and the Norman and France William The Conqueror returned in 1066.

The battle is well known today as a decisive point in his Norman conquest.

Despite Being Called The Battle of Hastings, The Actual Battle Took Place 7 Miles (11 km) Away from Hastings in A Town That Is Today Known As Battle.

You may also like interesting facts about the Hastings War.

While trying to find a way to treat AIDS, the Mayo clinic created the brilliant cats in the dark.


By attaching some types of markups to recognize a genographer can determine if it is successfully introduced to the animal's DNA.

In 2011, scientists at Mayo clinic used a fluorescent protein from a specific jellyfish when testing anti-FIV genes (cats equivalent to AIDS).

The tests are a success, but the cats have glow in the dark.

In fact, even the children of these cats also glow in the dark!

A bunch of 20,000 bees have followed a car for two days for t


A 68-year-old grandmother was completely surprised when she returned after a natural visit to Reser

It seems somehow a curious blessing and stuck in her car.

On the way home, she parked her car to shop, just back a car covered in bees!

The bees were safely removed from the car, and lovely old lady made her home.

Surprisingly, the bees came back the next day!


Eating carrots can turn your orange.



Carrots are filled with a natural pigment called beta-carotene, bringing them their brilliant orange.

It turns out if you eat too much carrots, beta-carotene can penetrate your blood, bring your skin a orange light!

The medical name for this condition is carotenemia, and while alarming, it's lucky to generally is harmless!

Bob Dylan's birth name is Robert Zimmerman.


It turned out that Bob Dylan was not the only stage name he went.

When he was out of high school, he chose to be called Elston Gunn when he was on stage, but this did not stick for a long time.


Finally, he arrived at Bob Dylan, which he changed its name officially on August 2, 1962.

Nobody really knows why he chooses this name, but many people, including Dylan himself, tells different stories over the years.

A crocodile cannot poked tongue.


Because their tongue is attached to the palate, the crocodile can not utter their tongue - although the partners are the same, crocodile, can.

Although this seems useless than useful, it's really quite convenient for crocodiles - they can't bite the tongue while shooting strong jaws together!

If you like this crocodile reality, we have this great interesting facts printed on our T-shirt: a crocodile can not stick tongue.



While it might look like it's just a few lovely otters, it's really a life-saving strategy!

This most common technique is seen with their mothers and puppies (it's a baby otter!).

Another way, they are still in the sea Choppy is by grabbing long oak fibers from the seabed.

If you love this fact, take a look at 15 great truths of ending Otters!

A small child can swim through the veins of a green whale.


We all know that green whales are completely huge, but this makes it a completely new perspective!

The largest animals on the planet, green whales can grow large

Their hearts are obviously huge, have the same size with a small car.

This makes it nothing small unexpected that a small child of

The word "Y'all" has at least 1631.


Whether or not you like or not, shortening "all of you" with "y'all" is here to stay.

For a long time, it was said to have originated from the 18th centuries or even the 19th, but it turned out it was much longer used.

In 1631, British scholar William Lisle wrote the following in a book that he wrote on Ethiopian history, about everything:




When J.K Rowling arranged to choose a name she searched for a much less used.



Hewlett-Packard's name (also known as HP) was decided in a 1939 annual coin.


Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard met in the early 1930s while learning technically and quickly became firm friends.

Both work some graduate work before starting their own company, where they operate out of a small garage.

In 1939, they dominated their partnerships and made a decision regarding the company's name - it would be simply the surge of their two of their names.

To decide the order in which their names will be presented, they flipped a coin, with the last selected winner.

Dave Packard really won the Toss coin but liked how Hewlett-Packard rang out and so they were stuck with that!

You may also like these top interesting facts about technology.

A total of 1,710 steps in the Eiffel Tower.


108 floors, Eiffel Tower is one of the most iconic landmarks in Europe, if not global.

It was built in 1889 and by 1930, it was the tallest building in the world.

