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10 surprising health benefits of coffee

Once upon a time, coffee had a bad rap and laughed at.

However, coffee is currently due.

It turns out that a person's daily delicious cup has many surprising health benefits.

Here are 10 of the most surprising health benefits of drinking coffee.

Coffee is filled with antioxidants.



Those who guess the berries, or more commonly known as coffee beans, will be right.

According to Medical News Today, there are no other sources of antioxidants that can touch coffee in this respect.

Also, it doesn't matter if one drinks decaf or regular coffee.

Both versions of this delicious brown beverage have the same antioxidant effects.

The disease-fighting antioxidants in coffee, called quinines, come into play when they're roasted.

And because Americans drink too much coffee, they get extra doses of antioxidants due to the sheer amount of coffee they choose to drink.

Coffee helps prevent diabetes.


Data from 15 separate studies of coffee shows some pretty solid evidence that drinking this popular beverage can prevent diabetes, according to WebMD.

Frank Hu, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard, commented on the results of nine different studies on the relationship between type 2 diabetes and coffee.

Studies have followed nearly 200,000 people who admit to drinking six or more cups of coffee per day.

The results showed that these people were 35% less likely to develop / develop type 2 diabetes than those who drank less coffee per day.

Results were consistent across the board, regardless of the person's geographical location (in Europe and the United States), weight, sex, and other factors.

Additional research done in Australia shows that for every cup of coffee a person drinks each day, their risk of type 2 diabetes decreases by 7%.

Coffee is a cup of happiness!


Healthline.com reports that people who consume more than four cups of coffee per day experience depression at a lower rate than those who don't.

People who drink 4 cups of coffee a day reduce their risk of depression by 20%.

Additionally, another study, which followed more than 200,000 people, who said they drank four or more cups of coffee per day, were 53% less likely to die from suicide.

This is great news for those who mix a whole pot of coffee and drink it all day by day.

Drinking coffee helps to protect your liver.


Talking about people who drink four or more cups of coffee per day… These people have also shown a reduced risk of liver disease.

A follow-up study of coffee drinkers found that coffee drinkers reduced their risk of cirrhosis by 22%.

It is thought that coffee must have an ingredient that protects the liver against liver disease, including cirrhosis caused by drinking alcohol.

Furthermore, the results of a study, published in the journal Hematology, show that even drinking decaf coffee can decrease enzyme levels in the liver.

This led the researchers to conclude that the liver health benefits found in coffee are not related to its caffeine content.

People who want to reduce their risk of developing liver disease can drink two or more cups of coffee a day to reduce their risk of liver disease by almost 70%.

Coffee helps your liver in many ways!


As if reducing the risk of liver disease was not good news, researchers in Italy concluded that some coffee drinkers reduced their risk of liver cancer.

People who drink three or more Joe cups per day can reduce their risk of liver cancer by 50% or more.

Coffee is an excellent source of vitamins.


Some people hate taking vitamins every day: The number of pills a person needs to take to stay healthy may actually increase.

However, coffee drinkers get a bit of extra nutrition through their daily cup of coffee.

One cup contains the following nutrients:

Coffee gives you more exercise performance.


Many people will not think of drinking a java cup before going to the gym or jogging.

On average, those who exercised consumed caffeine prior to training showing an 11% to 12% increase in performance.

Drinking coffee helps increase the effectiveness of fat loss.


Related to the fact that coffee containing caffeine can increase exercise performance is its ability to help the body burn fat.

Drinking coffee can increase your body's adrenaline levels.

Once the body breaks down these excess fats, it can use them for fuel.

Coffee helps you smarter?


For those looking to boost their brain power, the genius's origins may lie in their morning cup of coffee alone.

The caffeine in coffee blocks adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter.

This increases the release of norepinephrine and dopamine, which are powerful neurotransmitters.

Simply put, this increases the power of the brain to function.

Coffee can help you live longer!


Who doesn't want to live longer?

The greatest reduction in the risk of death occurred in those who drank more than less coffee.

Final thoughts on drinking coffee for health:


Coffee is not only one of the most popular drinks in the world, it also plays a very good role in health.

From helping to reduce your risk of diseases, like type 2 diabetes and liver cancer to increasing your body's ability to lose weight, the benefits are numerous.

People who drink four or more cups of coffee a day have been shown to reap the most health benefits, making them not only acceptable, but even smart, to drink plenty of coffee per day.

A person's health depends on it.