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10 crazy truth about your teeth

Teeth are used daily, usually do not have us even realized or realized reality.

From opening difficult packs, to slash down different foods, our teeth are a versatile tool available to us since childhood.

Although the fact is almost everyone with teeth, or with teeth, there are still many mysteries and misconceptions around them.

So educate and surprise yourself with ten crazy truth about your teeth below!

Todateth, or tattoos for your teeth, is a real thing.


With all the radical things, you can do with your body these days, your teeth tattoo is probably one of the most strange things.

Tattoos don't really apply to a person's real teeth.

In fact, they are simply tattoos on hats or crowns.

Icons, images or images of anything you want can be placed on the cap before it is put into the mouth.

So yes, you can have pictures of your beloved cat on your teeth.

It is cheaper to get dreads than to transplant.


Implants, believe it or not, much more expensive than dentures.

Every time a tug is pulled and a new one is implanted in its position, it costs about $ 2,000.

If a simple person has all their teeth removed and dentures put into place, the cost will be about 1,000 dollars.

While having your own teeth have its benefits, more because there is a social discrimination placed on without them, getting a new pearl white separator with a half price of a tooth

You can never, ever replacing yeast, regardless of which toothpaste promises.


Unlike our hair or nails, if the enzy is broken or removed by all means, it cannot grow again.


Different toothpaste and mouthwash promise "restore your teeth" or "reinforce your enamel", however this is only partly right.

No toothpaste is not mouthwash also does not bring your enamel, but it can cause calcium associated with enamel and patching weaknesses.

You can be born tooth loss.


While there are all thirty-two pearl white people present and occupy seemingly to you, consider it a luxury.

There are many individuals born to simply lack a tooth.

Because your teeth are formed before you are born (called milk teeth when they come), these lost teeth are obviously from the full entire time of the baby to appear!

When a person reaches their mature years, these gaps will never be filled.

A famous actor, Ed Helms (playing STU in the movie "is actually born with a missing tooth, which is why he can have a distance in the movie!

Wisdom teeth are removed because of reducing function size.


For individuals born with wisdom teeth, they can see that their function is simply too small and they must remove them.

Deleting wise teeth is a very common fact and reflecting changes in the human body in the past few years or more.

Wisdom teeth are very back teeth and are used to crush and crush our food.

However, when the body size has decreased, therefore, the function size makes it important for wisdom teeth will be removed and stand out when the teeth are absent when birth.

You can develop more than 200 teeth thanks to an odontoma!


If you think will go to the dentist to have a single tooth sound, then imagine if you go and they draw more than two hundred!

Thanks to a unique and benign tumor in the dental area, individuals with odonnoma can develop teeth wherever odontoma is located.

Some poor boys from India are put into a seven-hour surgery to remove about 230 teeth!

Baby teeth are not lost until one person is about twelve years old.



These teeth will stay with that child until they come to the years before their teens.


Parents do not have many importance to dental care for babies and toddlers can leave their teenage with deep and painful tooth decay.

This may cause dental problems to continue when their mature teeth begin to come.

Cao dentists recommend brushing their teeth as soon as they appear.

Oral health is associated with general health.



Surprisingly, how many risk factors for diseases and conditions also play a human oral health factor.

Poor diet leads to not only dental compartments and problems, but also obesity, stroke, diabetes and more.

In addition, things like stretches can show symptoms in the mouth with down teeth and periodontal disease.

However, this stress can also cause cardiovascular disease.

Conflicts in literally can kill you.


It sounds scary, but that's true.

Your mouth is very close to your sinuses and the main arteries run to your heart.

Teeth infections can be easily spread into the blood and pumped throughout your body with the assistant of your heart or sinus.

Always go to the dentist when you feel abscesses or some types of infections.

You will spend about thirty-eight days in total brushing.


That's right, thirty-eight days your life will be dedicated to brushing your teeth.

Tooth brushing from newborns to real old age combined!