With such a tall building, it is clearly a long way to peak.

To reach the peak of this 1,063 charges

Although better or worse, guests are guests

Since then, they have to take the elevator to the top.

The name of Pokémon Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan is based on Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan.


New and old players will be familiar with two Pokémon Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan fighting style, who was present in matches since debuting into Gameboy.

When Pokémon is a Japanese game, the original name is quite different.

When the game is introduced to the Western world, their names need to west, so they are named after international famous boxers.



Pigs are very smart animals.


Well, pigs.


Họ có trong một số trường hợp được tìm thấy thông minh hơn chó, họ có thể giải quyết các câu đố tốt hơn tinh tinh và họ có một số ký ức dài hạn tốt nhất được biết đến ở động vật.

Interesting fact: Pigs are considered the world's smartest fifth animals.

Pirates wear earrings because they believe it has improved their eyesight.



Some sailors will adorn their ears with trinkets from far away land to show how well they have traveled.

Pirates are known to believe that precious metals in earrings have magic properties and can protect them from and even cure bad eyesight.

In addition, pirates are known to believe that earrings can support drunkenness, as well as prevent them from drowning.

You may also want to know the interesting facts about why pirates wearing eye arrays!



The city is now called Los Angeles for the first time established by Spanish colonialism in 1769.


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Not everyone likes Twitter, but few people can be found D


It was not until 2010 that it was revealed by a Twitter employee that it was actually called Larry.

Twitter has confirmed this, as well as the fact that the name comes from Larry Bird


Octopus really has six arms and legs!


Like all other animals walking on two sub-sections, we use two parts below for Walki

It seems that octopus also supports some of their tentacles in the same way.

Six of an octopus tentacles are used like the way we will use our arms and are used for purposes like dining.

The remaining two tentacles are used to walk, making them like legs.

Unlike people, octopus does not support the other party, so there is no thing called left or right a tentacle!


In famous and entertainment sitcom parks, writers do not know Nick Offerman is a talented saxophone player when they write Duke Silver's plotline.


While many activities of Ron Swanson like wood processing A


Only two times we know about that snow


On February 18, 1979, was a special day for Ain Sefra residents, a town in Algeria at the edge of the Sahara desert.

It was special because, as long as anyone could remember, it was the first time the snow could be seen in the Sahara desert.

It had snow in just 30 minutes, and snow of course quickly melted.

Since then, only one case of it happens again, on December 19, 2016.

Mike Tyson once suggested a $ 10,000 zoo wait for him to fight a gorilla.


Back in the 90s, Mike Tyson is a real force to be calculated, but even he may not be able to stand up against a mature male gorilla!

Tyson bribed a gone waiter to open the zoo only for himself and his wife later, Robin Givens.

- "

Luckily for everyone involving the zoo waiter has refused his request.

Abba rejected $ 1 billion to make a tour.


At the height of their success in 1979, ABBA was one of the biggest popards in the world.

Three years later, the group parted, after divorce two of their members.



Pandas was imprisoned sometimes can be pregnant.


It is stated that pandas sometimes continue symptoms synonymous with pregnancy early after noticing their preferential methods, such as private accommodation, air conditioning and more food.

While the initial claims have lost most reputation, say it is not an option but due to hormonal changes, it's quite interesting to imagine Pandas scams the system to better food

Interesting reality: In captivity, giant panda can live up to 35 years old, but only 15 years of wild.

The first alarm clock can only ring at 4 am.


While alarms and clocks, already existed for a long time, the combination of the two is a much more recent invention!

The man is responsible for creating the first mechanical alarm clock, Levi Hutchins, did so when he was determined to wake up before the sunrise, not dim

So it was in 1787, he created a alarm clock that would chote at 4 am.

His invention works perfectly, giving him at least.

It took another 60 years for a wind alarm clock to be invented can be set to anytime.

Some insects and small birds look at the world in slow motion.


This is because they can get more information per second than other larger animals.

