10 interesting facts about the number 3
Over the ages, people have assigned many facts to numbers.
Theology, superstition, important dates and many other things stick to different numbers, in some cases they mean a lot!
Today let's take a look at 10 interesting facts about number 3
In a baseball game, a batter will be disqualified if he hits three times.
Number three is considered a lucky number in Chinese culture.
In Norse mythology, it is said that there will be a series of three extremely harsh winters leading up to Ragnarok.
The term "hat-trick" is used in many different sports, with each meaning associated with the number three.
The atomic number of the lithium chemical element is three.
Most of the colors that humans can see can be created from combinations of just three colors.
Anything called three dimensions is something that takes up space in three different dimensions.
It is considered unlucky to light three cigarettes with the same match.
Another way to write three has been created to avoid potential confusion and forgery.
It was often believed that in early civilization when humans first learned to count, we had one word for one, one word for two, but instead of one word for three, we had one word for "many."
It's easy to see for a few such as three reasons why it is so ubiquitous in our daily lives, our history, superstition and culture.
After all, it's the third number, and the third it's a predestined relationship, isn't it?
Going third is not as good as finishing first or second, but scoring three points in many sports is a hat-trick.
I like to see the positives of a number instead of the possible negative, what about you?