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  • Sunday, March 9, 2025

15 dangerous legends on climate change

Unless you are living under a rock, you will probably hear about climate change.

Usually confused with global warming, climate change is a change in

These changes also affect the surface of the earth include soil, ocean and ice mines.

It's safe to say that climate change is a very, huge problem, but a lot of Earth citizens know very little about it.

In this software, it is important to be informed about problems and do what is possible to help prevent it.

Let's take a look at some of the biggest legends and the most important truths in easy fashion breaking, whether themselves or share with your conservative uncle on Christmas.



As much as we can try and wish it away, climate change here to stay until we do something about it.

The ball is warming up, and CL

As of 2016, the hottest decade was recorded from 2006 & 2016.

The earth is currently in one of the biggest changes of climate in its history, and the sphere is heating up at a 10-fold speed compared to ever recorded.

Climate always changes, this is nothing new.


The climate of the Earth has changed a lot in the past 4.5 billion years and changes nothing new to us.

Although this can be true, these changes have always happened on such an extremely long period of time.

Changes usually occur across millions of years are happening at a much faster speed than decades.

While climate change may not be something new, human-generated climate change is.

Called climate change, these changes have increased at a rapidly worrying speed since the start of the industrial revolution, when we started spraying out never before

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Although the truth is that the earth can adapt to extreme changes, unfortunately not a quick procedure.

We will not develop bearing and able to withstand harsh weather in the next 50 years, I am very sad to say.

Changes can occur through evolution often taking place on Millennia, not decades.

The harsh reality here is that instead of the species adapted to the changing environment, we are in the middle of one of the greatest extinctions in all human history.

Climate change is only a conspiracy and climate scientists only in it to get cash.




For this plot is true, it will require tens of thousands of global scientists to be paid.

Unfortunately here is that most scientists working in areas related to climate change can earn the same thing, or even more if they work elsewhere.

Renewable energy depends on weather and less reliable fossil fuels.


Renewable energy sources such as solar farms and winds are quite often required by non-reliable climate change deniers, and therefore are not a real replacement for fossil fuels.


The same is true for a solar farm

Renewable energy sources as these sources are never used in isolation.

In general, a variety of sources are used to ensure the optimal amount of energy is created at all times to stable grid.

In addition, there are many different technologies that can exploit this energy and store it, so that it can be used in less optimal weather conditions.

Technology is not perfect, but it's much better than destroying our planet.

Building wind turbines using more energy it can produce.


Another request from climate change critics is that it takes up much more energy to build renewable sources such as wind turbines compared to the level that can be created in their can operate life.

This is a completely uncertainty

As a review published in 2010 the wind turbine truly produces an average of 20-25 times the amount of energy needed to build T

The data set used for this evaluation is taken from 119 turbines across 50 websites worldwide for a period of 30 years.

Still cold, so climate change must be a trick.



It is not scientifically incorrect because this claim is, unfortunately, it's a popular arrow in trembling of people who do not believe climate change.

As we have experienced, climate change affects the weather in different ways.

It means Harsher weather in general, and this can really make it colder than usual on occasions.

Climate change will not be a matter of centuries.


Back when the first climate change began to be paid attention and gained scientific relevance in 1970, it was thely theized that its impacts would not affect us much until a few


In 40 years since it became a common discussion point between scientists, it had some very practical effects.

Sea level has increased, causing increased flooding in areas at risk.

Records of these temperatures have been kept since 1880 and by 2018, the hottest 9 years have been recorded from 2005 to 2018.

Ice in Antarctica is growing, scientists are lying to us!


Unless you are living under a rock, you may have heard the claims from climate change scientists that the tape hats are melting, and they will be the cause of the series flooding on

This request is true, of course, but skeptics will quickly indicate that the ice in Antarctica is really growing, not narrowed.

The bands they mentioned despite the sea ice, not tape.

When the soil melts, the water flows into the sea.

When the ice dissolves, the ocean grows up, and that's not a small problem!

China is a problem;


It has been reported that China is the leading manufacturer of Greeh

While part of that can be true, China is also one

Another thing to note is that although China produces the most greenhouse gas, this country also produces a large amount of goods for the rest of the world.

China produces a lot of goods for export purposes that in 2015 they are producing about 20% of goods worldwide, creating more than 2 trillion USD annually.

Anyway, climate change will not affect me, so why bother?




These people believe it can affect other places in the world and the animal will be affected, but they will keep safe for years to come.

Unfortunately for them, that's not the case.

Storms, tornadoes, floods, and all natural disasters are becoming more

If that doesn't scare you, please catch this - it is expected that by 2050 California may take about 40% of the annual avocady production.

Tree consumes carbon dioxide, so they will solve the problem for us.


Although it is true that the plant needs carbon dioxide to pass the photosynthesis, generating the energy needed for them to grow, they don't consume enough.

Unfortunately, plants can only use all we spit into the atmosphere.

When we are even more and more annual plants for agricultural purposes, we reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that can be absorbed.

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not entirely a bad thing, because it has helped keep the planet warm enough to maintain life on earth.

The problem is a large amount of things produced by people, and now there are a lot that too late only to grow a few more trees.

Not all scientists agree on climate change.



According to a study in 2010, only 1 percent of related scientists declined the idea of climate change.

In 2013, an extremely widespread study was conducted, considering all scientific articles that were evaluated on par with the announced on the topic of climate change.

Of the 4,013 articles published, only 83% of complaints were denied reality.

On the other hand, 3,894 other articles have been agreed upon, showing evidence of human-caused climate change.

Sunspots are the cause of climate change.


The storm on the surface of the sun is often accompanied by the sunlight and the magnetic extra masculine fever is called black spots,


The amount of energy from the sun smashed into the earth was recorded by scientists using satellite sensors since 1978.

This data was analyzed and it was found did not increase.

Therefore, black spots cannot be the cause of climate C

Climate change cannot stop, it's too late!


The worst legend of all

This only single legend is the most crude in all, because there are a large number of educated people on this topic and believe in the fact of all, but

When the world is increasingly aware of the problems around the climate change, it is extremely important, we start acting at a larger scale.

Climate change can be stopped.

The more we put it for a long time, the worse will happen before the problem starts to cool down again.

Summary is

Climate change is one of the biggest problems in which humans have met, and if we continue to live the way we do, that may be our last.

That doesn't mean all lost, though.

We can only hope that when many wise people come to harsh reality, the sooner we can start overcoming the damage and reversing the process.