This allows them to move quickly and with such accuracy, very important to escape the predators.

They handled information so quickly that they felt the time as if it was moving slowly.

Interesting reality: It was found that the opposite was true for larger animals, with giants like elephants taking more time to bring information and action based on it.

A goat named William Windsor served as a LANCE company in the British army.


William "Billy" Windsor I served in the 1st battalion unit of Royal Wales from 2001 to 2009.

He was briefly extracted to Fusilier after "unacceptable behavior" at the queen's official birthday celebration, before regaining his ranking as Lance Corporal.

Billy is not the first person, and will definitely be the last goat to serve in the Royal Welsh, because the tradition returns to 1844.

After Billy's retirement, he was replaced by a small goat named William Windsor II.

The most unique jellyfish in the world is irukandji.


Irukandji is really a few different jellyfish species, often found in the waters off the coast of Australia.

Despite being the world's unique jellyfish, they are really not MOS

The true deadly jellyfish species are also jellyfish boxes, but larger and can manage their Veno

Even so, Irukandji is still something to avoid with all the costs - something quite difficult because they are smaller than your nails!

Another reason for obvious control among them is 100 times stronger than Cobra!

March 20 is called Burning Snowman's Day.


The first day of burning the snowman was held on March 20, 1971, at Lake Superior State Unive

This bizarre sound celebration is inspired by the Sunday commission festival in Germany.

During the original Rose Sunday Festival, a parade passed through town, and the mayor would agree with the children of the town.

If they promise to be well behaved and studied well in that year, then he will order "snowman" made from straw to burn.

This symbolizes the beginning of spring.

If you are wondering how you really burn a snowman, we have many interesting facts about Burning Snowman's Day here!

Queen Elizabeth II cannot sit on the throne from thrones game.


Queen Elizabeth II visited the Thrones game group, but because of an obscure rule, she was not allowed to sit on it - much about the frustration of all the present.

It turned out to have an old and relatively unrelated rule, saying that Monarch ruled could not sit on foreign throne.

Although this throne is a fictional work, the queen is clearly a stickler for the rules and refuses to rest with his royal butt on the throne!

There is an official wizard of New Zealand.


In 1990, Prime Minister NE

He was even given an annual subsidy.

He is even given the Queen's service medal for his lifetime service for the community.

A apple, potatoes and onions are the same if you eat them with your nose plug.


Now is often aware that at least 80% SE

Because of this, if you block the feeling that many things will really have the same, or at least quite close to death.

In this case, it was tested on many different people with blindfolded and plugged in the nose.


It was a common misconception that Vincent Van Gogh only sold a picture in his life.



Many people claim this is the only picture he sells throughout his life, but this is far from the truth.


He also exchanged many pictures throughout his life with friends in exchange for art appliances, or even food.

The closest precise request with the common legend will be he only made a large sales, red vineyard.

You may also like 30 interesting facts about Vincent Van Gogh.

A company in Poland made food out of wheat, so yo


Food created from wheat bran, is part of wheat nucleus.

The reason they create the plate out of wheat bran to get started is not only edible - it is also completely biodegradable!

While plastic food may take centuries to decompose, if it is created from wheat bran, it can take thirty days - say goodbye to feel guilty about using food

At the time they do plate, bowl and even cutlery - all

Ordinary people step up five times worldwide in their lives.



AVERUMING THE AVERAGE PERSON LIVES UNTIL THEY'RE 80 It Works Out That You Will Walk About 110,000 Miles (177,027 km) In Your Lifetime.

The Circumference of the Earth at the Equator is 24,900 miles (40,072 km).

So provide you with a normal person, who has average advances and live an average time period, it is completely possible to equivalent to five times around the earth

Michael Jackson proposed to create a Harry Potter musical, but the offer was rejected.


Michael Jackson, like many others around the world, is a bit of a retailer.

He saw the opportunity to turn books into a musical and throw ideas for J.K Rowling.

For better or worse, Rowling just didn't see it as something would be unbelievable and reject it.

In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Rowling protected his decision, said she refused a lot of adaptive opportunities and Michael Jackson was just one of them.

The world record to stuff straw to drink into your mouth at the same time is 650.


On August 25, 2018, Nataraj Karate broke the world record to stuff 650 drinking straws in the mouth at the same time!

Karate broke the world record in Tamil Nadu, India, making him the second consecutive Indian to break the world record.

To break the record, he must keep the pipe in his mouth at least 10 seconds.

This makes the seventeen time that this profile has been broken so far!

Nutella was invented as soon as WWII ended because chocolate is very exp


The availability of chocolate is too low because most world armies have enacted chocolate women for their soldiers.

The lack of supply leads many people to try new creative approaches.

Such a person has been looking for a solution for the chocolate crisis Pietro Ferrero.

He gave an idea in 1946 for the spread made of a very small amount of chocolate and lots of cheap nuts.

His idea is not really new, but his recipe, making it much more affordable for regular folk!

The last Nutella product created by his son pushed the formula to perfection in 1964.



Back in 2011, social networks like FA

They don't know what anything you post online is there to stay, even when

References for social networks are increasing when it comes to divorce cases, as well as children's cultivation cases.

Follow Genesis 1: 20-22, Chicken come in front of the egg.



In the Genesis book, it stated that God created all living creatures, and even continued to indicate that he created all birds and then instructed them to go out and increase the number

How do birds increase the number you can ask?

By lay.

Ants leave the map for other ants when they walk.


Ants leave Pheromone roads when they follow the map for other antagonists, meaning they can move their fastest path to their food or honeycomb sources.

The more girls go along that route, the map is stronger than others to follow, so even if some ants are temporarily lost, they will often find their way home.

The great thing is that the ants don't smell the smell of pheromone, but discover them with their antenna!

Tears contain a natural analgesic drug, relieve pain and improve your mood.


The next time you find yourself a bit sad and almost like tears, maybe it's time to stop holding them and just to all out!

The Expl.

Endorphin is a natural pain reliever and natural mood of our bodies

So the next time you feel the need to break, don't be afraid!

It was a common misconception that care had forgotten where they hid about half of their seeds.


You may have seen the truths that care forget where they hide their half of their internet circulation, but it turns out this is simply improper.

In fact, the squirrels are really good at remembering where they take their food.


This is really because they will always prepare for the worst case.

So they often put a lot of more food in case of long winter or in the case of other animals dig up some of their stash!

Male cats have tails longer than female cats.


This is not due to anything special, though - instead, male cats have longer tails just because they, average, larger than female cats.

The cat tail is often proportional to their body, so a larger body means a larger tail.

On the average male cat tail measured about 11 inches (28 cm) while the cat's cat's tail is about 9.9 inches (25 cm)!




Dolly Parton used to participate in a queen competition pulled by Dolly Parton theme on one

While many other participants have spent months or even years to refine their costumes

She made her hair

Interesting fact: Dolly Parton said that if she was born, a man, she might have been stretching!

George W. Bush used to be a cheerleader.


The most surprising thing about this fact is George W. Bush is not the only American

In 1963, he attended the Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts.

And it was there he was photographed wearing a short skirt and fake breasts stuffing his sweater t

While this really intends to render another school's team, it creates a great story!

In total, there are 205 bones in the skeleton of a horse.


While horses can be much larger than our simple people



Coca-Cola once bought all website URLs that can be read as AHH, all ways up to 62 hours.


In 2013 Coca-Cola tried to win more than a thousand years with a digital campaign, because they found that sales for this demographics were lower than others.


While their advertising campaign is finally a great success, it seems that the site has been disabled.

You can read more interesting facts about Coca-Cola here!

Every year there are more than 40,000 injuries related to toilets in the United States.


This can come as a little shocked to you, but the injury of this type is much more popular than you think!

Some injuries are really uncomfortable, such as children or babies falling from the toilet.

But then there are other injuries, like the toilet collapses physically because the weight of the person sitting on it.

Strawberries can be red, yellow, blue or white.


This not only includes different mature stages of strawberries, however, but talk about that first.


To replace

Strawberries in yellow or white, on the other hand, are really just different strawberries!



It is something against the logic at first, but there are some beautiful sol

While the original of the game


Mew itself can only be purchased in original red and green pokémon through special events.


Four people living in a house for 6 months are infected about 2,000 brown hidden spiders, but none of them are compromised.


If you have Arachnophobia, just stop reading it, please.

When the Barger's family moved to an old limestone house in Kansas City, they didn't know what they had received themselves.

Sure, they discovered a few spiders, but they didn't start paying attention until they reached a brown hidden spider, a spider with a high venom was claimed to be the cause of tens of thousands


In the six-month period, Recl 2,055 brown has collected Barger


Madonna was brontophobia, which was a fear of thunder.


While this sounds like a fear of Brontosauruses, it is really because the "Bronto" part in both words means thunder!

Anyway, Madonna's fear is a very practical condition and often paralyzed.

In fact, she was afraid of lightning and thunder that she was known to regularly ask common weather reports before her programs.

Interesting fact: The fear of thunder is also known as Astaphobia, Astrapophobia, Keraunophobia or Tonitrophobia.

In June 2017, the Facebook community reached 2 billion active users.


This is

Since then, Facebook's growth has slowed quite a lot, with about 2.6 billion users who actively access the network by 2020.

One reason for this is simply a lot of people around the world - and with more than 2.6 billion users have more than a third of the world's population!

Samuel L. Jackson asked a purple Lightaber in the war between why he accepted the part as Mace Windu.


Samuel L. Jackson is a bit of a self-proclaimed enthusiast, so it's not surprising that he has a personal call for George Lucas to take him into suspiciously.

Jackson wanted to find himself on the screen in big battle scenes, so he had a special request to Lucas.

Lucas was originally refused, said that Lighting people could only be blue, green or red - Fortunately for fans of Lightaber purple fans, he finally changed thought

Paraskavedekatriaphobia is a fear of Friday 13.


Friday 13 is mostly considered unlucky in Western culture, and may even have roots back to Nordic mythology.

Although the actual origin of this superstition is, it is well established in the 20th century that any sixth that happened on the 13th of any month will be full of unfortunately.

It is usually held, even its obsession.


You can learn much interesting facts about Friday 13 here!



Kleenex brand is really part of a larger company, Kimberly-Clark, starting as a paper factory in late 19th century.

With the beginning of WWI and the first large-scale

In the kleenex tissue, a newly developed thin cotton material is made of wood pulp.

One of the first uses of tissue like a filter can be replaced in the gas mask, making it a life invention!

In 1998, Sony accidentally sold 700,000 technologies to watch through everyone's clothes.


It turns out that Sony's mistake is quite naive, because the cameras are designed to be able to take better scenes in the dark.

Dù bằng cách nào, ngay khi họ nhận ra lỗi của họ, họ đã cố gắng nhớ lại tất cả các máy ảnh, làm cho nó thu hồi sản phẩm lớn nhất của họ cho đến nay.

The camcorder was able to see through clothes because they were equipped with the ability to record in infrared.

It was soon discovered that by using the camera on this settings in the day a cou

Throughout your life, you will spend about seventy nine tooth brushing.


As everyone should know very well on this point, it will result

The first step towards this is brushing your teeth twice a day, in two minutes once.

Now, the average life expectancy in the US is about 79 years.

Four minutes to brush your teeth a day for a year is 1,460 minutes, just over a day to brush your teeth every year.

So if you live for 79 years, then you will brush your teeth in a total of seventy nine days!




When McDonald opened their first restaurant in Japan, they realized they had a problem.

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What are they calling Hamburglar, can you ask?